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I am normally VERY good at never drinking with meals but I was eating a cheese string and carelessly reached for my v8, chugged a HUGE swig of it and immediately felt pain in my left side that has not subsided for an hour. It's right by my port. Nothing got stuck...it's a totally different pain- like pulling on my port. Of course I'm thinking now I've gone and done it and stretched my pouch. Can you actually feel it when you stretch your pouch?


I am normally VERY good at never drinking with meals but I was eating a cheese string and carelessly reached for my v8, chugged a HUGE swig of it and immediately felt pain in my left side that has not subsided for an hour. It's right by my port. Nothing got stuck...it's a totally different pain- like pulling on my port. Of course I'm thinking now I've gone and done it and stretched my pouch. Can you actually feel it when you stretch your pouch?


Sabrina - I am not very helpful with your port area pain, however on the topic of stretching your pouch, from what I understand you have to abuse the pouch more than that to really do stretching damage. I wouldn't sweat it.

I hope your pain goes away.....that stinks! Darn V-8!


I agree with AngieB. From what I've learned, the pouch CAN stretch but there must be a pattern of overeating to

cause it to happen. Odds are you just upset your "innards", if that makes any sense. Just eat carefully the rest of the day...

treat it kind of like you would a bad "stuck" episode; liquids only or mushies.

Truthfully I bet part of why it hurts you so is probably, because you DO try to follow the rules, you're feeling a little "guilt", but you don't need to. The band is usually more

forgiving than that!

Odds that you caused yourself any permanent damage from this are slim. Just baby it a little and you should be fine! Take a couple tylenol (or some liquid if you can't take pills) and you should be good to go by tomorrow.

If not, call your doc. Funky things DO happen. You should be ok though.


Your pouch should be fine as it is located up in your chest area. I doubt the string cheese covered the hole enough to prevent the V8 from going down. Besides, like the other two said, the pouch stretches after several bouts of abuse or really really really eating too much. I have been known to purposely drink a little bit when I am having snack and have never had a problem as verified by my barium swallows.


I am sure you are just fine :D I drink with many of my meals (I know, bad bad bad). I only drink small amounts, but if I drink too much I get shoulder pain and pain around my port. I really think that drinking will do two things. 1. Allow the food to pass through quicker or 2. come back up. Drinking probably isn't going to stretch your pouch, the pressure would push it back up first. Plus it would take many times of doing it to stretch it. Stretching it requires real abuse. My pouch was fine two weeks ago under the barium swallow.

It's great that you are so careful. That's probably why you have lost WAY more weight than me.


CindyLou, you're catching up to me quick!!! I got a little too gung ho and got in trouble.......a good reminder to me that "Slow and Steady Wins the Race". Anyway, it is interesting that when you drink too much you get shoulder pain and pain around port. That's exactly what happens if I over eat. Why would our port areas hurt? Any theories on this???



Maybe the pouch temporarily stretches putting pressure on the port and diaghram. That pressure then causes referred pain to the shoulder

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