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The Terrible Twos

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Everyone knows that one of the major milestones is getting under the 200 lb mark. I have been fighting for this for SO long. I dont think I am ever going to get out of them. I have been struggling to get below since my 6 month weigh in on May 14th. , I was at 207 at 6 months. Well I received fourth fill on Saturday and I just new this monring was going to be the morning.

As soon as my eyes popped open I jumped out of bed and RAN to the scales. Put one foot on them and took it off. Removed all my clothing and thought, hmmm what else can I do, soooooooo I know, go pee!...I went a squeezed everything that I could possible get out..lol and RAN back to the scales. Took a deep breath and step on them. Closed my eyes and opened one eye and then the other, mouth dropped to the floor! 200.0 :angry: !!!!!!!! I was so freaking MAD! ...... 200.0 ......U GOT TO BE JOKING! OMGoshhhhhh am I EVER going to get to 199..lol I started to go put them in front of my car and run them over! but then I thought......tomorrow morning, I have tomorrow morning....Im feeling lucky and I will let everyone know in the morning!

Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me guys!


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I love how animated your post was... lol, I felt like I was right there with you! I can't wait to hear what happens tomorrow! What an accomplishment so far though, congrats to you on your almost under 200 mark!

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I know how you feel--I was so close, got to 201, but since my partial unfill last week and this week of liquids...wouldn't you know it...I gained weight? WTF? Back up to 205. It kills me, just kills me and I don't really know what to do. I just started working out again after my unfill last Thursday, so maybe that's part of it. I just have been feeling like crap all week. :( Well, three more days on liquids then I'm going to have to fight the scale for another three weeks until my fill on July 16th. Ahhhboo.

I know that you will make it to the one hundreds. This is your week. I can feel it. :)

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  SDGIRL said:
Angela, why are you on liquids? I asked Dr. Acosta after my second fill about being on liquids only and he said it wasn't necessary?

I went for my 4th fill last week, but was still having heartburn...long story short (if you want to read the story it's under my post about loosening fill + heartburn) I had serious irritation from PBing that had never healed and about 1/4 of the stuff I was eating/drinking was being pushed back into my esophagus so they took half of my fill out and I'm on the liquid/maalox diet...and apparently gaining weight. I have no idea how I survived the 3 wks. on liquids after the surgery 'cause this is only 1/3 of the time and I'm dying and feel weak and lethargic and trying to workout feeling that way is no bueno. I have terrible gas, both up and down like I had post-op. :( My belly is all bloated.

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What a FUNNY :lol: post.....and, believe me, I could use a good laugh today. I was supposed to get my 4th fill today (scale hasn't moved in weeks) but I ended up pb'ing last night so I thought I'd better cancel. My band has been so out of whack lately... <_< I feel like I have no restriction yet I still PB now and then....on things that just the day before were fine :huh: . On top of that, or perhaps because of that, my stomach is all irritated and achey and I'm hunting all over the internet for what could be wrong with me (gastritis is one complication of banding) and I'm making myself crazy! Warning, if you're a hypochondriac like me, being banded will mean constant worry.

I know that after a bad PB you should go on liquids for 24 hours and I tried today but I only made it until noon and that was it!!! I just wanted to CHEW and I DID....and I pb'd AGAIN!!! :o .Lord knows how I ever survived the 21-day liquid diet. I think I should go on the liquid/maalox diet (how much Maalox do I take?) until things settle but I feel like I just don't have it in me right now. I'm completely stressed for various reasons, and I feel frustrated with my band and totally discouraged....which is stressing me more. I was down to 190 last week and now I'm at 194 and unable to get a fill <_<<_< . Anyway, I'm trying to stay positive and not to feel sorry for myself but I am so worried about what is going on inside my body. I keep thinking there is something wrong despite nothing showing up on fluoro.

Thanks for letting me vent.


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  ValleyGirl said:
What a FUNNY :lol: post.....and, believe me, I could use a good laugh today. I was supposed to get my 4th fill today (scale hasn't moved in weeks) but I ended up pb'ing last night so I thought I'd better cancel. My band has been so out of whack lately... <_< I feel like I have no restriction yet I still PB now and then....on things that just the day before were fine :huh: . On top of that, or perhaps because of that, my stomach is all irritated and achey and I'm hunting all over the internet for what could be wrong with me (gastritis is one complication of banding) and I'm making myself crazy! Warning, if you're a hypochondriac like me, being banded will mean constant worry.

I know that after a bad PB you should go on liquids for 24 hours and I tried today but I only made it until noon and that was it!!! I just wanted to CHEW and I DID....and I pb'd AGAIN!!! :o .Lord knows how I ever survived the 21-day liquid diet. I think I should go on the liquid/maalox diet (how much Maalox do I take?) until things settle but I feel like I just don't have it in me right now. I'm completely stressed for various reasons, and I feel frustrated with my band and totally discouraged....which is stressing me more. I was down to 190 last week and now I'm at 194 and unable to get a fill <_<<_< . Anyway, I'm trying to stay positive and not to feel sorry for myself but I am so worried about what is going on inside my body. I keep thinking there is something wrong despite nothing showing up on fluoro.

