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Weird Confusion with Loosening Fill+Heartburn

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Okay, I'm laying it out on the table. I'm pretty sure I need a small fill tweak. I can eat everything and I'm not tight in the mornings anymore and at night I have to talk myself out of eating the house.

I have a fill scheduled for Thursday morning at the OCC--the problem is this. I am still having heartburn about 2x a week, but I can eat and liquids go down fine and it's more annoying than anything else. Part of me is thinking I should go for the flouroscopy just so the doctor can check to make sure everything's fine. Another small confession...I quit smoking for a about 8 months and lately I've fallen back into the habit...nothing crazy but maybe about 5 per week. Could this be contributing to the heartburn? (I don't need anyone to berate me for smoking. Yes, I know it's bad.) If it is, then I will quit again 'cause I'd rather live without the heartburn.

Does anyone else get heartburn, but your fill is pretty loose? Any advice would be welcome. Thank you!

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I had a really tight fill about 2 weeks ago and the heartburn is finally what made me get the unfill. The heartburn went away for about 3 days and now it is back... I am not tight and I can eat just about anything now as long as a I chew, chew, chew.... When I had my unfill it was checked under flouro and I was told everything looked great. I would love to hear what OCC says about the heartburn... Please keep us posted.

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I do not get heartburn, but going in for the flouroscopy is a good idea to me. I went in for my second fill 2 weeks ago and I was told I was not ready yet. I had to pay $30 for the use of the needle, but I felt reassured once I left. Atleast you can go in or even just email the fill dr. with any questions you may have. Dr. Acosta told me I was not eating enough because I was PBing and feeling full. I had problems with eating slow enough and chewing all the way. I have been eating much better these past 2 weeks, but like you, I can eat almost anything and for some odd reason I crave sweets. I have never been a sweets person. I am confused as to when I should go in for my second fill. I have a big appetite and am not losing any weight.

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I'll let you all know on Thursday...hopefully they won't want to do an unfill. I don't think it's necessary because I'm having no problems eating or drinking, but we'll see. I just want to be under 200 lbs.! Why are these last 3 lbs. tormenting me so? I'm busting my butt at the gym 5x a week and I know I'm probably eating about 1400-1500 calories a day because I've been so hungry over the last 3 weeks.

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I'll let you all know on Thursday...hopefully they won't want to do an unfill. I don't think it's necessary because I'm having no problems eating or drinking, but we'll see. I just want to be under 200 lbs.! Why are these last 3 lbs. tormenting me so? I'm busting my butt at the gym 5x a week and I know I'm probably eating about 1400-1500 calories a day because I've been so hungry over the last 3 weeks.

It is frustrating. I am having a fill on this Saturday. Somedays I can eat too much. I feel like I need a little tweak myself! Cant wait to hear!

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The ONLY time I have had heartburn (so far) since I have been banded was when I was too tight. I went in and had some fill removed and the heartburn ceased to be a problem. I know other posters have said they get heartburn if they eat too close to bedtime.

I do not know if smoking causes heartburn. High acid/spicy food can and I guess coffee can although I have never had a problem with coffee.

Hope you find the answer to your question on Thursday. Let us know how it goes.


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I had heartburn for four or five days about a month ago and posted on here, asking if heartburn always had to equal an unfill. I also called the OCC to talk about my fill level. Dr. Martinez said as long as I can eat normal foods and was not PB'ing, it might just be too much coffee, acidic foods etc. The heartburn went away and I never needed that unfill- but now I need more fill. It's time for a tweak for me too. I'm hoping to get one tomorrow.

I've also been struggling with smoking. After my band, I started smoking one on the way to work and one on the way home from work every Sat/Sun (when I used to hit the drive thru) so it is only four per week, but I know it's a slippery-slope for a former smoker. I threw away the package Sunday and this weekend will be my first weekend going to work without a puff on the way. I will miss the tradition but I don't like how sneaky I have become- and I got the band to prolong my life so smoking really defeats the purpose! Good luck!


