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Operation Size 10

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:lb14: All,

Well, I have a new strategy/plan that I call Operation Size 10.

On August 1st, I was able to fit into 4 pairs of my size 12's pants/jeans that have been waiting for me to wear again.

Well, I tried on the other near 15 pairs that were left over that I couldn't get on or fit into or get buttoned or even the ones I could get on but could not breathe.

TODAY.... 15 of the size 12's fit me niceley. Woo hoo...

I was very very excited.

So since I fit into the majority of the 12's I had in waiting, well, my new plan is to get into the size 10s I have in waiting as well.

Hence, Operation Size 10... :D

This new goal is set to be in the size by the time I go to Philadelphia in October for my husbands ships commissioning ceremony.

My husband was pretty surprised after seeing me after 4 months and the amount of weight I had lost ( went from size 18+ and down to 12). It was a big boost for my morale.

So now it is time to put myself to the test. I think I have now decided that I am going by size of clothes and how they fit me and not the # on the scale.

Not that I don't get excited to see the number drop, but I do a lot of strength training and endurance training, and the numbers can be deceiving.

Well, I am gonna sign off now.

Hugs to all,


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Congratulations Kristi!

The size of the clothes that I wear really impacts me also. What a great idea to focus on the size and not the scales number. :lb23:


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  MyNewLife said:

Ok...Can I join in on Operation Size 10. I too am in 12's and would LOVE be that much closier to that single diget size!!!!!! WOW, NEVER thought I would be saying that... That is so awesome!

You go Kristi!



Of course you can join in on Operation Size 10. How wonderful that we are the same size right now too. BTW, you look fabulous...

This is awesome to share mutual goals. I too am very excited to be close to the single digits.

One size at a time though, and we will get there!!! :D



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I think my final turning point to go by sizes and not the scale was only in the last couple weeks. The numbers on the scale haven't changed for me and that

kinda irritated me, however realizing that my clothes feel looser and some were about to fall off, meant I must be doing something right. Also the fact that muscle weighs more than fat and I have a lot of muscle in my legs, well, I decided to ignore the scale now.... Unless I have a doctors appointment, I will do my best to avoid the little evil talking demon.. :diablo: LOL....




You can do it! Just follow the rules of the band and in no time you will be in smaller sizes...

I read that you will be getting banded very soon. :lb10:



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  Kristi said:

You can do it! Just follow the rules of the band and in no time you will be in smaller sizes...

I read that you will be getting banded very soon. :lb10:



Thanks Kristi, I will be getting my preop testing done this monday, and am soo excited :)

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  Kristi said:

Of course you can join in on Operation Size 10. How wonderful that we are the same size right now too. BTW, you look fabulous...

This is awesome to share mutual goals. I too am very excited to be close to the single digits.

One size at a time though, and we will get there!!! :D



Thank you for letting me join. You look fabulous yourself! I love having someone there with me to push through. I am trying something this week, I am trying to get my brain wrapped around the fact that I might have to eat a little more calories to get the weight going. That is really hard for me, but it seems like I cant get the scale to move!

Good Luck!


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  MyNewLife said:

Ok...Can I join in on Operation Size 10. I too am in 12's and would LOVE be that much closier to that single diget size!!!!!! WOW, NEVER thought I would be saying that... That is so awesome!

You go Kristi!


Me too...I am a size 12 and I want to join the Operation Size 10 club!!! :P

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With my computer down at home, I can only get on this site at work. I also am in a size 12. What I don't understand is how can I weigh this much and be in a size 12. I have 3 that I bought at Christopher Banks that have a little spandex in and they slide right down over the hips. Feels good, but I also know that they must not be a true 12. I have other size 12s that I have bought off of the rack at other stores and it feels so good.

I can't wait to wear a size 10, I cannot remember the last time that this body wore it.


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You all will do great and get into that 10 in no time! Use each other for support and to cheer each other on.

Good luck!!!

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Woo Hoo for Operation Size 10.... :cheerleader:

It is funny, I write this on the top of my workout page everytime I am at the gym. This has kept me very focused.

I went to the Doc today and got my 3rd fill and he was quite surprised by the changes I have made to myself. I just explained that I have goals and that my biggest is Operation Size 10 that needs to be completed before I go to Philadeplia next month. (I think he is very impressed with me, since he said that several of his patients are not as motivated as I am.)

Also, he loved the name of our newest goal, pronbably cuz he's a military Doc and both of the nurses loved it too. :D

The fill was interesting. I am upto 3.5ml's and it definitely gave me more restriction. I had a cup of soup/broth for lunch and it took forever to eat and I didn't eat it all. I am not used to that.

So I am gonna sign off for now, I have a Job's Daughters meeting,



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Carrie, :lb16:

How awesome! :lb24:

I am very happy for you. You deserve it! Your hard work is paying off...

I need to get my motivation back. I have been feeling like such a Schlub since I have not been working out like I was. After going on vacation, I was sick and then just found it too easy to not go to the gym as much. So I am feeling uber soft now and not happy about it.

The GOOD news is that I have an appointment with my trainer tomorrow morning, so that will get me my workout mojo back. :lb25:

I tried on some 8's before I left for Philly and 2 out of 4 of them fit perfectly the others were just a tad bit tight in the waist. I didn't buy them at the time, I want to wait till I am in 6's before I buy anymore. My 10's are starting to get loose, so hopefully I can get myself in gear and get there by New Years Day. At least I will go for it. I would love to be in 6's no later than Valentine's Day, which means: I need to get my rear-end back to the gym....

Well, I am off to get around so I can head to the commissary. I need some supplies and staples for the house.



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Hi Kristi!

Just wanted to give you an update on Operation Size 10. I went to Old Navy this weekend and I got in a pair of Size 10. :D I however did not buy them, they were very tight. I think Im going to go back and buy them this weekend. I think in the next couple of weeks they wont be so tight!

Im looking forward to weight in tomorrow!!! I have been walking 4 miles everyother day and last week I broke my platuea!! My band tightened last week for whatever reason, so have not ate alot this past week.

How is everyone else doing????


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