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Tell Me This Is Temporary

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I'M MISERABLE!!!! Today I am 8 days post op and this is by far the worst day. After reading other posts, I think what I'm feeling is gas. It's right around my port area and all up and down my left side through to my back and under my left breast. It started about 0200 this morning. I woke up to what I thought was a heart attack. I couldn't take a breath, I couldn't speak I just lied there in agony. The pain came and went about every 10 minutes. Now it's constant, but not as harsh. I can't stand up straight, it hurts too much. It's a sharp stabbing pain. I'm lightheaded. I'm trying to do some walking since I read that that has helped a lot of you with your pains. I just took some Mylicon that I had left over from my daughter's infancy. I don't know if it'll work or not. I also have some Gripe Water, but that stuff is so nasty I haven't taken it. Has anyone else gotten rid of their gas bubbles with Gripe Water? Does this sound like gas to you? My doctor doesn't get in for a couple of hours, but I plan to call him. I went to see him yesterday for my one week followup and he said everything looked great and that if I'm ready for a fill I can come back at the end of the month and get one. The only comfort is if I put pressure on my left side, kinda like putting pressure on your back when you're in labor. Please tell me this will go away.

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I too, felt pretty crappy around that time after my surgery!

I was getting random heartburn attacks that felt like literal heart attacks!

Things to try:

Heat- heating pad or hot water bottle - really works wonders.

Antacid - The only one that i found even remotely beneficial was Zantac 150. It really helps with that chest pain, which is hard to identify if you're not familiar with heartburn (i know I wasn't!!)

And keep trying to move. This will really help more gas build up in your system ...

I had a lot of gas 'issues' that caused a lot of internal pain.

I know how uncomfortable this is for you, especially when you don't really know why things aren't feeling right. :)

But they will get so much better.

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Have someone or yourself tap on your tummy, and back. This really helps. This is sopposed to break up the gas bubbles. It has always worked for me.

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