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  losingit said:
grey's was GOOD... i was all "meh" until the very end.. wow.

PJTP that i did my dang 4 miles today and now have blisters on top of my blisters... tomorrow's 10 miler should be "fun"

I agree with you on grey's! I dont know how you do it with the blisters - I am such a baby I would be on the couch for a week! lol

PJTP: Today is my dh bday. I am taking him out for dinner and movie. I cannot decide what movie yet. Any suggestions?

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  ColoradoChick said:
I agree with you on grey's! I dont know how you do it with the blisters - I am such a baby I would be on the couch for a week! lol

PJTP: Today is my dh bday. I am taking him out for dinner and movie. I cannot decide what movie yet. Any suggestions?

LOS- you're nuts lol I cant do more than 3.. Someday. You should stop wearing shoes so you toughen up those feet jk. You're gonna callous them soon if you keep this up. Here is Oregon shoes are optional so my feet can take alot haha.

CC today is my daughters 17th bday too!!

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Well welcome! Glad you have joined this forum. The more the merrier. I keep pretty steady on this forum. I really like it because it's small and you get to know everyone. I don't feel connected to LBT. All the peeps in April 09 have dwindled down. Sad a few of us post but it is pretty ghosty there. At anyrate, I am a OCC bandster so I have been here from the beginning! Which is pretty cool.

Blisters on blisters......hmmm someone needs to bottle up that motivation and send it on over here! If I had blisters, I would be out until they healed up.

So guys, I had my 4th fill today! The good doc gave me .4 cc's so I am up to 2 cc's in the band! I lost a bit over 8 lbs this month! I am very happy!

Oh and 65 lbs is great! Keep on keeping on! I am happy with my weight loss so far, I know many blow by me, but hey we are all on different rates of loss. 2 lbs is awesome!

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  AngieB said:
So guys, I had my 4th fill today! The good doc gave me .4 cc's so I am up to 2 cc's in the band! I lost a bit over 8 lbs this month! I am very happy!

Oh and 65 lbs is great! Keep on keeping on! I am happy with my weight loss so far, I know many blow by me, but hey we are all on different rates of loss. 2 lbs is awesome!

Msbe - Happy Birthday to your DD! :) Are you doing anything fun for her day?

Ang - Congrats on your loss! My dr. never tells me how much of a fill I have or how much he gives on a visit. It matters little to me as long as I am losing! :)

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Hey CC- Ya even though she is a super girly girl she decided she wanted a spiderman themed party lol. So they are at the house as I speak 8 of them playing guitar hero and wii and devouring every cheezit that they can possibly shove in I am sure. Then I reserved a place here for mini golf, laser tag, and then rock and bowl...

I am crazy because the whole thing isnt over till 1am! Oh and I have a ducks game tomorrow.

LilMiss. It's just like LBT I believe Click on my controls top right corner, edit signature on the left side, paste in the HTML code from the ticker site.

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MsB~ Should of had a great day at the game - that was a huge win! DS loved it. He went with some friends and had a blast - he said it was way more fun than the OSU game he went to. I think he will end up wearing Green before all is said and done!

I had a good day. Spent time with the doggies. Playing ball, snuggling and giving baths. I think I needed the time with them to heal a bit from Friday morning when the old girl crossed the rainbow bridge. They are such a huge part of our lives I just can't imagine not having them around. I will end up being the crazy old dog lady - guess it could be worse!

Hope everyone had a great day - check back tomorrow!

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Msb-I have to say that I wish we could move on too. It is still hard for me to fathom just how much crud has happened in such a short period of time.

Krtork-I am glad that you had time with your doggies. Did you ever figure out a way to tell your DD?

