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  Msbehaved said:
Labs always bounces back she is a fighter.. I think she has the attitude of karen walker and the look of Cokey Smurf (thats her nickname) on californication <3 my girls.

OK - that is some funny *stuff*.

everytime we watch that - DH is like, you have that shirt - your hair is the same & that foul mouth is a ringer.

we went out to friends yesterday and as i got out of the bathroom, he's like you just fell off the boat (NY)....:)

i'm liking a clean slate here - i still have to work my band; though making fried chicken & homemade mac/cheese was probably not the best move this evening:)

DH and i are co- dependent workout pals.

didn't start out that way......i was off at the gym, while he slept in - did nothing and got to goal w/3 fills in 6 months.

BUT he didn't like being alone - so started joining me. now he's like ceradad DAILY, when i want to take a break ... he taunts me...LOL

have a good wk slim, check in when you can.

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wow...slim was busting out the multi-quote!!! :)

My band is still tight one day and wide open the next. I have 4.5 cc in now - I think...my stats were on lbt, so I have to look 'em up IRL now! ha!

But, in the mornings I can't eat anything. It's not until about 11 or so that I can eat real foods. I try though...I try, and try...and try.

Getting back in the habit of exercise today. Going to do walks and then stretches & core w/DD at home. She's been banned from running at school because of her knee, so for the next 5 weeks it's stretches and core strengthening only. Which is hard! I can get on the treadmill and I can lift weights, but don't ask me to be on one knee with arm and leg extended without falling over!

Happy Monday everyone! :)

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Hi everyone!BTW I love this thread. I am not able to get on the forum from work. They are cracking down on us!

So I have no choice but to use the blackberry. LOL

Weekend was good, stayed home. Did laundry, cuddled my boy, got caught up on my DVR shows.

Anyone watch Days of our Lives?

I am adjusting to my new fill.....I will have to be careful more so now than before.

I am noticing RESTRICTION!

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Slim is the bomb at busting out the multi quotes haha.

Hey Glou I am the same as you. I was ripping butt down the trail yesterday but the minute I tried to stretch at the end I was wobbling all over. Suprised I didn't fall down.

Angie we <3 PJTP too!

Well the last 2 days I have held steady at 178 without fluctuation so I am hoping that something I am doing is shaking up this metabolism. We shall see though.

I wanted 170 by the time I go to Glou's wedding.

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Msb-I know you can do it. You all have been such an inspiration to me. Your friendships, your butt kicking (when needed)... I like that. I read the things that you have done, and it pushes me to try harder. To do better. I know that I would not have come this far without you, Labmom, Glou, and now Krtork. Just sayin' :)

I am not enjoying my training (I came home for lunch and to check in). The guy doing the training knows so much, but it is like he is trying to get it all out there now. I can ony absorb so much in one day.

Labmom-DH, so far, hasn't responded to my request to exercise together. I will ask again tonight. I am going to try to do a session with the C25K tonight after work. Wish me luck!

I hope you all have a great Monday! BBL!

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Ya'll are my inspiration - I feel so motivated...INSIDE. Outwardly, I've been a blob.

I am changing that TODAY!!!! I swear - If I don't do 30 mins of exercise tonight and DH can back it up - I'll send each of you $20.

...monopoly $$$, but still!

No, seriously...I need something to get me going. I get home from work and crash. No wonder I'm not losing weight, my metabolism is shoddy.

Ang - how do you access on BB? I tried but I can't really navigate well. I think I'm getting brain damage, cuz I used to be somewhat techy and have lost all prior knowledge. I am now the parent that has my kid programming stuff for me. Geesh.

And, how old is your cuddle buddy? :)

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  Gloucester said:
Ya'll are my inspiration - I feel so motivated...INSIDE. Outwardly, I've been a blob.

I am changing that TODAY!!!! I swear - If I don't do 30 mins of exercise tonight and DH can back it up - I'll send each of you $20.

...monopoly $$$, but still!

No, seriously...I need something to get me going. I get home from work and crash. No wonder I'm not losing weight, my metabolism is shoddy.

