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Hey everyone! So, had the lapband yesterday at the OCC with Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez, who may I say are very two hot men, always a perk! I cannot say what a wonderful exprience it was and continues to be as I am here just resting at the Lucerna.

My fiance and I parked at the Border Parking as we drove in from Long Beach and it only took us less than two hours to get here. The shuttle was already there waiting for us and when we stepped in, a prior patient, Kristy her mother, Billlie who was gettin banded that day too, greeted us with their gorgeous smiling faces. You two are awesome!

The OCC is literally right into the border, so close that I looked to my left side to catch the beginning of the long line of cars returning to the U.S when the van stopped and to my shock we had arrived already.

The hospital is super clean. The staff is wonderful, so professional and personable. I felt so loved ad taken care of. My room was great! I felt like I was at home with a mini sofa and a flat-panel screen tv and one of those meditation water gadgets that play relaxing sounds. My fiance was blown away because he was apprehensive about the entire thing and especially because it was of course, in Mexico. Dr. Ortiz's mother came in and was such a sweetheart to put a blanket on me. Then came in Dr. Ortiz and followed Dr. Martinez who individually consulted with me. They are a plethera of information.

What I did learn though from the doctors is that I asked about the actual lapband itself and they said they stopped using the regular lapband and are now using the newest technology of the band which i called the REALIZE band. They have been using this new one for the last two months and Dr. Ortiz told me that they and a doctor in Georgia are the first ones to use it. It's manufactured by Johnson&Johnson so I gotta look into that.

The procedure went smoothly and I decided to leave the same day of surgry and leave for Hotel Lucerna right after. The first night was uncomfortable for me as I have a lot of gas pain and I had to take a sleeping pill along with the pain meds they adminstered through my i.v. before I left. I sipped on some of their good chicken broth before going to bed but only a few spoonfulls. Same thing today with also a few sips of apple juice. I kinda feel nauseacous but maybe it's just because I'm tired but the gas is keeping me up. My tummy keeps rumbling so I'm trying to keep sipping my soup. I'm gonna get some popsicles later.

Ooh, I also discovered that room service is free here at the Lucerne for whatever you want to order, which of course would be mostly for your companion as my fiance did, ordering hoards of delicious food while the smell and sight of it was torcher. You only have to pay gratuity. It's nice because we don't even have to leave the hotel room.

Does anyone know how long this gas thing lasts and if being nauseacous is okay? I'm thinking it's moreso my port area and that pain is just traveling.

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WELCOME to Bandland!

Ahh...that is why I had decided to stay at the clinic over night to be pampered and watched over by the nurses/docs for any discomfort or the food temptation and to encourage me to walk often to get rid of any gas bubbles I may have, which I had very little of. Everyone reacts differently on their gas issue...some lasts between a few days to a few weeks. But thing to do is not to drink anything that can cause gas; sip, sip, sip your liquids; WALK, WALK, WALK every chance you can. Don't do long walks, but several mini walks; and do not sit for long periods of time as gas bubbles likes to 'lurk and hang' around the shoulder/chest areas. Keep moving as much as you can to get the bubbles moving and eventually they will be gone.

Keep the focus, stay on course with Dr. Miranda's 21 day calendar. If you have any concerns, make sure you contact OCC to assist. Keep a daily journal of your weight loss and set some small, reachable goals. Once you've met your goals, reward/treat yourself with a manicure or something small. Re-write your goals as you've acheive them.

Good luck and keep us posted on your weight loss...you are in for an amazing ride!! Jazzy!!

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WELCOME to Bandland!

Ahh...that is why I had decided to stay at the clinic over night to be pampered and watched over by the nurses/docs for any discomfort

Yup! me too. it's so great there I can't see why anyone would want to leave. Even tho I felt good coming out. That night I was walking the halls and needed chicken broth & Ya know what The nurse was there to help me Thank God, It was just a relief, Plus you paid for it!

Oh well I like be pampered, taking care of.....

Lea - Glad that you were able to see what we all been telling you, And No one steered you wrong. OCC is awesome, Hope all goes well & Good Luck with your weight loss

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Hey everyone! So, had the lapband yesterday at the OCC with Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez, who may I say are very two hot men, always a perk! I cannot say what a wonderful exprience it was and continues to be as I am here just resting at the Lucerna.