So, posting just to post that I had a pretty good weekend. I dyed my hair blonde (all because of Msb :P ). I am really liking it even though it is really taking me some time to get used to it. I also went shopping. I bought... wait for it... Mediums!!!! I haven't worn a medium anything in 15 years. I really love the clothes that I got. DS (who is 12) could not understand my excitement and wanted to know why I was walking around in a dress. Men (or should I say boys). :rolleyes:

I hope that everyone had a pleasant weekend (outside of the drama).

I'll check in again later.

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hi angie - thanks for the add.

yes, some are from LBT.

me, i'm just shy of 2yrs out - at goal over a yr......however an unfill due to sickness has been tough to manage.

go tsday for a fill & can't come sooner - had 2 pcs of pizza for breakfast...LOL

hope all had a good wkend, football time in labmom's house.....

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  slim said:
So, posting just to post that I had a pretty good weekend. I dyed my hair blonde (all because of Msb :P ). I am really liking it even though it is really taking me some time to get used to it. I also went shopping. I bought... wait for it... Mediums!!!!

and you are a stylin' blonde!

congrats on the mediums.....

i need to up my exercise - have KC & glouc on their way to dallas this wk, and we do plan on hitting the fair and trying some fried butter

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  labmom said:
and you are a stylin' blonde!

congrats on the mediums.....

i need to up my exercise - have KC & glouc on their way to dallas this wk, and we do plan on hitting the fair and trying some fried butter

Thank you! Apparently DH is liking the blonde. Who knew?

If you plan to eat fried butter, you need to run like 10 miles before and after. ;) I hope that you all fun! I want blackmail videos and pictures... :P

How are you doing? I haven't really had a chance to chat with you lately.

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Slim~ I love the hair! Congrats on the NSV, mediums - oh yeah! Boys would never understand - it is off their radar!!

I am going to head over to the valley on Wed for a board of directors meeting. So I think I might go visit DD on Tuesday evening, take her to dinner and share the bad news - not something that I am looking forward to, but one of those necessary evils you have responsibility for as a parent.

Labmom~ Have fun with Dana and Glouc I feel sorry for the people in Dallas when the three of you are done!!! Never had fried butter, but it sounds kinda good - I absolutely love real butter. Yum!

How is the remodel going? Are things moving along?

PJTP: I have a bunch of mowing and watering to do today. We are at the end of our irrigation season here in the next two weeks - yeah! DS and I are going to hit the mowers and get it done. DH is feeling horrible this morning, has a sore throat and all stuffed up, so we are going to give him the day off to get some rest.

Hope everyone has a great day - BBL!

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Morning all. Thanks for the kind words.. well its 1136 here so guess it's about afternoon.

I am about to go climb the butte here or should I say hike. Elevation gain of 2055 so will see how I do. I can jog on flat surfaces but going up hills out we will see. I am gonna wear 2 different pedometers to see if they are accurate.

Have a good sunday.

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  Msbehaved said:
Morning all. Thanks for the kind words.. well its 1136 here so guess it's about afternoon.

I am about to go climb the butte here or should I say hike. Elevation gain of 2055 so will see how I do. I can jog on flat surfaces but going up hills out we will see. I am gonna wear 2 different pedometers to see if they are accurate.

Have a good sunday.

The knee must be feeling better?

Have a good hike - you are better than me, having a hard time motivating my lazy butt! Thought I would run this weekend, but it hasn't happened for me yet!

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  labmom said:
i seem to bounce back pretty good - :P , cause i don't let others rain on my parade:)

thanks for asking tho!!!!

I'm glad you are bouncing back. I have been concerned.

  krtork said:
I am going to head over to the valley on Wed for a board of directors meeting. So I think I might go visit DD on Tuesday evening, take her to dinner and share the bad news - not something that I am looking forward to, but one of those necessary evils you have responsibility for as a parent.

I'll be sending positive vibes, thoughts, and prayers your way. I know that this is going to be hard on both you and DD. I know you will make it through it. I hope that your DH feels better soon.