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Okay all,

Here's the haps--just got back from the OCC for my fill...which turned out to be a partial unfill. I had 3cc's and he took out 1.5. Ahhhboo. I'm on the liquid/maalox diet for 10 days, then 3 days of soft foods, then back to regular eating. I'm going back for another fill in 4 weeks.

Here's what the Dr. told me...and for all of you blind fills, the beauty of flouroscopy. First he asked me about the heartburn and I was honest and told him that 2-3x a week I wake up with acid in my throat and that for the last 5 weeks I've been sleeping propped on a pillow, but that I've been super hungry and can eat anything for the last 3 weeks. That's why I didn't come in sooner. He flat out tells me that one should NEVER have heartburn/acid reflux with the band. It's supposed to be one of the benefits to having it. If you do, there's most likely a problem. He does the barium swallow before he removes any of the saline and I can see 3/4 of the liquid go through, but the other 1/4 just sits right above my band and then I can see it back up partially into my esophagus. Crazy, huh? Anyway, turns out that bad PB I had on a tortilla 6 weeks ago really irritated my band and it never healed so, I've got irritation above the band/around the pouch and the Dr. told me that I'm lucky that I didn't stretch anything out or do any damage. The band itself looked fine. Even though I'm sad I lost most of my fill, I learned a hard lesson. Do everything you can not to PB!! You really can mess things up that way. Also, the Dr. told me that if I had just gone for a blind fill, because I could eat everything, they would have just given me another fill without knowing that there was a problem and I would have potentially stretched out my pouch/done irreversible damage. I know that this isn't always an option with the fill centers, but if you can get flouroscopy, do it. It's totally worth the peace of mind.

Also, the only charged me $30 which I thought was nice even though they did do a barium swallow.

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He flat out tells me that one should NEVER have heartburn/acid reflux with the band. It's supposed to be one of the benefits to having it. If you do, there's most likely a problem. He does the barium swallow before he removes any of the saline and I can see 3/4 of the liquid go through, but the other 1/4 just sits right above my band and then I can see it back up partially into my esophagus. Crazy, huh? Anyway, turns out that bad PB I had on a tortilla 6 weeks ago really irritated my band and it never healed so, I've got irritation above the band/around the pouch and the Dr. told me that I'm lucky that I didn't stretch anything out or do any damage. The band itself looked fine. Even though I'm sad I lost most of my fill, I learned a hard lesson. Do everything you can not to PB!! You really can mess things up that way. Also, the Dr. told me that if I had just gone for a blind fill, because I could eat everything, they would have just given me another fill without knowing that there was a problem and I would have potentially stretched out my pouch/done irreversible damage. I know that this isn't always an option with the fill centers, but if you can get flouroscopy, do it. It's totally worth the peace of mind.

Also, the only charged me $30 which I thought was nice even though they did do a barium swallow.

AngelaAnn - I am so glad you went in and got everything taken care of. What a relief! I have heard it said before that a bandster should never have heartburn, and that it is one of the benefits of having the band. So this is a good re-enforcement of that fact. Good to know, and I will use it as my fail safe if I have an issue in the future. It does stink to loose a part of your fill, but man I bet you are grateful to have caught it in time. Darn tortilla!

Thanks for letting us know what the scoop was.

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So glad you found what outwhat was going on in time. Thank you for the good information. Sometimes on this forum it sounds like PB is no big deal--but from the sounds of what you went through, it seems obvious that we need to avoid it if at all possible.

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So glad you found what outwhat was going on in time. Thank you for the good information. Sometimes on this forum it sounds like PB is no big deal--but from the sounds of what you went through, it seems obvious that we need to avoid it if at all possible.
I was just thinking the *exact* same thing, tootsie_lou!!
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So glad you found what outwhat was going on in time. Thank you for the good information. Sometimes on this forum it sounds like PB is no big deal--but from the sounds of what you went through, it seems obvious that we need to avoid it if at all possible.

