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Should I be so HUNGRY?

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So does anyone else remember being hungry immediately after banding? Like really really cold-burning emptiness and tummy rumbling HUNGRY? I feel the restriction, I do. But I also feel the same, like I said, cold yet burning bubbling sensation in my stomach that I always get when I go too long without eating. I'm bad, bad hungry. Today I've had a few bottles of water, some broth, 2 popsicles (one was Leche b/c we were out shopping and it was the closest I could do to "not pulpy") and 2 cups of hot tea. The tea just a moment ago and I'm so hungry I'm kind of shaky and the rumbling won't stop.

I thought the point of this whole surgery was to make me not (or at least less) hungry? It says so in all the paperwork. Why am I full of holes and starving? At this rate, I don't know how long I will be able to keep to rules I had every intention of following. This hunger will eventually drive me crazy and I'm afraid I'll break down and challenge the band, possibly even causing damage or slippage or pouch enlargement. I don't want that to happen. And it won't if I can just kick this maddening hunger and stop listening to my stomach growl.

Someone please tell me if you've experienced this and did it go away?



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I wasn't as hungry the first few days as you are, but I was hungry. Make sure to drink enough fluids. Dehydration can also make you feel hungry. Drink protein water when you can and don't do anything physical. I mean, sit on the sofa and watch TV all day and drink drink drink. YOU CAN DO THIS.

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Drink , Drink and then drink some more. Popsicles help as well. Just hang in there and try not to think about it. The more you think about it the more hungry you get. If you feel hungry do something to occupy your time or keep you busy. I would go for a walk or read or doing banking or anything to stop me thinking about hunger.

Main thing is keep coming here for support and know that you can do this. One day at a time and before you know it you will see yourself getting smaller and smaller and loving it.


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Ditto to what everyone said make sure you are drinking lots. I always had this weird kind of empty burning sensation in my belly, but i just took it one day at a time and worked through it. Also, head hunger is a real b*%*ch!! That was something that I had to fight really hard. Just try to keep yourself occupied and busy and take it one day at a time.

Good luck!!

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Thanks everyone for the support! I'm still really hungry, complete with tummy rumbles, but I feel a little better about it now that I've seen my first post-banding weight loss. 5 lbs since Dec 28th!

I'm really active, so that probably has a lot to do with it. I've been going non stop since I woke up from surgery. After tonight, I think I'll try out that whole "rest" thing :)


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