Ang - how do you access on BB? I tried but I can't really navigate well. I think I'm getting brain damage, cuz I used to be somewhat techy and have lost all prior knowledge. I am now the parent that has my kid programming stuff for me. Geesh.

And, how old is your cuddle buddy? :)

Gloucester - I have this website book marked, so it always come up with my logged in. I have a full screen BB so it makes it easier to read and reply. Although you can pretty much tell when I reply from the BB as my answers are short and to the point. Ha! What kind of BB do you have? Mine is the storm. I like it. Although it has NOT proved to be TODDLER FRIENDLY! Not one darn bit. Gone threw 6 of them since December of last year. Ugh! My "cuddle buddy" is 22 months old. His name is Daniel. He wasn't feeling !00% over the weekend so he wanted his mamma! Wish he wasn't feeling yucky but I love the extra snuggle time.

My hubby told me I might want to increase my activity.....blah! I know he is right. I love to swim and walk. Not doing much else these days. What do you do?

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I have the Curve, which I LOVE...but I'm still learning it.

For activity, lately - I get up from the chair and walk to the dining room and sit down again at the computer. :) Sometimes, when I'm pushing it, I'll pick up the computer and go back to the living room again. When I do laps like that though, it wears me out! lol

I was doing the Couch to 5K program a while back and got to week 3...and stopped. I think I have a fear of succeeding at this weight loss thing. Every time I get into the groove, I crash myself.

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MsB~ Yeah that the knees aren't too sore!

Glouc~ Good for you on starting the exercise. It is so hard to get started and make it a habit. That is the one thing I have always struggled with over the years. I hear ya on the balance thing - one arm, one leg - it's like cow tipping, over I go! LOL! It will be good that you are working out with DD, it is nice to have someone else to prod you along when prodding is needed!

Slim~ Go for it! The C25K is an amazing program that helps you start slow and work your way up without overdoing it. I love, love, love the program and I would not be running now if it was not for C25K. You can always do the days or weeks over and tailor it to your own needs. This is a great time of year to start, because you can usually target a holiday 5K race for your first race. That is also a good motivator, even if you can't run the whole race - it is fun to get out with others that also run.

Ang~ Hope your little guy is feeling better. That is no fun when they are sick. That is a great age for cuddling! My little guy is 15 and 6' tall and I miss those days! He still has me "tuck" him in at night - I love it!

PJTP: Hope everyone has a great day. I am doing better being back at work today. We have our big rival game against the other local high school on Friday night. So the kids are pretty wound up this week and gearing for Friday night. Should be a fun game! Well, just thought I would check in on my lunch break! TTYL!

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ang - thanks for the welcome. ..... *hearts* the posting pals.

they all run - but i do spinning & weight training mostly. i've added rowing to the mix & i like that extra boost.......chasing that damn boat is a trip.

SO i am going back to what worked for me diet wise during weightloss:

carbs/fruit/dairy for breakfast

fish/veggies for lunch

snack - veggies/dairy

dinner - protein/veggies - good carbs

just stocked up on fruits/veggies/greek yogurt/fish @ whole foods - i thought i could give myself a pass and eat what i want.....BUT NO. UGH..

sounds like your in full swing at school ktork!

have the BB sotrm as well - LOVE IT, was able to get here while on the treadmill:)

puppy walk, AGAIN - gotta love a labs activity level.....check back in ltr!

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Ok, not so happy to say, I did 20 minutes of the c25k tonight. My calves feel wobbly. My heart was pounding. It has finally stopped. I going to have to rethink my route. I walked/jogged to this little park near my house. They were having a little league football team practice there. There were all kinds of little kids and parents. They were all over the walking path. I am going try again tomorrow.

I hope that you all had a wonderful (or at east least decent) Monday.

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Lab~ Chasing puppies not too bad! Labs the first two years are always a handful. That is what my folks raised when I was a kid, always on the go and happy go lucky!

What do you do for your carbs? I am always having problems in that area. It seems like they get out of control really fast! Trying to keep the balance, but find that part really difficult.

