Msbehaved Posted October 5, 2009 Report Share Posted October 5, 2009 I am back after a much needed adult weekend away from home. That’s cool KT switching gears and doing something new is always fun and challenging. Hope you’re enjoying the snow it’s missed us thankfully. I am the world worst driver in the snow ROFL… Even though I have an SUV with all kinds of traction control I would rather hide in the house. Labs- Didn’t win this time but that’s ok… I will get em when they arent expecting it haha Glou- I vote for streakin! I need a pouch test but there is no way I have that much willpower Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Msbehaved Posted October 5, 2009 Report Share Posted October 5, 2009 Multi Posting! PJTP~ Aidells Terriyaki and pineapple Chicken Meatballs.. Yumm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
labmom Posted October 5, 2009 Report Share Posted October 5, 2009 multiposting hurts my head this am - so free stylin'... * did make meatloaf & risotto last night - 5 day pouch test started this AM w/a starbucks vivanno * fried food @ fair - Gross actually. i took one bite of the fried butter and spit it back into my napkin - one of the nastiest tastes EVER. * i would love a snow day:) i don't want to live in a snowy environment - but i do love visiting..... * took puppy lab (goose) to vet for round 2 of shots, she's gained 11lbs in 3wks - going to be a BIG girl i think * EXHAUSTED on this rainy monday. DH and i have been in total clean sweep moded since i got home on sat morning. we have a 40yrd dumpster for the kitchen/bath demo and we filled it up w/"stuff". i have to order a new one to be here tomorrow for my contractor - because we have it 3/4 of the way filled up....LOL. DH took today off to finnish - but guess who is still sleeping. was up till 1:30 this am clearing out the garage, w/a some wine & tunes. wish i could crawl back into bed.... happy monday!!! ps - msb, meatballs sound good - have tortialla soup on tap today.......see how many days i make it in the pouch test:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngieB Posted October 5, 2009 Report Share Posted October 5, 2009 Glou - I think streaking would make it interesting. Yeah, streaking gets my vote and makes me smile too! LOL Lab mom - wow 11 lbs! Geesh! She is growing fast! Torky - we have not had snow here yet, I live in Nebraska. My parents in Wyoming have had snow....can't say I am looking to forward to winter....nope....although it will be interesting to see how my little one likes it this year. He was not into it last year, AT ALL! LOL Which sorta was funny. He was tortured by snow. We have 2 pictures of him in the snow, that is it. Only reason we have those two is so we could show my parents he wore the Denver Bronco snow suit. PJTP - TMI alert!! Ha! I have recently lost enough weight to do a decent trim job down below. YAY me! Yay my husband too! LOL Okay, let me say I feel bad for him, it was like fricking chewbacca down there. I am suffering from a bit of razor burn in the crease of my thigh.....can anyone say a bit over zelous with the razor! Yikes! Thank heavens I can once again maintence the "area." Ahh I love NSV! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Msbehaved Posted October 5, 2009 Report Share Posted October 5, 2009 Labs~You girls are showing me up. Maybe I need to join in on the 5 day test... Thats a great NSV Angi. I remember the first time I was able to bend down and shave my legs without having to do weird contorist movements. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
labmom Posted October 5, 2009 Report Share Posted October 5, 2009 angie - that's a GREAT NSV. i remember the first bikini wax after losing enough to feel comfortable in doing so again - aside from the wax heading a bit further south, i LOVED taking care of myself again..... CONGRATS & hope the hubby enjoys.. msb- i doubt i'll do the whole 5 days, i just have ZERO restriction at the moment. my fill had to be rescheduled from last wk to next - so i'm trying to get some self control; as i've allowed myself to be a bit bad. hitting farmers mkt tomorrow and stocking up on the "good" stuff. DH said i was looking volumptious - i say that's the added lbs as of late Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Msbehaved Posted October 5, 2009 Report Share Posted October 5, 2009 labmom said: angie - that's a GREAT NSV.i remember the first bikini wax after losing enough to feel comfortable in doing so again - aside from the wax heading a bit further south, i LOVED taking care of myself again..... CONGRATS & hope the hubby enjoys.. msb- i doubt i'll do the whole 5 days, i just have ZERO restriction at the moment. my fill had to be rescheduled from last wk to next - so i'm trying to get some self control; as i've allowed myself to be a bit bad. hitting farmers mkt tomorrow and stocking up on the "good" stuff. DH said i was looking volumptious - i say that's the added lbs as of late Bust out those jillian arms and get to rowin! Just dont have a heartattack Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