You're right. I, too thought that a PB or two wasn't that big of a deal. But it was the fear of doing irreversible damage that made me realize that you really have to be aware while you're eating and that PBing really is BAD! I'm just afraid of the three weeks after liquids. I really don't want to gain weight, but I'll just have to be hungry...or maybe I'll do the pre-op diet for those three weeks and just deal with the head hunger. I'll figure it out.

I forgot how hard the liquid phase is!! It's only been a day and I'm already hungry. :( Tough lesson was definitely learned...and I vow to take better care of the band.

Quick question for anyone who can answer this or who has advice. I've been working out 5x a week, but should I do less strenous excercise while on the liquids? I already am starting to feel the fatigue of too few calories, but I've had two protein shakes, my protein coffee, lots o' water, some soup, and a gatorade. My stomach is making crazy noises that I haven't heard in awhile. I just don't know if I should cut my workouts to maybe 2x or 3x this next week. I really don't want to faint from too few calories at the gym.

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Hey AngelanAnn,

You really should focus on doing less strenuous exercise while on the liquids and taking less calories; you can burn yourself out and cause fainting and other not fun issues.

Unless you can really pump in the vitamins, and protein I recommend taking it a little bit slower right now. I can’t eat much when traveling, and I found that when I jump back into my exercise class that’s pretty intense I actually can make myself really sick. And then it takes me even longer to get back on track and focused on the programs.

It’s not worth pushing it.

So glad you had everything taken care of and you’re working it now!



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Okay all,

Here's the haps--just got back from the OCC for my fill...which turned out to be a partial unfill. I had 3cc's and he took out 1.5. Ahhhboo. I'm on the liquid/maalox diet for 10 days, then 3 days of soft foods, then back to regular eating. I'm going back for another fill in 4 weeks.

Here's what the Dr. told me...and for all of you blind fills, the beauty of flouroscopy. First he asked me about the heartburn and I was honest and told him that 2-3x a week I wake up with acid in my throat and that for the last 5 weeks I've been sleeping propped on a pillow, but that I've been super hungry and can eat anything for the last 3 weeks. That's why I didn't come in sooner. He flat out tells me that one should NEVER have heartburn/acid reflux with the band. It's supposed to be one of the benefits to having it. If you do, there's most likely a problem. He does the barium swallow before he removes any of the saline and I can see 3/4 of the liquid go through, but the other 1/4 just sits right above my band and then I can see it back up partially into my esophagus. Crazy, huh? Anyway, turns out that bad PB I had on a tortilla 6 weeks ago really irritated my band and it never healed so, I've got irritation above the band/around the pouch and the Dr. told me that I'm lucky that I didn't stretch anything out or do any damage. The band itself looked fine. Even though I'm sad I lost most of my fill, I learned a hard lesson. Do everything you can not to PB!! You really can mess things up that way. Also, the Dr. told me that if I had just gone for a blind fill, because I could eat everything, they would have just given me another fill without knowing that there was a problem and I would have potentially stretched out my pouch/done irreversible damage. I know that this isn't always an option with the fill centers, but if you can get flouroscopy, do it. It's totally worth the peace of mind.

Also, the only charged me $30 which I thought was nice even though they did do a barium swallow.

I just read this after I posted about fleuroscopy too... seems I missed you at the clinic by a day. I just went today. I cant stress it anymore either... get the fleuro! Good to know that your pouch is not stretched.

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I just read this after I posted about fleuroscopy too... seems I missed you at the clinic by a day. I just went today. I cant stress it anymore either... get the fleuro! Good to know that your pouch is not stretched.

I got really lucky. Especially since I was sitting on it for six weeks. Anyway, my pouch was thankfully not stretched and the band was fine, but on the flouro, you could see this weird pooch above the band and that's were the irritation came in and the potential for stretching. I'm dying right now on liquids but, I've made it through the second day. 8 more to go...and I've already lost 2 pounds. Sitting right at 201 now. Not too excited because I know I'm going to have to work really hard to keep from gaining while waiting my fill.

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