Thanks for letting me vent.


I feel your pain...really I do. Anyway, the OCC doc told me to take 2 tablespoons of maalox 3x a day, but if I do that I get the trots so, I've been doing 1 tablespoon 3x daily and now I only get the almost trots. :) But at this point, eh, What are you going to do?

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ok here it the update..... I HATE SCALES!

This morning I woke up not feeling really great about gong and stepping on the scales, however I did. I am now at 201.2. ugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh. I guess it is back to staying off the scales for a couple of days and stop STRESSING on the 199. I know that is the problem and I just need to live life ! Ok so I am not going to weigh until Monday morning and see how I do, this will give me a couple of days to try to keep my mind off of weighing.

Thanks for the posts everyone!

To be continued............ ;)


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  ValleyGirl said:
What a FUNNY :lol: post.....and, believe me, I could use a good laugh today. I was supposed to get my 4th fill today (scale hasn't moved in weeks) but I ended up pb'ing last night so I thought I'd better cancel. My band has been so out of whack lately... <_< I feel like I have no restriction yet I still PB now and then....on things that just the day before were fine :huh: . On top of that, or perhaps because of that, my stomach is all irritated and achey and I'm hunting all over the internet for what could be wrong with me (gastritis is one complication of banding) and I'm making myself crazy! Warning, if you're a hypochondriac like me, being banded will mean constant worry.

I know that after a bad PB you should go on liquids for 24 hours and I tried today but I only made it until noon and that was it!!! I just wanted to CHEW and I DID....and I pb'd AGAIN!!! :o .Lord knows how I ever survived the 21-day liquid diet. I think I should go on the liquid/maalox diet (how much Maalox do I take?) until things settle but I feel like I just don't have it in me right now. I'm completely stressed for various reasons, and I feel frustrated with my band and totally discouraged....which is stressing me more. I was down to 190 last week and now I'm at 194 and unable to get a fill <_<<_< . Anyway, I'm trying to stay positive and not to feel sorry for myself but I am so worried about what is going on inside my body. I keep thinking there is something wrong despite nothing showing up on fluoro.

Thanks for letting me vent.



I truely think the frustation with the band is a big issue for alot of people and I have to remind myself SO often to forget everything and just be Carrie. When I am in a "postive" mood about all of this, is usually when I am not freaking out about the scales not moving and working out. If I set a goal not to weigh for a week or two and work out WHEN I want to work out this seems to help me because I am not in a bad mood because I gotta come home and work out, it is not fun for me right now, so I do it when I want to. This seems to put me in a more postive and better mood, therefore I am not stressed out ALL the time. This is when the weight starts coming off for ME. I know you know your body, but maybe you have gotten yourself so worried that there is something wrong that you are looking for something to be wrong. Try to take a deep breath and not to worry about anything for the rest of the week and see how it works for you. I know that is easier said than done. I do wish you the best and please keep us updates. You have done so great!


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  MyNewLife said:
Everyone knows that one of the major milestones is getting under the 200 lb mark. I have been fighting for this for SO long. I dont think I am ever going to get out of them. I have been struggling to get below since my 6 month weigh in on May 14th. , I was at 207 at 6 months. Well I received fourth fill on Saturday and I just new this monring was going to be the morning.

As soon as my eyes popped open I jumped out of bed and RAN to the scales. Put one foot on them and took it off. Removed all my clothing and thought, hmmm what else can I do, soooooooo I know, go pee!...I went a squeezed everything that I could possible get out..lol and RAN back to the scales. Took a deep breath and step on them. Closed my eyes and opened one eye and then the other, mouth dropped to the floor! 200.0 :angry: !!!!!!!! I was so freaking MAD! ...... 200.0 ......U GOT TO BE JOKING! OMGoshhhhhh am I EVER going to get to 199..lol I started to go put them in front of my car and run them over! but then I thought......tomorrow morning, I have tomorrow morning....Im feeling lucky and I will let everyone know in the morning!

Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me guys!



Hugs to you. I've been there. My lowest weight in the last five years was 200.2. Oh I remember it so well. Then I went on a business trip to a place with cocktails (complimentary) each evening and that was the end of that.

Trust me. You weigh under 200 lbs. a trip to the nail salon for a nail clipping and supercuts for a trim and you're there.

YOU ARE IN ONDERLAND. I love how you called it the terrible 2's. Too funny.

If I had to do it all over again (and eventually I will...) I'd give myself the victory and tuck the scale away for a week or two or three ...whatever feels right... and make my new goal 189!


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  MyNewLife said:
Everyone knows that one of the major milestones is getting under the 200 lb mark. I have been fighting for this for SO long. I dont think I am ever going to get out of them. I have been struggling to get below since my 6 month weigh in on May 14th. , I was at 207 at 6 months. Well I received fourth fill on Saturday and I just new this monring was going to be the morning.