  Msbehaved said:
I am about to go climb the butte here or should I say hike. Elevation gain of 2055 so will see how I do. I can jog on flat surfaces but going up hills out we will see. I am gonna wear 2 different pedometers to see if they are accurate.

Have a good sunday.

I hope that you enjoyed your hike/jog with no pain. How did the knee feel? How did the 2 pedometers go? I need to get a new one. I am not sure how accurate the one I have is. There are days that I run by butt off, but it doesn't really show I did much. Other days that I feel like I sat down too often, it shows that I did almost 9000 steps. :huh:

  krtork said:
The knee must be feeling better?

Have a good hike - you are better than me, having a hard time motivating my lazy butt! Thought I would run this weekend, but it hasn't happened for me yet!

I tell you, I keep hoping that you, labmom, and Msb will inspire me to get running. I told DH that I wanted us to start jogging together. We shall see how that goes.

Have a great rest of the weekend!

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Well today was the day I promised myself that I would go back to running after the 1 week break from inner knee pain. The last thing I need is a life long injury now that I am healthier haha.

my weight has stalled but I will say the window that I am normally in has shortened alot. I used to range from 178-185 depending on the day and time of month... But for the last few weeks I havent went over 181 but not under 178.. Maybe in a few weeks. I have been plateaud for months so I am not looking for a miracle I am just working for one.

I was jogging on a rigid trail so when i got home I put an ice/hot pack sticky thing on it forgot the brand lol that lasts 8 hours just to make sure if something is going on I nip it in the bud but for right now it just feels like I had a light work out in the calves which is a good thing.

Labs always bounces back she is a fighter.. I think she has the attitude of karen walker and the look of Cokey Smurf (thats her nickname) on californication <3 my girls.

Slim does you dh exercise? Sometimes I wish mine was up for it but no so much so lol. We go out and play bball and football toss thats about it. My daughter is a softball nut and plays for her school and another league so we end up playing fetch and catch with her all the time for practice... She is 17 though.

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Msb-DH not only doesn't exercise, I think he has gained a good portion of the weight I lost. He has always been tall and slim. Now he is getting a gut. He is always talking to me about my exercise (or lack thereof) so I thought if we did something together we would both benefit. He would feel better (I have noticed him getting winded on things that didn't bother him before), and I would get the exercise to maybe push my weight loss. I have been stalled for about 2 months. He doesn't want me to lose any more weight, but I didn't do this to quit before getting out of the obese category. I am still at risk for too much at this weight. I need to get lower to get to a healthier weight. Don't get me wrong, I feel so much better than I did, but I know I could be doing a lot better. i hope you are able to work past your stall. I know you can do it.

Anyway, I am glad that you put something on your knee before it started acting up. It is always best to be proactive with things like that. :)

I am in a training class at work this week. I wanted to get a fill this week, but there is no way I can leave work to do it. Good luck on your fill Tuesday Labmom!

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MsB~ Sounds like you had a good run - take care of that knee! Does your DD do the travel teams for softball? If you head over the mountain this way, let me know! We did travel volleyball for years and now DD doesn't even play. I think she hit burnout (5yrs of year round play) - she might do some intermurals at college. She is really excited about trying out for crew next week - crossing fingers, we could use the scholarship money!

I know how the plateau thing goes! Did that for 4-5 months. Not fun. It is good that you are working for the loss. I think Lu was the one that gave me the best advice - Mix it up. Change the exercise routine, mix up the calories. Making a couple changes was what finally got the scale moving again. Not moving fast, but it is going down.

Slim~ That would be great if you could get out with your DH. It is nice to have someone help you get out the door on those days when it would just be easier not to go. DH and I both run - but he is the crazy distance runner guy. We try to go to trails where I can do my short loops and he can do a long loop. Even though we aren't together, it is nice to go out at the same time and have someone to commiserate with each other when needed.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I am ready for the week to begin, get to do store training in my classes this week. Pretty laid back, but kind of fun to get all the new kids trained! Slim have fun at your training!

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