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My Scale Victory

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I wanted to post something that is a HUGE victory for me. I have not weighed in two weeks(which is good for me) and have really struggled with the No NO foods, so I made a list of some things to stay away from and not to weigh for two weeks. Well yesterday morning I did weigh and I was down 3 lbs, not as much as I was hoping for and was kinda down on myself about it. :( I got to thinking, wow only three pounds, but I know I need to step it up.....

I have came from 262 to 192, that is 70lbs! I got to thinking about all the things that I have accomplished, some as little as being able to wrap a towel around my self (the nornal size towels).......

My scale victory is not only have I lost 70 lbs in 10 months but for the FIRST time in my adult life, I weigh LESS than the person I was seeing/Married too. I have had so many greats and first with this band but this one will hit me the hardest, I have always HATED being bigger than my husband! My husband has went from calling my baby to skinny...lol

I still have a long way to my goal but That is an AMAZING feeling!


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I wanted to post something that is a HUGE victory for me. I have not weighed in two weeks(which is good for me) and have really struggled with the No NO foods, so I made a list of some things to stay away from and not to weigh for two weeks. Well yesterday morning I did weigh and I was down 3 lbs, not as much as I was hoping for and was kinda down on myself about it. :( I got to thinking, wow only three pounds, but I know I need to step it up.....

I have came from 262 to 192, that is 70lbs! I got to thinking about all the things that I have accomplished, some as little as being able to wrap a towel around my self (the nornal size towels).......

My scale victory is not only have I lost 70 lbs in 10 months but for the FIRST time in my adult life, I weigh LESS than the person I was seeing/Married too. I have had so many greats and first with this band but this one will hit me the hardest, I have always HATED being bigger than my husband! My husband has went from calling my baby to skinny...lol

I still have a long way to my goal but That is an AMAZING feeling!




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I wanted to post something that is a HUGE victory for me. I have not weighed in two weeks(which is good for me) and have really struggled with the No NO foods, so I made a list of some things to stay away from and not to weigh for two weeks. Well yesterday morning I did weigh and I was down 3 lbs, not as much as I was hoping for and was kinda down on myself about it. :( I got to thinking, wow only three pounds, but I know I need to step it up.....

I have came from 262 to 192, that is 70lbs! I got to thinking about all the things that I have accomplished, some as little as being able to wrap a towel around my self (the nornal size towels).......

My scale victory is not only have I lost 70 lbs in 10 months but for the FIRST time in my adult life, I weigh LESS than the person I was seeing/Married too. I have had so many greats and first with this band but this one will hit me the hardest, I have always HATED being bigger than my husband! My husband has went from calling my baby to skinny...lol

I still have a long way to my goal but That is an AMAZING feeling!


Aww, this made me cry. I know exactly how you feel. I still have days where I feel like the biggest person in the room and like I will never get to my goal but then when I sit down and think about how far I have come it is really amazing. I too was larger than my husband and it always made me feel horrible. He never acted like he noticed and is the kindest sweetest man ever but still you don't feel cute when you know his jeans wouldn't even fit you! :)

I am now 180 lbs and am officially 60 lbs less than him and 87 less from where I started. That is amazing to me... I am hoping to be under 167 lbs by the end of the year because that will be my 100 lbs mark... I lose really slowly so who knows, right? But a girl can dream!

Congratulations, Carrie! You are doing phenomenal - just keep up the great work and you will meet whatever goals you set in no time.

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Funny you guys should mention this. I've always dated really tall guys `cause it made me feel smaller! I actually broke off an engagement with a really great guy years ago `cause I couldn't get over the fact that I was bigger (taller and fatter) than him. He treated me like a queen but it was a huge hang up for me. I was too young to get married anyway. Now get THIS...I didn't see him for years but now we live in the same area and our boys are just starting Beavers together. My husband signed up to be a leader...guess who the other leader is??? Yep, my husband and ex-fiance are the leaders of the group!!!


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Funny you guys should mention this. I've always dated really tall guys `cause it made me feel smaller! I actually broke off an engagement with a really great guy years ago `cause I couldn't get over the fact that I was bigger (taller and fatter) than him. He treated me like a queen but it was a huge hang up for me. I was too young to get married anyway. Now get THIS...I didn't see him for years but now we live in the same area and our boys are just starting Beavers together. My husband signed up to be a leader...guess who the other leader is??? Yep, my husband and ex-fiance are the leaders of the group!!!


Too funny! Life has a funny way of bringing people back into your life, for sure!

I too always dated really tall guys. I am only 5'2" so that isn't a huge stretch for me. I never was with anyone under 6' tall though... My husband is 6'1" and he is a big guy - played football and is very muscular and in good shape. It has always been hard for me being the soft gooey one - although he always liked my curves. ;) When we first started going out I was only 130 lbs and then I gained a lot of weight the first year we dated due to a thyroid condition and it just went up from there. I guess I am lucky because he has literally loved me through thick and thin. I remember feeling huge at 130 lbs though so it is funny to me now how thrilled I would be to be that weight. lol.

The only thing he has said to me since starting this journey is for me not to lose too much weight. He doesn't really like the stick figure girls; but that will never happen with me. I have always had big boobs and curvey figure - even when I was a "normal weight". ;)

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Congrats on 70 lbs lost...wow, that is fantastic!!!!! You are doing such a great job keep up the great work!!!!!

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Thanks and I cant wait to be 25 lbs less than my husband, now like Sabrina said less than my sons, wow that would be Awesome!!! I agree the NSVs are great and I need to learn to stay off the scales so much. I did really well staying off for two weeks, was really hard. The funny thing is now I walk by them and just look, dont seem too be so hard. Its was great hearing from you again!


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Thanks Pammie!

This is what motivated me so much when I started and I just want to give back the same hope and encouragement to the people who are getting banded or thinking about it. You never now what kind of impact you might have with someone. You have been a big inspiration to me and you have really done well. I love seeing and hearing updates on you!!

Thanks again!


AKA: Soon to be Ms Skinny! ;)

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Congratulations - sounds to me like you have lost a 3rd or 4th grader!

Thanks Debbie, Susan, Laura and Smiley!!! You ladies are great!

Susan congrats on the 6 pounds already! That is wonderful. Sounds like you have a great start already!

Keep up the good work!


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Angie and Shelby!

Shelby you have been a great inspiration to me as well. You have always been right here inspiring all of us along the way. You have an AMAZING drive and you have done great. The reasons you have posted you decided to be banded is amazing to me and makes me cry everytime I think about it, she is one lucky little girl to have someone like you in her life!

Angie you make me laugh so much and I love reading your post as well! You are going to do so great and I cant wait to see you at the end of your Journey. You are going to be AMAZING girl!


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