labmom Posted October 5, 2009 Report Share Posted October 5, 2009 Msbehaved said: Bust out those jillian arms and get to rowin! Just dont have a heartattack msb - you should have seen DH and i this wkend.....SUCH a wkout hauling/dumping/lifting. he had enough energy to go get some tortialla soup and is back in bed...... so get this pjtp - he has all this vacation time that he'll never use before jan 1 & tells me at lunch that he plans on taking off every monday/friday for the next 3 months. it will help a bunch on the remodel - but WHERE IS MY TIME????? lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Msbehaved Posted October 5, 2009 Report Share Posted October 5, 2009 I love when I get in clean mode and before I know it... I have been sweating for hours.. Tonight though is all about the comfort food! Carb overload. Homemade chicken Pot Pie followed by chocolate, chocolate chip mayo cake. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
labmom Posted October 5, 2009 Report Share Posted October 5, 2009 Msbehaved said: chocolate, chocolate chip mayo cake. what is that???? ask glouc - big BIG fan of mayo:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slim Posted October 5, 2009 Report Share Posted October 5, 2009 Angie-great NSV! labmom-the meatloaf and risotto sound so good. I have never made risotto. I figured I would like it too much. msb-did you say chocolate, chocolate chip cake? cake sounds so good right now. I am in carb overload! krtork-how did the drive in the snow go? Glou-how was work today? When do you go to the new location? So I am sitting here nursing my chai. It really tastes so good. I really wish I had never tried it, or that I would have hated the taste. *sigh* I sure picked a fine time to start experimenting with different foods. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Msbehaved Posted October 6, 2009 Report Share Posted October 6, 2009 So not good for you but mayo goodness: 1 2/3 c. sugar 3 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla 2 c. flour 2/3 c. cocoa 1 1/4 tsp. baking soda 1/4 tsp. baking powder 1 c. mayonnaise 1 1/2 c. water I mix Sugar, egg, vanilla together..... Sift all dry ingredients, then add all the wets together ..... then stir them in together slowly. Cook at 350 for 30 minutes. The mix looks as if it will be too runny but it sets up nicely. I haven't decided on the best frosting recipe so I use a container of store bought. Had to edit. I forgot to mention you can sprinkle chocolate chips in as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1thinmama2B Posted October 6, 2009 Report Share Posted October 6, 2009 Gloucester said: Well, Labmom...thanks for your reply. I appreciate your lovely attitude. I tried rolling the fish in aluminum and putting it in the dishwasher. It didn't turn out like it did on tv. It was kind of gross. Maybe because I didn't have the aluminum paper, and used an old coke can? I thought that was aluminum, so thought it would work. Msbehaved - yes! fish smell funny...but they have little tiny noses...It's hard to blame them. Love it .... hellarious!! Thank U Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gloucester Posted October 6, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 6, 2009 Ang - great NSV! Sorry about the razor burns though! OUCH...I'm still more like Chewbacca. Mayo - YUM. Love mayo - but not like Labmom! My fave mayo is w/ketsup, soy sauce, ginger and white pepper. Put on rice and chicken. Monday wasn't as boring as I thought. DD sent a text from school saying she was still sick. Not 100% sick, just feeling crappy. So, I went and picked her up. The nurse sat there and gave her a little lecture (in a nice way, but STILL) about not sending text messages in school. DD turned to me and I said, "I'll pay the fine if it gets taken away, but if you EVER need to contact me you go right ahead and text me." I mean, 1 - she was in the BATHROOM, and 2 - it was to ME saying she was sick. Grrr. So, we went home, snuggled and watched movies. Wizards of Waverly place, Ella Enchanted and some other thing I can't remember. I made some soup (not all that healthy - broth, cream, onions, potatoes, sausage and collards) and we just vegged. Better than work ANY day. But by the end of it, she was feeling better and she's at school today. So, on my list today: Book the hotel for Tampa next week (can't believe I haven't done that already!!!), and then troll internet sites that aren't blocked. Maybe I'll wander and see if anyone needs help but this place is a ghost town. I wish they'd move me already - not due to move until the 19th. I'm mostly packed and am ready to GO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngieB Posted October 6, 2009 Report Share Posted October 6, 2009 Gloucester - sounds like a great day! I am sorry your DD was feeling cruddy. Always a good excuse for cuddles! Moving at work. What did they do? shut down your department? I am sending you *move vibes* That would stink to not have enough to keep you busy.....the time would drag! Ugh! Thanks everyone for the kuddos on my reformed chewbacca! LOL Razor burn is waaaayyyyy better! Darn I forgot how bad it feels...still well worth it. Mayo cake.....sounds creamy. Is it a heavy cake? Hero's any Hero's fans out there?? Speaking of Hero, he is annoying me. Not to mention, I am disliking all the subtitle bull crap! Hello......English! Anyway, all the new blood in the series should be interesting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
