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After seeing this photo, I've decided I really really really want a tummy tuck and breast-lift. The rest is fine, but you can see that everything is just hanging from my breasts to the top of my thighs. Ughhh!!!


...by the way, that is a shadow behind my butt, I don't have big lump on my ass, lol!


you know me, wouldn't have to talk to me twice about getting something fixed i don't like lol


Most consultations are free - start checking it out so that you can be armed with all kinds of info when you talk with hubby. At least you were able to decide on a swimsuit - I finally reduced my 15 down to 1 yesterday. Don't be deceived, it wasn't as if I liked all 15 of them, I was just tired of trying them on in the store and listening to screaming children.


Oh, that's an old bathing suit that is way too big in the boobs now- which doesn't help in supporting the sisters at all. The one I actually bought since losing weight is a bikini- although the only place I'll wear it right now is the backyard!!! It's my goal bathing suit for Hawaii in October....and I have a teeny-weenie one that I hope to wear if I get ps one day!



Hi Sabrina, I had a tt and a donut breast lift with silcone implants above the muscle seven years ago. I had It done by Dr. Van Laeken http://www.vanlaeken.com/ she is located in false creek surgical center off broadway and cambie, I loved her, I would go back for more things but she no longer can operate on Americans. I might of paid a fee for the office visit but then got a credit towards the surgery.

I don't regret for a moment having the surgery. Oh by the way I weighed 185 when I had mine done.

They also offer finacing.


I think you are being hard on yourself.

As for me, the TT & breast lift was one of the best things I have ever done. Only problem is I've gained weight and I will probably need to repeat after I get banded 8/12/09... But if I can be thin for the rest of my life it will be worth it.

I know the hubby isn't on board right now, my husband wasn't keen on the expense either but he was very happy after the fact!!!

I wish you the best no matter what your decision is!!!


You are a gorgeous girl. I feel your pain about the TT. I want that and an implant reduction VERY badly...but money is stopping me right now. just keep working towards your goal.

best wishes


Sabrina, talked to my Dr about TT and Breast lift (AKA reduction). He said there are ways to get MSP to pay for both. boobs, easy, just need to have Drs support for back pain (a good Dr will support you). TT, you can make the case that your "apron" (god what an aweful term) is causing skin infections and the Dr can try to get MSP to cover it. The TT is harder, but it is worth a try.

PS he said it only cost about $5000 for a TT in BC if you have to pay. I thought it was way more.



Sabrina, talked to my Dr about TT and Breast lift (AKA reduction). He said there are ways to get MSP to pay for both. boobs, easy, just need to have Drs support for back pain (a good Dr will support you). TT, you can make the case that your "apron" (god what an aweful term) is causing skin infections and the Dr can try to get MSP to cover it. The TT is harder, but it is worth a try.

PS he said it only cost about $5000 for a TT in BC if you have to pay. I thought it was way more.



I tried to get my insurance provider to pay for my TT,, tried the apron, rash and back pain route,, had doctor letters and all the good stuff, but they still said to go @#$% myself. Trying to get insurance to cover you is like talking to the wall. All I can say is Good Luck. You never know, you might just slip by and fall through the cracks and get approval. It's one of those deals where if you don't try, you'll always wonder if you could of got the insurance to pay for it.

Oh, that's an old bathing suit that is way too big in the boobs now- which doesn't help in supporting the sisters at all. The one I actually bought since losing weight is a bikini- although the only place I'll wear it right now is the backyard!!! It's my goal bathing suit for Hawaii in October....and I have a teeny-weenie one that I hope to wear if I get ps one day!


I hear the too big in the boob thing - although they haven't really gone down everything around them has which meant my old suit had no support whatsoever. It didn't look too bad in the butt, but then again it was dry, get it wet and I could be arrested for public indecency. It is now on the floor of my spare bedroom with other items for a future garage sale. Should have gotten rid of it in the last one, but I really like the color and style of it. Some articles of clothing are just flat out hard to part with.

I couldn't bring myself to try on a bikini, but I now understand why small girls with big boobs wear them b/c you can buy different sizes for the top and bottom so as to actually get a good fit. The tankini's were bad enough with the lack of boob support that I couldn't imagine a bikini right now, but put another plastic surgery behind me and I will be tempted to at least try one on, but if I buy one and wear it I will have to make confession to my plastic surgeon b/c I told him I would never be able to wear a bikini and he said I would.

I tried to get my insurance provider to pay for my TT,, tried the apron, rash and back pain route,, had doctor letters and all the good stuff, but they still said to go @#$% myself. Trying to get insurance to cover you is like talking to the wall. All I can say is Good Luck. You never know, you might just slip by and fall through the cracks and get approval. It's one of those deals where if you don't try, you'll always wonder if you could of got the insurance to pay for it.

Hey Dolittle, actually Sabrina and I are in British Columbia, and my Dr has had some patients that have had success getting coverage. We don't deal with insurance, but provincial medical services plan. It's a lot different than in the states. generally if you lose close to 100lbs you can make a case for a TT covered by our healthcare system. The system puts a lot more weight (no pun intended) on the doctors recommendations. Hopefully it will work out for me. I have another 50 lbs before I can consider it though.


Hi Louise! Yes, I'm sure I can get a breast reduction covered easily here in BC (had one paid for 21 years ago, but then gained 100 pounds over 20 years) however, I'd never heard of them paying for tummy tucks!!! I know if you get one at the plastic surgery school at UBC it's only $2000 so I'm looking in to that. I think the first thing I need to do is find a good family doctor!!! I might ask Dr. Manchanda (the fill guy in Surrey) to take me on. Let's keep each other posted (no pun intended) on what we find out.


Hey Dolittle, actually Sabrina and I are in British Columbia, and my Dr has had some patients that have had success getting coverage. We don't deal with insurance, but provincial medical services plan. It's a lot different than in the states. generally if you lose close to 100lbs you can make a case for a TT covered by our healthcare system. The system puts a lot more weight (no pun intended) on the doctors recommendations. Hopefully it will work out for me. I have another 50 lbs before I can consider it though.

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