School is busy. The older kids are picking their marketing projects. Some of them have some really good ideas for the Advertising and Fashion Promotion event this year. I love their creativity! They keep me busy!

Slim~ So proud of you! I know how hard it is when you first start - I remember thinking "no way can I run a mile, let alone 3"!

Make sure you take the days in between off, to give your body time to recoup and take the program at your pace. Don't feel bad if you have to redo a week or redo a day before you move on. I am so excited for you!

PJTP: It is so smokey here today you can't even see the sky! It is crazy! There is a fire south of us and all the smoke is blowing into town. Hoping it will clear up tonight, we are supposed to get cooler weather - snow level drops to 4000 feet, maybe it will push the smoke out! They even cancelled the soccer games due to the smoke.

The Humane Society called me today and Penny's ashes are ready to pick up. I will go by there tomorrow and pick them up. I was fine all day and then cried when the nice man called to tell me that I could pick her up. Sorry to keep talking about Penny, but she was such a sweet old girl - miss her!

Well, I will check in later, have some school work to do. BBL!

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I am so sorry krtork. I have never lost a pet, but I know that it has to be hard. They are a part of the family. It is understandable that you would be emotional about it.

About the exercise, I will try to remember to do the rest days in between. I hadn't even thought about that. Maybe I can do something different tomorrow? I was going to do the exercise bike today, but that hurts my tush sitting on that uncomfortable seat (this is the special seat that I bought!). I pulled out the exercise ball, but just decided to go ahead and run. I am scared that my legs are going to kill me tomorrow. I can only be glad that I will be sitting in a training class again tomorrow.

labmom-how is the newest addition to the pet family doing? I love seeing the pics.

Glou-I wonder if I am doing the same thing to myself. I will make some progress, but then it's like my brain says that I don't deserve to do well. I still have a lot of head issues to deal with.

Msb-I have an old iPhone. I thought about getting a crackberry, but I am so used to the iPhone now that I don't think I could switch. I am waiting (not by choice) to get the newer iPhone. Of course, by the time I get it, there will be yet another one out there. That's just my luck.

Angieb-I hope your son is doing better.

Have a great night everyone!

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  Gloucester said:
I love it when people post just to post....I love hearing about people's day, their kids, their husbands/wives - all of that.

And, also, fish makes me gag.



Banded Sept, 2007

lost: 65 pounds

you know....I was really hoping for some insight with my post but you have had a lot of replies ......me not so much. Makes me wonder.

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Slim i totally understand the old phone thing. I chose to keep my palm treo for 4 years lol. They finally discontinued it so I had to either go with the centro which I had a brand new unactivated one or find my own.. THose keys on the centro were WAY TOO SMALL i chose to find my own. DH activated the centro and I switched to crackberry for the first time ever.

You should see our family get togethers... EVERYONE has a smart phone and I am the only one that doesn't have a palm lol... Me with the tour, dh centro, dd centro, ds centro, FIL Palm Treo, BIL Palm Pre... Its a mess lol I get made fun off I am pitching for the other side haha.

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MsB~ You will move that ticker and my guess is that it goes down! Keep up the exercise! You are lucky the smoke isn't heading your direction - it is horrible. I feel sorry for the guys working that fire, if it is this bad here, they must not even be able to breathe!

I love my crackberry - i have the cute little pearl! I really want an iPhone, but we don't have AT&T and I wasn't real confident about all the features, etc working if I bought an unlocked phone. Anywho, my t-mobile contract is up next summer and we are supposed to have AT&T by January, so I am hoping an iPhone is in my future! (crossing fingers)

Slim~ The head part of this WLS is the hardest part to overcome! I have found that I get down on myself when the scale doesn't move and I start going to that place - I will never succeed, this is just like before. I'm not sure what the answer is, but it is really hard to stop the negative self-talk when it gets started! Then I start slipping into old eating patterns, of course I can't eat as much, but I do notice it.

I have found that it is much harder the further out I get. Trying to find that initial motivation is tough, plus the weight loss slows down and it gets tougher as you get thinner! It's like a cruel joke!

