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im seriously thinking about getting banned

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ive been researching and reading about getting banned... so far OCC seems like the best place to go. im determined to get it and excited. i just have to figure out how to bring it up to my family and boyfriend... in a way explain to them that i need extra help, other than a gym membership... i just don't know. any advice?

much love and thanx for all of ur inspiring stories and posts.

expect to be hearing from me more frequently.


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  widdlee said:
ive been researching and reading about getting banned... so far OCC seems like the best place to go. im determined to get it and excited. i just have to figure out how to bring it up to my family and boyfriend... in a way explain to them that i need extra help, other than a gym membership... i just don't know. any advice?

much love and thanx for all of ur inspiring stories and posts.

expect to be hearing from me more frequently.



I did my research, booked my surgery and then told my boyfriend and family. I booked it two weeks from when I scheduled. If you give them too much time and it is something you really want to do, you shouldn't give them too much time to talk you out of it. In my case everyone thought it was drastic, but respected my decision because they knew 1. I have tried everything else 2. Obesity is rampant in my family genetics and 3. I had done my research and knew what I was getting myself in to. Hopefully you will have the same luck.


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I booked my appt and sent payment, then told my husband. He knows I've struggled with this issue for YEARS - (we've been married 29!) He was concerned especially when I told him I wanted to go alone - which I suggest, since you are in great hands getting over the border & throughout the whole process. You are there to recover and rest after your banding, so what is the person who goes with you going to do? I didn't want to impose on anyone in any way. You have a phone in your room. I called my hubby 3 times surgery day. All went well. If you are for sure you are doing this, I suggest you think about the way I did it - I didn't want anything to get in my way of postponing my decision once I finally made up my mind.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. This is a hard decision but if you decide to go through with it, it will change your life and how you feel about yourself.

Good Luck to you.

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  JennHB said:

I did my research, booked my surgery and then told my boyfriend and family. I booked it two weeks from when I scheduled. If you give them too much time and it is something you really want to do, you shouldn't give them too much time to talk you out of it. In my case everyone thought it was drastic, but respected my decision because they knew 1. I have tried everything else 2. Obesity is rampant in my family genetics and 3. I had done my research and knew what I was getting myself in to. Hopefully you will have the same luck.


AWESOME! thanx. I tried bringing it up to my mother last nite and she started talking about "all you have to do is drink warm water in the morning" ha! if only it was that easy. i figured it was gonna be a little harder to explain how much i want to forward with this... thank you Jenn

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  desertgal said:

I booked my appt and sent payment, then told my husband. He knows I've struggled with this issue for YEARS - (we've been married 29!) He was concerned especially when I told him I wanted to go alone - which I suggest, since you are in great hands getting over the border & throughout the whole process. You are there to recover and rest after your banding, so what is the person who goes with you going to do? I didn't want to impose on anyone in any way. You have a phone in your room. I called my hubby 3 times surgery day. All went well. If you are for sure you are doing this, I suggest you think about the way I did it - I didn't want anything to get in my way of postponing my decision once I finally made up my mind.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. This is a hard decision but if you decide to go through with it, it will change your life and how you feel about yourself.

Good Luck to you.

wow... it's so amazing how helpful you guys have been. im seriously almost in tears when i read ur replies because i felt so alone on this issue and don't really personally know anyone who's been through with it. my only issue is that i may need someone to help cosign to get it financed because i wont be able to do it on my own ( i dont have much credit history) but thank you for being so helpful... im in the process of getting my passport... then ill be making that call. i love this forum!

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  widdlee said:
AWESOME! thanx. I tried bringing it up to my mother last nite and she started talking about "all you have to do is drink warm water in the morning" ha! if only it was that easy. i figured it was gonna be a little harder to explain how much i want to forward with this... thank you Jenn

Eewww - I would rather be banded 10 times over than drink warm water even one morining. I have never heard this before.

I just made up my mind and told my parents what I was doing, period, end of story. I told my mom in the middle of Penney's while we were Christmas shopping because didn't know how she would take it but I knew she wouldn't make a scene in public. She was actually super supportive which really surprised me. My dad was supportive, but a little more reserved, which is so not like him. I think his issue is that he knows he needs to do the same thing to get his weight off. I did have my surgery here in the states b/c of my mom's concern about me traveling out of the country by myself as she and my dad don't have passports, but I don't regret it one little bit. My theory was it was my body and I was paying for all of it myself, so I really didn't care much about what they thought which is why I told them I was doing it as opposed to asking their opinion about me doing it. After all, they were the ones that put me on my first diet a 5 years of age so it wasn't like they were oblivious to the situation.

