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I appreciate all the positive responses I have received, thank you everyone. For those of you that are new and had your first experience at this, I can tell you that after it happened to me, I went back on liquids for 48 hours. Usually I think it is about 24 but I wanted to be sure it was ok because it was really stuck in there. So after 48 hours, I started back with soft food and went back to eating slowing to the foods I had been eating. I have had no problems since. In fact, I talked with the dr and she said it may be ok now to get my next fill. I was a very good learning experience. I have lost another 5 pounds and feel great. I think the hard part is our body tends, when you are chewing to chew and then swallow, at least for me, it is like retraining the body to wait, chew chew chew. My body wants to chew and then swollow without even thinking that I did not chew it enough. I am working on retraining. It means that every bite, I need to really think about what I am doing. I went to lunch with some friends and they were just talking away while they were eating and you could see that they were not even thinking about the way they eat. Not me, I was really thinking about it. When we were done, one of my friends said, you didnt eat so much today, you ok? I said. I dont need to eat alot anymore. I am full and feel really good thanks. It feels good. I am happy to say that our hardwood floors are done so the pole is back up. I expect to lose another 5 pounds just getting back on that puppy! YA HOOO!!. Anyway. Keep up the good work everyone and for all newbies, Think when you bite!! I should get a shirt that says " Did you really CHEW that hamburger" HA!



Thanks for the blow by blow of your experience ;) I really appreciated it. I have had the same thing happen to me and its exactly as you described it. I think its important for new bandsters to understand what they may potentially experience so that if it does happen, its not as frightening to them and they will understand what to do in the future.


WOW you look incredible-- Yowser. how big is your band. That is wonderful that you have lost so much. WOW great job!!


Thanks for the blow by blow of your experience ;) I really appreciated it. I have had the same thing happen to me and its exactly as you described it. I think its important for new bandsters to understand what they may potentially experience so that if it does happen, its not as frightening to them and they will understand what to do in the future.

WOW you look incredible-- Yowser. how big is your band. That is wonderful that you have lost so much. WOW great job!!

Hey Stormy! Thanks for the compliment. That isn't actually a very recent photo (the after shot, I mean) - - I am down about 15 lbs from that currently. My band is 4cc. Is yours 4cc? I really appreciated your post of your experience because I think that soooo many new bandsters need to know what they may potentially experience after being banded/having fills. Also, I have had so many experiences exactly like yours, and no matter how many times it happens, its always scary! I was reading that post and thinking 'yep... thats exactly how I feel.' So, thank you for that. Will truly be a huge help to other bandsters


Yes, I have a 4cc too, I have only had three fills and I dont have much in my band. I have had one little unfill and I think that has me a bit nervous to go in again. I was tight and had a hard time getting phelm down, I think I may have allergies. Not sure but it would get caught in my throat and would not go down. Didnt like that at all. I may try clariton and see if that helps. Otherwise I could use another fill for sure. I think hubby needs one too. Can't wait to see updated photo..

Hey Stormy! Thanks for the compliment. That isn't actually a very recent photo (the after shot, I mean) - - I am down about 15 lbs from that currently. My band is 4cc. Is yours 4cc? I really appreciated your post of your experience because I think that soooo many new bandsters need to know what they may potentially experience after being banded/having fills. Also, I have had so many experiences exactly like yours, and no matter how many times it happens, its always scary! I was reading that post and thinking 'yep... thats exactly how I feel.' So, thank you for that. Will truly be a huge help to other bandsters
I knew I chewed, at least I thought I did. Then suddenly a weight on my chest. The feeling of wanting to vomit. Burping, foaming, spit coming out the sides of my mouth. Oh my God this is horrible. I could swear I chewed it enough. I got out a cup. Maybe I would burp it out. No, gagging, burping, foaming. Now I feel like I am going into anxiety attach. Oh my stomach just made a noise. I think diarreria is coming because I am freaking out. More weight on chest. I cant take it. I stuck my finger down my throat. A big lump of something came out. Still the weight on my chest. Still the burping with the foam. Now a hiccup and a burp. Oh my, I dont feel well. Now the sweating, very nervous. I stuck my finger down my throat again, Another lump of something comes out. ohhh, yuck. Still the weight on my chest but not so bad now. But still feel like I am going to poo my pants. Now I have the chills. The pain is going down. Dont feel well at all. Tired. I think I will lay down. May have to throw up again. I dont want this to happen ever again. This is horrible!!! Still burping with foam. I think I am better now. UG- Watch out, let this be a warning to everyone. HORRIBLE!!!

I have not been banded yet...just made the appointment. I have to say this horrifies me! I have enough issues with diabetes and all the meds I'm on for that.


Dont be, as long as you are careful it wont happen. I was not, I ate fast and did not chew enough. I have to say, it has not happened since, lesson learned. But you need to be aware that chewing is a huge thing that you must do!

I have not been banded yet...just made the appointment. I have to say this horrifies me! I have enough issues with diabetes and all the meds I'm on for that.
  • 9 years later...
On 9/26/2009 at 6:40 PM, Shayna said:

I just joined this forum, trying to gather all the information I can before making a decision on whether or not to have this procedure done. I cant tell you how much I appreciate you posting your experience. It scares me to death, but gives me something real to consider. Thank you.


Hi people. I had gastric sleeve since 1985 and read about people taking papaya. Do you slice the fruit or drink something


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