As soon as my eyes popped open I jumped out of bed and RAN to the scales. Put one foot on them and took it off. Removed all my clothing and thought, hmmm what else can I do, soooooooo I know, go pee!...I went a squeezed everything that I could possible get out..lol and RAN back to the scales. Took a deep breath and step on them. Closed my eyes and opened one eye and then the other, mouth dropped to the floor! 200.0 :angry: !!!!!!!! I was so freaking MAD! ...... 200.0 ......U GOT TO BE JOKING! OMGoshhhhhh am I EVER going to get to 199..lol I started to go put them in front of my car and run them over! but then I thought......tomorrow morning, I have tomorrow morning....Im feeling lucky and I will let everyone know in the morning!

Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me guys!


love the story! I'm sure you'll get to Onederland soon!!

keep us posted

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  MyNewLife said:
ok here it the update..... I HATE SCALES!

This morning I woke up not feeling really great about gong and stepping on the scales, however I did. I am now at 201.2. ugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh. I guess it is back to staying off the scales for a couple of days and stop STRESSING on the 199. I know that is the problem and I just need to live life ! Ok so I am not going to weigh until Monday morning and see how I do, this will give me a couple of days to try to keep my mind off of weighing.

Thanks for the posts everyone!

To be continued............ ;)



You are so cute. You are doing an amazing job and you've come so far. Maybe you should take a trip to Victoria Secret so you can see how adorable your figure is? I bet your beating your SO off with a stick! A bedroom date to celebrate your continued success would be the perfect reward for both of you.


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  ValleyGirl said:
What a FUNNY :lol: post.....and, believe me, I could use a good laugh today. I was supposed to get my 4th fill today (scale hasn't moved in weeks) but I ended up pb'ing last night so I thought I'd better cancel. My band has been so out of whack lately... <_< I feel like I have no restriction yet I still PB now and then....on things that just the day before were fine :huh: . On top of that, or perhaps because of that, my stomach is all irritated and achey and I'm hunting all over the internet for what could be wrong with me (gastritis is one complication of banding) and I'm making myself crazy! Warning, if you're a hypochondriac like me, being banded will mean constant worry.

I know that after a bad PB you should go on liquids for 24 hours and I tried today but I only made it until noon and that was it!!! I just wanted to CHEW and I DID....and I pb'd AGAIN!!! :o .Lord knows how I ever survived the 21-day liquid diet. I think I should go on the liquid/maalox diet (how much Maalox do I take?) until things settle but I feel like I just don't have it in me right now. I'm completely stressed for various reasons, and I feel frustrated with my band and totally discouraged....which is stressing me more. I was down to 190 last week and now I'm at 194 and unable to get a fill <_<<_< . Anyway, I'm trying to stay positive and not to feel sorry for myself but I am so worried about what is going on inside my body. I keep thinking there is something wrong despite nothing showing up on fluoro.

Thanks for letting me vent.



Wow...all of my friends are becoming so skinny! I'm so proud of you. I don't know how I survived the liquid diet either...I honestly have no idea. I can't even imagine doing that again.



You look amazing. I love the reunion photos. Just wait...someone, some day will call you a skinny "b" thinking they are insulting you and you will hug and kiss them.


I'm so waiting for that day.

Hang in there. This is a long journey. I believe in you.

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  ValleyGirl said:
What a FUNNY :lol: post.....and, believe me, I could use a good laugh today. I was supposed to get my 4th fill today (scale hasn't moved in weeks) but I ended up pb'ing last night so I thought I'd better cancel. My band has been so out of whack lately... <_< I feel like I have no restriction yet I still PB now and then....on things that just the day before were fine :huh: . On top of that, or perhaps because of that, my stomach is all irritated and achey and I'm hunting all over the internet for what could be wrong with me (gastritis is one complication of banding) and I'm making myself crazy! Warning, if you're a hypochondriac like me, being banded will mean constant worry.

I know that after a bad PB you should go on liquids for 24 hours and I tried today but I only made it until noon and that was it!!! I just wanted to CHEW and I DID....and I pb'd AGAIN!!! :o .Lord knows how I ever survived the 21-day liquid diet. I think I should go on the liquid/maalox diet (how much Maalox do I take?) until things settle but I feel like I just don't have it in me right now. I'm completely stressed for various reasons, and I feel frustrated with my band and totally discouraged....which is stressing me more. I was down to 190 last week and now I'm at 194 and unable to get a fill <_<<_< . Anyway, I'm trying to stay positive and not to feel sorry for myself but I am so worried about what is going on inside my body. I keep thinking there is something wrong despite nothing showing up on fluoro.

Thanks for letting me vent.


Whooops...I forgot to answer your Maalox question. I'm not an expert on this but this may help. Many moons ago, in a land I like to call pre op part one I was told to take 3 tbsp of Maalox at noon the day before my surgery and drink clear liquids "only" for 1 day.

Then stick close to your home.


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