labmom Posted October 6, 2009 Report Share Posted October 6, 2009 * glouc - glad DD is feeling better * angie - DH is a fan of heroes. perfect time for me to get caught up on Y&R for the wk when he watches a few shows i have no desire to see. * i did 1 day of the pouch test & that's about it - had upset tummy this AM and wanted toast w/butter. snacking on edamame now and am making a pot of tortialla soup. i feel bloated, made the mistake of getting on the scale - wish men had perimenopause, got a period - had cramps & their nips could cut glass. yeah in that kinda mood:) check back ltr:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gloucester Posted October 6, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 6, 2009 Not a Heroes fan -I tried, but it's the kind of show where you miss one episode and you come back to it like WTF? So, I gave up in the first season. Same with Lost, though DH is a fan - so sometimes I let him fill me in on the characters. Ang, we're moving at work because my company was in 9 different divisions and now has decided to merge under one name. So, we're all shifting and moving and conforming to each other. It's a great move for the company, just a big headache. I was in Import/Export Compliance and that split into 3 Import, Export and Compliance. I'll be in the Export part. It's going to be fun and challenging, and I am more than looking forward to it. But, in the midst of all this, with the economy the way it is - there have been lay offs upon lay offs. Both DH and I work here so we're just rolling with the tide. Can't fight it, so no use trying, right? Today's been great - I got tons of stuff doing that I needed to. We're heading to Florida next week so that DD can visit her dad's family and DH and I are making a mini-vacation out of it. It'll be good for us to be alone w/no kid, no dogs... Wait...what the heck are we gonna do??? Um....I'm sure I'll think of something. Maybe I'll have some razor burns by then, too!!! Or just spread eagle for a waxing? LOL...just can't picture that, and I can't afford the tip I'd feel obligated to pay the poor woman! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slim Posted October 6, 2009 Report Share Posted October 6, 2009 Labmom-I didn't even make it to lunch time. I was thinking I would start the pouch test today. I had coffee this morning. I was planning a protein shake for breakfast but instead had raisin bread (untoasted!). I guess I may try again tomorrow. I really need my fill done now! Glou-that sounds like a wonderful trip. DH and I haven't had a vacation together since we've been married. We are sometimes able to send DS to my mom for a night or two, but those times are few and VERY far between. Oh, and waxing??!?!?! Heck no! I cry getting my eyebrows waxed. I just have NOT worked up the nerve for any other areas. Angieb-I've never watched Heroes. I always meant to, but once I missed the first few episodes, I didn't want to try to catch up. So PJTP that I had a really hard day at work. I had one of those days that I just could never get caught up. I really hate that. I love my job, but I really hate days like today. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gloucester Posted October 7, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 7, 2009 Happy Wednesday. I got up and went to the gym. I’m nuts but it was DD's fault. She asked before going to bed if we could get up and go and I said no. So, then she texted me this: If you loved me, you would get up with me…and help me be healthy. So, I said, “I will get up and do the stretches with you.” (She has a funky bone growth forming because her muscles are tight. She's been advised to only do 5 min warm up walk, the elliptical and then stretches & core strengthening.) She wrote back, “That’s not enough…nevermind then, let me have diabetes and die." She totally played me, so I went into her room, said OK, I’ll get up at 4:30, and she’d better get up too. If I try to wake her up and she moans about it, I would hurt her. lol...not really, though. I'd probably just crawl back into bed. But, she got up! And I did the Day One of Week One of the Couch to 5K. I can’t believe I was up to week 3, because this kicked my butt. It's been 2 full months since I did anything other than light walking and some stretches. I feel so blah - and I'm hoping today got me back. I feel so good when I'm there! So why is getting there so hard? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngieB Posted October 7, 2009 Report Share Posted October 7, 2009 Gloucester - I nearly PMPL (pissed my pants laughing) at your reply post about waxing and tipping ect. You are so funny. Glad to hear you are pumped over the move and change up at the office. It's better to have a good attitude and go with the flow than be a pissy pants and moan over every little change. I love that your DD got your butt out of bed! She really did work you! LOL It is for a good cause, and I think it is awesome you are a suppoprtive mamma! Slim - I am TOTALLY with you, I don't know if I will ever wax the girl parts....yikes. I could picture me on a DIY wax job gone wrong. LOL Sorry to hear you had "one of those days." Yuck! Let's hope today is WAY better.... PJTP - Heros is a show that if you miss an epi you are like WTF? I love DVR. With a toddler, ALL of the shows I watch are not for little eyes. So my TV time starts after he goes to bed. I have a feeling my DVR will be plenty full of shows to catch up on in the off season. To many shows to little time. Loves me some DVR - keeps them ready! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gloucester Posted October 7, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 7, 2009 Me, with a DIY wax job would be a horrible mess. Also, it would give DH fodder for blackmail and years of laughing at my expense! I couldn't give him that much power. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
labmom Posted October 7, 2009 Report Share Posted October 7, 2009 DH has always wanted to be in the same rm w/me during a bikini wax - ummm NO! hahaha GLOUC, DD guilted ya - but good for ya!!! if not for TIVO, i would never watch tv - i actually have biggest loser from last night on while i get caught up on laundry & cleaning out the closets. my last purge of the house it the master closet & hallway one.....all are packed w/STUFF that must go & go today:) slim - hope you had a better day. need to get off the puter' and get back to work - i'm procrastinating and pacing around the closet isn't going to get it done Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Msbehaved Posted October 7, 2009 Report Share Posted October 7, 2009 Wow I missed a lot! Glou- Glad DD is feeling better and you didn’t have to strangle a nurse… You had KC worried. That’s totally hysterical about the waxin! Angi- Nope not heavier than a normal cake. I didn’t tell anyone I put mayo in it here at work and they scarfed it all down and never mentioned it. I told them later that it was a mayo cake and surprised em. I was a fan of Hero’s the first year but then they lost me because it was on so late in the 2nd season. I can’t make it more than 1 day on a pouch test because it gives me flash back of a slim fast diet haha I havent watched Biggest loser yet either sitting on dvr. FYI this PJTP is much busier than the evil twin hehe Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slim Posted October 7, 2009 Report Share Posted October 7, 2009 So, I didn't make the pouch test again today. I give up. I was just too hungry for the liquid to do me any good (other than the extra exercise I am getting running the quarter mile to the bathroom ) Today has been a lot quieter than yesterday. I am actually ahead right now (knock on wood). I am going to try to stay ahead so that the rest of the week can be smooth sailing. Glou-you did get played, but in a good way. It is great that you and DD got up and exercised together. It is also great that she is feeling better. DS survived the night with no TV and survived not being able to see his video game (he couldn't play it during the week anyway). DH set me up though. We were planning to punish DS for telling little lies about his homework and such. DH had to work a later shift yesterday so he just took the video games out of DS's room. He didn't tell me until it was a done deal. He left me to deal with the aftermath. Of course, it makes it look like I had DH take them out which makes me look like the bad guy. DS didn't notice (at first) that his games were gone. When he did there was only a slight tantrum (a scream) then he went into his room with red rimmed eyes. I know he wanted to cry, but he is too macho for that kind of stuff now. He went to bed early (without me making him). I think he was in a hurry to make that day go away. Msb-I can see the mayo not being noticed in the cake. I have made cornbread with mayo when I didn't have enough eggs or oil to finish the batter. Everyone that tasted it thought it was good and never noticed it either. Oh yeah, I noticed that the other PJTP wasn't moving along so swift. Angieb-I have a DVR but am stingy with the space on it. My DVR is reserved for Snapped and 48 Hours Hard Evidence (or the other 48 hour versions). I am scared of scary movies, but can watch the heck out of the real life murder crap. The only other thing on my DVR is stand-up comedy. I hope that you all have had a wonderful day so far. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
labmom Posted October 7, 2009 Report Share Posted October 7, 2009 slim - go to beth's FB page, she has a video of a kid having a TOTAL MELTDOWN when his mom took away some video game. i like the pouch test - but i'm wide open and still prefer to EAT my food vs drinking it.. i have a bunch of food to cook over the next 2 days as my downstairs kitchen gets demolished on freezing up meals to have & heat up - in the upstairs kitchen. close w/my closets - still taking 'puter breaks... msb - evil twin ..... that's hillarious! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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