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So I have decided it is time to work out! Any advice on how to start out? I walk lots outside when it's not -40 but want to walk on my trainer this winter. I feel like I am on the biggest losser. I was sure I was going to vomit after 13min yesterday. I am not really a fan of working out(as one would guess at 239) So is it best to start out shorter times a couple of times a day or just continue to work past the past out stage? Any good tips would be great!

Thanks :rolleyes:


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Good for you. I find excercise definetly is the key.

I walked outside when I can and on miserable days I do my treadmill at 3.8 for 30 minutes. Seems to be working good for me.

I tried a E trainer once and it nearly killed me. Same thing thought I was going to puke pass out. Quess if you get used to it , it is one heck of a work out.,

Secret key is whatever excercise you do, do it 7 times a week. That is what Doctor Ortiz told me and that is what I have done and it seems to be working great.

Good luck


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So I have decided it is time to work out! Any advice on how to start out? I walk lots outside when it's not -40 but want to walk on my trainer this winter. I feel like I am on the biggest losser. I was sure I was going to vomit after 13min yesterday. I am not really a fan of working out(as one would guess at 239) So is it best to start out shorter times a couple of times a day or just continue to work past the past out stage? Any good tips would be great!

Thanks rolleyes.gif


Mamabear - I wouldn't recommend pushing yourself till you feel like you want to vomit. I'd do short bursts and build up your endurance. Excerise is great! If you are going to push it, make sure you are checking your heart rate.

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Hi Mamabear,

Exercise is very very helpful. Plus drink lots of water.

I think Debbie is right, that exercise is key, since I don't lose weight if I don't workout.

On that note, take baby steps. :) Working out till you pass out or puke is not a good thing. :wacko:

If it has been a while since you have worked out, take it slow. 10-15 minutes. Every week, increase your time on the trainer by 2-5 minutes, depending on what you can handle and your fitness level.

(BTW, what machine/trainer do you have? treadmill, bike, elliptical?)

I go to the gym, but I use a combo of machines, free weights and balance exercises to workout. Then at home, I have a sit-down bike with back support that has different programs. We are hoping to get a treadmill for at home too.



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Honestly, good on you for starting! I did and then i stopped. I struggle to excercise I dont know why! Maybe we could be exercise buddies and email etc? I think that if you do 5 minutes.. do 5 minutes its better than NO MINUTES! And then you can say to yourself you tried, you got up and DID some exercise.. Then after a couple of weeks do 10 minutes .. 15 minutes etc only do what your comfy with doing. I would hate you to hurt yourself or put more stress on your body etc.. If you like inbox me we should start a blog together.. :)

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Just keep it up and pretty soon you'll be kicking its but.

The hard truth is you have to keep exercising at a steady consistant pace and switch it up from time to time. I just cant imagine exercise not being a part of my life to me its just like brushing my teeth if I dont do it, it bugs me all day! Im also pretty darn sure I wouldnt have reached my goal if I didnt do it, and Im pretty damn sure my body wouldnt look like it does now.

The best advice I can give you is get it on your calendar every day have a time set to exercise and it doesnt have to be the same time everyday, you just have to be committed to getting it done. After a few months it becomes routine, and youll feel better. If you dont do it youll miss it and your body will crave it. Your skin will look better your muscles will become tone and beautiful, its amazing how you can use exercise to shape your body.

Just do it, and get committed to having it become an important part of your life youre worth it.

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I have an elliptical which I don't like but I bought it 2 years ago and I am going to use it!! I did 20min tonight and feel great. I really think this is going to kick my weight loss into high gear.

Thanks everyone for your coments and advice :D I will keep you posted on how it goes!

Hi Mamabear,

Exercise is very very helpful. Plus drink lots of water.

I think Debbie is right, that exercise is key, since I don't lose weight if I don't workout.

On that note, take baby steps. :) Working out till you pass out or puke is not a good thing. :wacko:

If it has been a while since you have worked out, take it slow. 10-15 minutes. Every week, increase your time on the trainer by 2-5 minutes, depending on what you can handle and your fitness level.

(BTW, what machine/trainer do you have? treadmill, bike, elliptical?)

I go to the gym, but I use a combo of machines, free weights and balance exercises to workout. Then at home, I have a sit-down bike with back support that has different programs. We are hoping to get a treadmill for at home too.



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