My fiance and I parked at the Border Parking as we drove in from Long Beach and it only took us less than two hours to get here. The shuttle was already there waiting for us and when we stepped in, a prior patient, Kristy her mother, Billlie who was gettin banded that day too, greeted us with their gorgeous smiling faces. You two are awesome!

The OCC is literally right into the border, so close that I looked to my left side to catch the beginning of the long line of cars returning to the U.S when the van stopped and to my shock we had arrived already.

The hospital is super clean. The staff is wonderful, so professional and personable. I felt so loved ad taken care of. My room was great! I felt like I was at home with a mini sofa and a flat-panel screen tv and one of those meditation water gadgets that play relaxing sounds. My fiance was blown away because he was apprehensive about the entire thing and especially because it was of course, in Mexico. Dr. Ortiz's mother came in and was such a sweetheart to put a blanket on me. Then came in Dr. Ortiz and followed Dr. Martinez who individually consulted with me. They are a plethera of information.

What I did learn though from the doctors is that I asked about the actual lapband itself and they said they stopped using the regular lapband and are now using the newest technology of the band which i called the REALIZE band. They have been using this new one for the last two months and Dr. Ortiz told me that they and a doctor in Georgia are the first ones to use it. It's manufactured by Johnson&Johnson so I gotta look into that.

The procedure went smoothly and I decided to leave the same day of surgry and leave for Hotel Lucerna right after. The first night was uncomfortable for me as I have a lot of gas pain and I had to take a sleeping pill along with the pain meds they adminstered through my i.v. before I left. I sipped on some of their good chicken broth before going to bed but only a few spoonfulls. Same thing today with also a few sips of apple juice. I kinda feel nauseacous but maybe it's just because I'm tired but the gas is keeping me up. My tummy keeps rumbling so I'm trying to keep sipping my soup. I'm gonna get some popsicles later.

Ooh, I also discovered that room service is free here at the Lucerne for whatever you want to order, which of course would be mostly for your companion as my fiance did, ordering hoards of delicious food while the smell and sight of it was torcher. You only have to pay gratuity. It's nice because we don't even have to leave the hotel room.

Does anyone know how long this gas thing lasts and if being nauseacous is okay? I'm thinking it's moreso my port area and that pain is just traveling.

My gas pains lasted about 3-4 days! I found that putting a heating pad on my shoulders helped the most. I know how much pain that was1 I remember barely even noticing the pain of my band, just the gas pains. Good Luck, It will all get better from here!

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Ugh.... That damn shoulder pain - WHAT A PAIN IT WAS!!!!! I'm 12 days post-op and yesterday (Day 11) was the 1st day without any shoulder pain. Although I didn't do any "extra" walking per se, shuffling 3 kids as part of my regualr routine was plenty of walking. AND, I continued with Tylenol 2x a day for the 1st week like clock-work b/c the pain was that unbearable. But as everyone has said, it will go away - I PROMISE!!! Whatever you do, don't lie around. Work through it, keep active (safely!), and Tylenol / Advil to help you along. But again - It will go away... :D

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Congrats!!!! Welcome to the other side!!!!

Yeah, with gas it is so hard to say. I had it for almost two weeks and I still get it now and again. For some reason I woke up Friday night around 3am and had it bad in my left shoulder. One of those quirky things with the band!

Best of luck and keep us up to date on your progress!


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Hi Lea! I just read your profile and almost cried. I can realte on so many levels. Cheers to your new beginning! Be well.