On the exercise front - you can always do something else on the in between days. You could do some strength training or walking on your "off" days. Biking would be good too, I find that I have to break in my fanny when I start biking, so you aren't the only one! Make sure you move and do some stretching, especially if you feel sore or tight. You have your own built in cheerleader and fanny kicker if you need it!

Night all!

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I love my crackberry! It's so easy to get attached to the darn thing.....grr.

If anyone wants to exchange IM PIN let me know. I could always use another Lap band buddy.....although I don't know you all very well, I hope that will change.

My son and husband are now both sick......yikes. I am in the clear as far as getting sick so I hope I can mantain health....I seem to take a crap load of suppliments.

Multi vitamin - Liquid form

Calcuim Citrate x2

Iron - from time to time...when I notice bruises....

Vit E for skin health - trying to help my scars heal and junk.

NeoCell for ligaments, tendons, joints, hair, nails and skin.

So I feel like I get my snacks when I take vits. LOL

WOW I am no where near running. Tried to take it up when I lost 100 lbs before, but I have LARGE boobies, so it is hard on them and me. I tend to stick with walking. I use to walk 5 miles a day.....now I am simply walking.

Yay for new puppies! That sounds fun.

krtork - sorry for your loss. That is hard. Our animals give us so much love and I can see how sad you would be......

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So... This site makes me log back in every single time I come here. That's annoying. fyi.

Angie walking is fine. I never thought I could run. I tried going a block hell no.. Then I found the C25k and realized you dont just go out and run you have to teach your body the endurance!

I redid week 1 and 2 for atleast 2 weeks each lol. I didn't care if I redid them for 10 weeks in the end I was benefiting from it.

Yes, The fires over there KT are bad and it sucks we have such beautiful forests to lose them :(

Angie I have never used the IM feature on my crackberry. Dunno why just havent had to because I just text. Hope your son and DH get better soon.

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Oh, Torky - my heart is still feeling for you - you talk about Penny however long you want!!! :( I think we're all pet lovers so we understand. Kids and animals need us the most and when you provide and protect something for so long, it's hard to let go.

I could barely eat anything yesterday. Had slimfast for breakfast and lunch, cuz it was easy. And then for dinner had a cup of tortilla soup and a margarita. Now, you know I LOVE my 'ritas...and I couldn't even drink 1/2 of it down. I sipped the broth from the soup, but no way could I get the meat and veggies down.

I don't understand why some days I'm that tight and other days, bring on the cow.

Happy Tuesday all - - time for me to roll up the sleeves and start packing. My coworker (Princess) is moving out on Thurs and I'm all too ready to help her.

I'll be following her to the new location around the middle of next month.

Ya'll have a great day!!! :)

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  jbarnes said:
you know....I was really hoping for some insight with my post but you have had a lot of replies ......me not so much. Makes me wonder.

i just read your post, sorry i really am not familiar with blood clots during/after surgery - nor being on blood thinners.

possibly your surgeon could give you more reassurances or direction?? good luck w/your surgery!

ktork - talk about penny all you want!

it does get easier & having this new pup around (that is nothing short of the enegizer bunny) has been a blessing for the other dogs. the 2 big ones think they are each the mom to goose, and it's funny & sweet. i know casey sent her, might sound crazy but i do crazy well:)

re- carbs, i did well including them @ breakfast & dinner.

the ones i like are: granola (bare naked is my favorite), oatmeal, brown rice, high quality grain toast, and the obvious carbs that come from fruits & veggies.

if i don't have a bit of carbs before a wkout, i putter out during it & am starved/fatigued afterwards.....same thing at night. if i include some brown rice or sweet/regular potato & veggies along w/my protein - i'm not picking or looking for a snack later on. something else i realized, is that i have to inlcude some fat to the meal. LF & FF doesn't satisfy me for long periods of time.

i am VERY bad about supplements - think i took vitamins right after surgery and then just let them go......i hate taking pills :blink:

happy tsday all!

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