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Concerned total fills too close to band size

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So here I am 4 1/2 months since being banded, and only recently have I started to feel a slight restriction from my fills - the last one a week ago. I know everyone is different, but I have 3.1 cc's in a 4 cc band. I have only lost about 10 lbs in 4 months (yes, I know - not that much) but I am trying to convince myself that "slow & steady wins the race"... I am happy to see how the next 3-4 weeks go for me until my next appt, but I am concerned that I may be getting too close to filling the band at it's capacity. I don't want the next visit to tip me over in the other direction of not being able to get anything down & it being too tight, yet I know that at 3.1 cc's, it's still not "good" restriction - at least not right now the way I'm feeling as I can only really describe it as "slight" restriction. Any advice??? Any one else had this same concern or experience???? Does .1 cc's really make enough of a difference as I get closer to 4 cc's???? :wacko: Thank you for any advice!!!

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  ksk said:
So here I am 4 1/2 months since being banded, and only recently have I started to feel a slight restriction from my fills - the last one a week ago. I know everyone is different, but I have 3.1 cc's in a 4 cc band. I have only lost about 10 lbs in 4 months (yes, I know - not that much) but I am trying to convince myself that "slow & steady wins the race"... I am happy to see how the next 3-4 weeks go for me until my next appt, but I am concerned that I may be getting too close to filling the band at it's capacity. I don't want the next visit to tip me over in the other direction of not being able to get anything down & it being too tight, yet I know that at 3.1 cc's, it's still not "good" restriction - at least not right now the way I'm feeling as I can only really describe it as "slight" restriction. Any advice??? Any one else had this same concern or experience???? Does .1 cc's really make enough of a difference as I get closer to 4 cc's???? :wacko: Thank you for any advice!!!

I personally think that even small amounts can make a difference. I think I am too tight right now...and am going back in to have probably .3cc's taken out. It seems like during this time of the year, my allergies go crazy or I get a cold...and suddenly I am too tight and need some removed. The last fill I had was only .3cc's...last time I felt too restricted. :)

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Hi ksk,

I would suggest to give it a little bit more time. When I was in the same place you are at right now I kept thinking that I supposed to feel this magic thing with restriction. Now after being way too tight for about 4 months and only losing 5 pounds during that time I thought restriction was only being able to eat small amounts. Well it is about eating small amounts but really it is about being able to eat "smaller" amounts than what you used to eat before being banded. You should be able to eat about the size of a small lean cuisine and be satisfied for about 3-4 hours after.

I was only able to take in about 2-3 bites of food at each meal and then I would have to spit in a cup for about an hour after. I had 3.35cc in my 4cc band. It wasn't until I started realizing that this can't be how I was going to live for the rest of my weight loss journey and not losing any weight, and I read a post by a couple of other girls that I started putting two and two together that something was wrong. I called the OCC and talked to Dr. So and he told me that anytime you get over 2.9cc in a 4cc band you are going into the risk zone of being overfilled.

Now I am not telling you all of this to scare you and I know that everyone is different. My point is just be careful and don't get into a big rush. Just listen to your body and give the fill some time to work. I had to have a major unfill and I am going back to the OCC in Nov to make sure that my band and pouch are ok and hopefully I haven't done anything to hurt either one. I will probably get another fill while I am there, but I know for sure that from here on out I am taking things a little slower. Hope this helps and good luck to you.

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If you don't have enough restriction go in for another fill.

EVERYONE is different. You know your body. Do what is best for you. I know someone with over 4ccs in her band. From the sounds of it you need a fill.

  ksk said:
So here I am 4 1/2 months since being banded, and only recently have I started to feel a slight restriction from my fills - the last one a week ago. I know everyone is different, but I have 3.1 cc's in a 4 cc band. I have only lost about 10 lbs in 4 months (yes, I know - not that much) but I am trying to convince myself that "slow & steady wins the race"... I am happy to see how the next 3-4 weeks go for me until my next appt, but I am concerned that I may be getting too close to filling the band at it's capacity. I don't want the next visit to tip me over in the other direction of not being able to get anything down & it being too tight, yet I know that at 3.1 cc's, it's still not "good" restriction - at least not right now the way I'm feeling as I can only really describe it as "slight" restriction. Any advice??? Any one else had this same concern or experience???? Does .1 cc's really make enough of a difference as I get closer to 4 cc's???? :wacko: Thank you for any advice!!!
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  AngieB said:
If you don't have enough restriction go in for another fill.

EVERYONE is different. You know your body. Do what is best for you. I know someone with over 4ccs in her band. From the sounds of it you need a fill.

Agreed--it is not worth having this tool if it is not working for you.

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