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refilled after complete unfill

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Under the direction of the OCC doctors, I went for a complete unfill three weeks ago because I kept getting stuck, even on liquids, every few days. At first I tried two slight unfills, but was still having problems so they figured I needed to completely unfill and let the swelling go down. I thought eight months in to this I would be able to control myself around food without a fill, but no luck.

I gained nine pounds in three weeks, three pounds per week consistantly. I wouldn't say I was binging, but I was eating the foods that I can not when restricted, like sandwiches, and all kinds of meats that I haven't had since December (mostly chicken and beef) and found my appetite came back with full force after about 48 hours. The first thing I noticed was I was waking up hungry every morning. When filled, I don't seem to get hungry until noonish.

Anyway, I'm not proud of myself but I'm not depressed about it either. I bought some great size 12 and 14 clothes this summer that now I'm going to get to wear a little longer- gotta look at the bright side, lol! I started at size 22 so this size (and shopping in normal stores) feels pretty good. I really didn't believe I'd ever be less than 200. On the flip side, I can see how quickly I could get back over 200 without this tool. I don't want to be that tight (and risk losing my band) ever again. I only got 2 cc's put back in so we'll see how I do with that.


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Under the direction of the OCC doctors, I went for a complete unfill three weeks ago because I kept getting stuck, even on liquids, every few days. At first I tried two slight unfills, but was still having problems so they figured I needed to completely unfill and let the swelling go down. I thought eight months in to this I would be able to control myself around food without a fill, but no luck.

I gained nine pounds in three weeks, three pounds per week consistantly. I wouldn't say I was binging, but I was eating the foods that I can not when restricted, like sandwiches, and all kinds of meats that I haven't had since December (mostly chicken and beef) and found my appetite came back with full force after about 48 hours. The first thing I noticed was I was waking up hungry every morning. When filled, I don't seem to get hungry until noonish.

Anyway, I'm not proud of myself but I'm not depressed about it either. I bought some great size 12 and 14 clothes this summer that now I'm going to get to wear a little longer- gotta look at the bright side, lol! I started at size 22 so this size (and shopping in normal stores) feels pretty good. I really didn't believe I'd ever be less than 200. On the flip side, I can see how quickly I could get back over 200 without this tool. I don't want to be that tight (and risk losing my band) ever again. I only got 2 cc's put back in so we'll see how I do with that.


So glad you are on your way again Sabrina. Your attitude says you are going to continue to do incredible on this journey. Keep us posted


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Under the direction of the OCC doctors, I went for a complete unfill three weeks ago because I kept getting stuck, even on liquids, every few days. At first I tried two slight unfills, but was still having problems so they figured I needed to completely unfill and let the swelling go down. I thought eight months in to this I would be able to control myself around food without a fill, but no luck.

I gained nine pounds in three weeks, three pounds per week consistantly. I wouldn't say I was binging, but I was eating the foods that I can not when restricted, like sandwiches, and all kinds of meats that I haven't had since December (mostly chicken and beef) and found my appetite came back with full force after about 48 hours. The first thing I noticed was I was waking up hungry every morning. When filled, I don't seem to get hungry until noonish.

Anyway, I'm not proud of myself but I'm not depressed about it either. I bought some great size 12 and 14 clothes this summer that now I'm going to get to wear a little longer- gotta look at the bright side, lol! I started at size 22 so this size (and shopping in normal stores) feels pretty good. I really didn't believe I'd ever be less than 200. On the flip side, I can see how quickly I could get back over 200 without this tool. I don't want to be that tight (and risk losing my band) ever again. I only got 2 cc's put back in so we'll see how I do with that.



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Under the direction of the OCC doctors, I went for a complete unfill three weeks ago because I kept getting stuck, even on liquids, every few days. At first I tried two slight unfills, but was still having problems so they figured I needed to completely unfill and let the swelling go down. I thought eight months in to this I would be able to control myself around food without a fill, but no luck.

I gained nine pounds in three weeks, three pounds per week consistantly. I wouldn't say I was binging, but I was eating the foods that I can not when restricted, like sandwiches, and all kinds of meats that I haven't had since December (mostly chicken and beef) and found my appetite came back with full force after about 48 hours. The first thing I noticed was I was waking up hungry every morning. When filled, I don't seem to get hungry until noonish.

Anyway, I'm not proud of myself but I'm not depressed about it either. I bought some great size 12 and 14 clothes this summer that now I'm going to get to wear a little longer- gotta look at the bright side, lol! I started at size 22 so this size (and shopping in normal stores) feels pretty good. I really didn't believe I'd ever be less than 200. On the flip side, I can see how quickly I could get back over 200 without this tool. I don't want to be that tight (and risk losing my band) ever again. I only got 2 cc's put back in so we'll see how I do with that.



I agree, you have an AMAZING attitude and drive, you have encouraged and helped so many of us......You will be back down in NO TIME!


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Sounds like it was a really good think you had that unfill and you will be back on track in no time. That nine will come off no problem. Better than having something go wrong with your band!

Great job!!

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Sabrina! I'm glad to hear your fill is back! Woop! I can not tell you how great it is to read your post and see how you are mantaining a great attitude! 9 lbs is a minor set back. Glad you enjoyed some food you hadnt had in a while!

Here is to keeping our bands healthy!!!!

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Sabrina! I'm glad to hear your fill is back! Woop! I can not tell you how great it is to read your post and see how you are mantaining a great attitude! 9 lbs is a minor set back. Glad you enjoyed some food you hadnt had in a while!

Here is to keeping our bands healthy!!!!

A quick update on the weight gain......three of the NINE pounds I gained with no fill for three weeks has already come off- less than 48 hours later!!! :D:D:D


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Down another two pounds overnight!!! Five to go and I'm back to where I was before the unfill. I had a feeling it would come off fast and I am glad my hunch was right. I don't have great restriction, I'm still hungry every couple of hours, but I'm determined to make this fill work cause I never want to be so swollen/irritated that I spit up liquids EVER again!


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Sabrina, I think we are leading parallel lives:) I had to go for two unfills mid August and have since put on 9 pounds. I have a fill appointment scheduled for next Friday though. Unlike you though I have been making really bad food choices while I have been studying for the graduate record examination which is the preferred method of torture for people who are trying to get accepted in a Masters or PhD program. But considering how horrible I felt before my unfill I am just so glad not to feel that way anymore. In case anyone is wondering, slurpies and smokies from 7/11, while they make great study food, are not scale friendly choices even if you don't eat the bread and the rest of your choices through the day are good:) I have since moved on to popcorn and diet sprite to keep me awake when plugging through boring material.

How much fill did you get put back? I think I am down to right around 1.8 cc's but don't really remember with all the recent adjustments. I am trying to decide if I should go for .2ccs to be safe or a little more.

Hope all continues to be well.


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Just checking in to report that my nine-pounds is gone!!! It took three weeks to gain nine during my unfill, and exactly two weeks to lose it after I was refilled . Hooray! Back to where I was five weeks ago....phew. Now I'm staring straight in to the face of the 170's!!!!


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Just checking in to report that my nine-pounds is gone!!! It took three weeks to gain nine during my unfill, and exactly two weeks to lose it after I was refilled . Hooray! Back to where I was five weeks ago....phew. Now I'm staring straight in to the face of the 170's!!!!




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