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Does the lap band help with diabetes and reduce insulin use

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I have been a diabetic since 2001. I have been on insulin since 2002. My endocrinologist put me on Byetta and I lost 50 lbs. However, since I stopped losing weight with Byetta and my A1c was less than desirable, she took me off of it. Now that I've been put back on insulin along with taking the oral medication Glyburide, I'm gaining the weight back.

I have an appointment on Jan. 21 (previously Jan 7, but she will not be in her office) and I plan to discuss the lap band with her. She originally suggested gastric bypass, but that's a bit over the top for me.

My questions are

1. Is there anyone out there who has/had diabetes and the lap band helped them?

2. Will I still have to take insulin?

3. Also, we have excellent insurance. My husband is employed by The Methodist Hospital in the Texas Medical Center in Houston, Texas and if I have the surgery there, the co-pay will be waived. Does it take a long time to get approved for the surgery by the insuuracne and once approved, what are the pre-procedural steps before actually having the surgery?

I know these are general questions that depend on the individual, but I really would like to know how if the lap band will help me in this area of losing weight and helping with the diabetes. I'm so tired of al lthe medications until I could just scream!!! I really would to know what everyone's opinion is. Please help. mellow.gif



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I have been a diabetic since 2001. I have been on insulin since 2002. My endocrinologist put me on Byetta and I lost 50 lbs. However, since I stopped losing weight with Byetta and my A1c was less than desirable, she took me off of it. Now that I've been put back on insulin along with taking the oral medication Glyburide, I'm gaining the weight back.

I have an appointment on Jan. 21 (previously Jan 7, but she will not be in her office) and I plan to discuss the lap band with her. She originally suggested gastric bypass, but that's a bit over the top for me.

My questions are

1. Is there anyone out there who has/had diabetes and the lap band helped them?

2. Will I still have to take insulin?

3. Also, we have excellent insurance. My husband is employed by The Methodist Hospital in the Texas Medical Center in Houston, Texas and if I have the surgery there, the co-pay will be waived. Does it take a long time to get approved for the surgery by the insuuracne and once approved, what are the pre-procedural steps before actually having the surgery?

I know these are general questions that depend on the individual, but I really would like to know how if the lap band will help me in this area of losing weight and helping with the diabetes. I'm so tired of al lthe medications until I could just scream!!! I really would to know what everyone's opinion is. Please help. mellow.gif



Hi there, I can sort of answer the first 2 questions a little bit. If you watch 60 minutes and ACA (A current Affair) these well respected shows had segments on diabetics who take insulin and that 60% did NOT need insulin a few months after their surgeries ever again! I dont personally know from experience but found that fact very fabulous as i have friends who are in insulin. While 60% is a good chance, it would sill be worth talking to your dr and or endocrinologist about.

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