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Hi Erica,

I thought it would be hard to tell my parents, but it actually went better than I thought. At first, of course, my dad gave me the lecture about just eating less, stop eating fattening foods, etc. I told him that I don't really eat bad foods, I just eat A LOT! :o He was concerned that I was taking a drastic measure because I didn't "try" hard enough. I just let him know that I've spent a lifetime overweight, and it wasn't just something that has come to mind recently. When I was first researching, before I found the OCC, I had my dad come with me to a consultation with another doctor. That helped a lot. He was able to get some of his own questions answered, and the doctor really helped to explain how this surgery could help me. Maybe have your parents contact Dr. Ortiz, or watch some of Dr. Ortiz' videos on YouTube. My mom was all for it!! After everything was said and done, they actually gave me some money to help pay for it! Once they realized that I wasn't just going in to this lightly, they were glad to help! As far as my husband, he was pretty much on board with whatever would make me happiest. He's having a hard time watching me sip on clear liquids for a week (I'm less than one week post-op) but other than that, he's been SOOO supportive!

In my opinion, you'll need that support system when going through all this. Just remember that they love you!!

Best of luck to you on your journey, and congratulations on taking a step to improve your life!! =D>

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Hi Erica,

When I had surgery, I didn't tell anybody but my husband and my friend that came to watch my kids. I knew I would hear the "MEXICO?!?!? are you nuts?" and I knew I had done all my research and chosen the best doctor I could find anywhere! I was so impressed that I joined Dr. O's team. Over 3 years later and I have never regretted my decision for a minute. I finally told my family after one of my sisters found me online and figured it out.

Really, its nobody's business but yours and only you know if this is a right fit.

If you have any questions please give me a call or email me, I'd be happy to assist you :D

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  widdlee said:
ive been researching and reading about getting banned... so far OCC seems like the best place to go. im determined to get it and excited. i just have to figure out how to bring it up to my family and boyfriend... in a way explain to them that i need extra help, other than a gym membership... i just don't know. any advice?

much love and thanx for all of ur inspiring stories and posts.

expect to be hearing from me more frequently.


DO IT!!!!! read what I just posted "the real story"

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  widdlee said:
ive been researching and reading about getting banned... so far OCC seems like the best place to go. im determined to get it and excited. i just have to figure out how to bring it up to my family and boyfriend... in a way explain to them that i need extra help, other than a gym membership... i just don't know. any advice?

much love and thanx for all of ur inspiring stories and posts.

expect to be hearing from me more frequently.


Hi Erica!

When I decided to be banded my family was ok with it until I told them I was going to Mexico and then they REALLY freaked out when they asked where in Mexico. My hubby did not like the idea of me having the surgery, was scared something was going to happen to me. I have been heavy all of my life, I am the "runt" of the bunch. All three of my sisters never struggled with their weight. My mind was made up, I was doing this for no one but myself. For the first time in my life I put ME first and nothing was going to stop me. I took my mother to a lapband seminar where she could ask questions and it helped SO much. I would encourage you to show them this website, let them see the gallery and what a life changing decision you are making for yourself! Just explain to them, you are not giving up, you are not taking the easy way out, you are saving your life!

Good Luck to you!


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I had been researching it for a long time before even contacting the OCC. When I finally did, I was 100% sure I was doing this for me and my twoddlers, and our family. I had everything booked and financed - then I told my mom like 9 days before I had to leave. She was surprisingly supportive, maybe because she knew I had decided 100%...OR maybe because the option was either support it or don't but I'm going with or without your support! LOL Anyway - the experience was amazing, and I have to thank poor Lori for puting up with all my questions! She is great too! :)

In four weeks I have already lost almost 40lbs. WooHoo!

Good Luck! You will do amazingly well if you set your mind to it. :D

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I only told my husband, I just didn't think that it was anyone's business. I briefly mentioned that I was researching the procedure to a few of my co workers and their reaction was so negative, and both of them have had plastic surgery! One of them had liposuction and the other a face lift and chin implant, I really thought that they would understand. I was really shocked at the reaction.

This weight problem has been such a personal struggle. People who have never gone through this have no idea how painful it is. I didn't do very well on the pre op diet but have lost 10 pounds since my surgery which was less than 2 weeks ago. I wouldn't change a thing about my decision. Maybe one of these days I will tell people, not sure though.

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