Hi Sabrina! I didn't mean to bring you to tears, just myself ;) It can be such a battle but with people such as yourself who know what it's like and are there to support me, I know that it can only get better from here! :D

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Ugh.... That damn shoulder pain - WHAT A PAIN IT WAS!!!!! I'm 12 days post-op and yesterday (Day 11) was the 1st day without any shoulder pain. Although I didn't do any "extra" walking per se, shuffling 3 kids as part of my regualr routine was plenty of walking. AND, I continued with Tylenol 2x a day for the 1st week like clock-work b/c the pain was that unbearable. But as everyone has said, it will go away - I PROMISE!!! Whatever you do, don't lie around. Work through it, keep active (safely!), and Tylenol / Advil to help you along. But again - It will go away... :D

KSK! I gotta tell you, you're the reason why I found out about Dr. Ortiz and I wanted to THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! About a month ago, I looked into the lapband and I was told right away that I wasn't going to be covered because of my low BMI and I was so frustrated and I googled about low BMI's and your post came up on this forum asking the same damn thing! It's been a whirlwind because here I am, in the land of the banded with you! I keep thinking, if someone wasn't in the same boat as me, feeling the same way, would I be here right now? So, I am so glad you were :P

As for the gas pain, super UUUUGGGGGHHHH! I was in tears the next day in my fiance's arms because of the severe pain that literally took my breath away. I couldn't sleep at all and had to pace back and forth almost through that second night. Nothing helped, not the Gas X nor the pain killer OCC prescribed. The ride back home to Los Angeles, though only two hours away was excruciating for the first hour but luckily I fell asleep the second half. When I got home, I took your advice about the heating pad and along with prescribed Naproxen from my doctor from prior back surgery, I was able to get some rest. So, here I am today at work with my heating pad tucked under my shirt and it's such comfort! Thanks KSK!

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Hey everyone! So, had the lapband yesterday at the OCC with Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez, who may I say are very two hot men, always a perk! I cannot say what a wonderful exprience it was and continues to be as I am here just resting at the Lucerna.

My fiance and I parked at the Border Parking as we drove in from Long Beach and it only took us less than two hours to get here. The shuttle was already there waiting for us and when we stepped in, a prior patient, Kristy her mother, Billlie who was gettin banded that day too, greeted us with their gorgeous smiling faces. You two are awesome!

The OCC is literally right into the border, so close that I looked to my left side to catch the beginning of the long line of cars returning to the U.S when the van stopped and to my shock we had arrived already.

The hospital is super clean. The staff is wonderful, so professional and personable. I felt so loved ad taken care of. My room was great! I felt like I was at home with a mini sofa and a flat-panel screen tv and one of those meditation water gadgets that play relaxing sounds. My fiance was blown away because he was apprehensive about the entire thing and especially because it was of course, in Mexico. Dr. Ortiz's mother came in and was such a sweetheart to put a blanket on me. Then came in Dr. Ortiz and followed Dr. Martinez who individually consulted with me. They are a plethera of information.

What I did learn though from the doctors is that I asked about the actual lapband itself and they said they stopped using the regular lapband and are now using the newest technology of the band which i called the REALIZE band. They have been using this new one for the last two months and Dr. Ortiz told me that they and a doctor in Georgia are the first ones to use it. It's manufactured by Johnson&Johnson so I gotta look into that.

The procedure went smoothly and I decided to leave the same day of surgry and leave for Hotel Lucerna right after. The first night was uncomfortable for me as I have a lot of gas pain and I had to take a sleeping pill along with the pain meds they adminstered through my i.v. before I left. I sipped on some of their good chicken broth before going to bed but only a few spoonfulls. Same thing today with also a few sips of apple juice. I kinda feel nauseacous but maybe it's just because I'm tired but the gas is keeping me up. My tummy keeps rumbling so I'm trying to keep sipping my soup. I'm gonna get some popsicles later.

Ooh, I also discovered that room service is free here at the Lucerne for whatever you want to order, which of course would be mostly for your companion as my fiance did, ordering hoards of delicious food while the smell and sight of it was torcher. You only have to pay gratuity. It's nice because we don't even have to leave the hotel room.

Does anyone know how long this gas thing lasts and if being nauseacous is okay? I'm thinking it's moreso my port area and that pain is just traveling.


Hugs! Congrats on being a bandito. I was banded a few weeks ago. I had gas about a week, but not nearly to the degree I had it in the hospital. As far as nausea...I still have a little BUT I also have the flu right now and last week so I think the nausea is due to the flu, not the band. Now that I'm on solid food today I ate a cheese stick and crackers for breakfast to combat the nausea.

Please let us all know how your exciting journey is progressing!

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