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Pre-op tests and surgery on the same day?

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I had my Pre-Op tesing done the same day as surgery and it is done by Dr. Jimenez who is the Pulminary Specialist (I love love love him). Dr. Jimenez is extremely charming and has a wonderful personality. He first goes over your medical hsitory with you then he has you blow into this handheld device 3 times and instructs you to blow as hard and as looong as you can blowing 1 continuous blow for a minimum of 6 seconds (this is to test the lungs) after this he has you go into a room and take your clothes off from the waist up and put on a paper robe with the opening in front of you and lie down on an examination table. He ten comes in and places pads on your chest and head (I think) and instructs you not to move and this is the EKG for your heart. That's it your done and he tells you if you passed on the spot! He said I have the lungs of a 34 year old (I am 34 but I smoke) and the heart of a teenager :wub: I asked him what age and he said 18 so that makes me barely legal :lol:


I had everything done within hours of my surgery.

Breathing test, Blood test .. then i was whisked off for surgery.

IT only takes maybe 30 to complete the testing - it's very very basic.


Thanks Limdsay. I am just used to here in the US. Whenever I get blood drawn it takes days to get the results back.

its the same here in canada! ;)


I had my pre-op tests and surgery performed first in my group. I was also lucky enough to go home the same day because I live in San Diego. It was a piece of cake smile.gif.

Hey Ashely - how's it going? Haven't seen ya on the food log board. Did you get tired of it? I had a easy breezy surgery too.


Hi Angie!! Things have been good. I will definitely start journaling my food again. My birthday was over the weekend and things were busy. How are you sweetie smile.gif

I hope your birthday was a good one! Today is my sons 2 year birthday. We are opening prezzies tonight! I am pretty excited!

I am doing good. Had a fill this past Monday. I am hoping with all my heart that this will be the one that tightens up the zip tie! LOL


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