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dream vacation with not so happy ending

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I have just returned from almost three weeks in Maui. I left Boxing Day at the lowest weight I have been in my adult life (166 pounds). I decided to get another complete unfill en route to the airport because for the two previous days (Christmas Eve and Christmas day) I couln't eat solids and was starting to have trouble with just water. The same thing had happened a few months ago and OCC advised a complete unfill for three weeks at that time. Although I gained 9 pounds with the first unfill, I figured I would do it again to ensure I wasn't far from home, dehydrated, in danger, and as a result ruining our family vacation. Besides, that nine pounds came off in no time.

As an experiment, I decided I would try to eat like a "normal" person while on holiday...three meals per day, no snacking, plenty of water. I was good for the most part; my biggest downfall being the Mai-Tais and Pina Coladas my husband kept making me after the kids went to bed so I would, (in his words) "loosen up and live a little". We had more fun together than we have in years, but boy am I paying for it now. Get ready for this...............in 18 days, I gained 14 pounds!!! I swear on my mother's grave that I was eating "normal" (not lap-band normal), but not going crazy at all. We had a condo so we cooked our own meals, and I even asked that he didn't keep any junk in the condo to tempt me. I'm guessing I was eating about 2000 calories per day. Of course, I normally only eat about 800 per day but 14 freakin pounds?! REALLY???? Back to get filled up tomorrow. Here we go again!


PS- Pic below was probably about ten pounds ago!


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grrrrrrrrr hey. But you know what - live and learn :) you had fun and now you know to have fun, it will be more fun longer if u eat less - ha ha, I need to follow my own advice. I gained over xmas, I still ate a lot less than I used to but I went back up to 144. I was down to about 136. Jeez. We get pretty disappointed in ourselves hey - but guess what - we are human and I have to say both you and I have been doing wicked and we cant kick ourselves. Dont worry - before long the weight you gained will be gone! I am down to 141 again, but I swear it seems to be more difficult now....I am going to get my butt back down to 135. My problem is I either have to wait until Feb or fly to san diego to get my fill and I really seriously do not have 4 days to myself to fly there (It takes me about 12-14 hours to get there and another 12-14 to get home). Anyways - I am thinking I am just going to suck it up and wait till feb.

Good luck! Facebook me anytime for motivation :) it goes directly to my phone

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Look at you in your cute Bikini. Theresa's right, you look amazing!!! :)

In March, I am going for 10 days to Hawaii with the kids and meeting my husband there.

I am looking forward to buying me a bikini. Haven't worn one since 1994. I am finally feeling ready to go for it.

We are going to Oahu. I have heard Maui is very beautiful. Did you take lots of pics?



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Had my re-fill today!!! I now have 2.1 cc's. We'll see if that is the magic number. The doc wasn't worried about my gain at all. He keeps telling me not to get too skinny and that I look great and am at a healthy weight now! I saw my mom today as well and she is always brutally honest and said she couldn't tell I'd gained a pound. All my pre-trip clothes still fit too so I don't know how it's possible that I've gained 14 pounds but that is what the scale says and I always weigh on the same one. The body (just like the band) is a mysterious thing.


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Look at you in your cute Bikini. Theresa's right, you look amazing!!! :)

In March, I am going for 10 days to Hawaii with the kids and meeting my husband there.

I am looking forward to buying me a bikini. Haven't worn one since 1994. I am finally feeling ready to go for it.

We are going to Oahu. I have heard Maui is very beautiful. Did you take lots of pics?



Kristi, if you are on facebook, I have tons of photos from our trip posted at http://www.facebook.com/SabrinaStorey. Just add me as a friend to see them. You're going to rock that bikini in Hawaii!!! I'll bet your husband can't wait to see you in it. Warning, wearing so little is very distracting for them, haha. My 6-year old even said even said "dad, why are you always looking at mom's boobs?"!!! Better mine than someone elses I guess!

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Had my re-fill today!!! I now have 2.1 cc's. We'll see if that is the magic number. The doc wasn't worried about my gain at all. He keeps telling me not to get too skinny and that I look great and am at a healthy weight now! I saw my mom today as well and she is always brutally honest and said she couldn't tell I'd gained a pound. All my pre-trip clothes still fit too so I don't know how it's possible that I've gained 14 pounds but that is what the scale says and I always weigh on the same one. The body (just like the band) is a mysterious thing.


Hey Sabrina

I think your scale is lying to you :) But seriously, this happens to me when ever I go on vacation, and did over Xmas as well when I was pretty much unfilled. My scale said I had gained almost 10 lbs, but within a week I was down 5 and my clothes didn't fit any differently. I think that a lot of it is due to salt and water weight because I tend to eat a LOT more salt when I am not preparing my own food.

Another thing, my scale hasn't moved in a couple of weeks even though I have been working out like made. At the same time my clothes are fitting looser though. I think it is the classic problem where you start working out and gaining muscle. If you were really active on vacation and eating a good amount of protein it's possible that some of the weight is muscle which is a great thing.

Take care


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Well, this whole fill and unfill stuff is getting very annoying. As mentioned in a previous post, I went for a "refill" Saturday. The doc took me from 0cc's to 2.1 cc's (or so I thought) but it was WAY too much. I thought I would do liquids for a few days but even those were proving difficult to get down. I went back today and asked for some fluid out. He pulls it all out before he puts any more in or out and it turns out I had 2.3 cc's...not 2.1.

So, we decided to take out .3 cc's and see how that goes. I should be at 2 cc's now. It's only been a couple hours, and the liquids are going down okay but still very slow. He said he would work with me for free all week until we got the right amount. I just don't understand why six months ago I could handle 3.4 cc's in my band and now 2 cc's is causing problems. I had my band checked at OCC on December 16th and Dr. So said it was perfect from what he could see.

Not being able to eat and barely being able to drink is giving me wicked headaches and, of course, I can't swallow pills when I am this swollen. I'm going to take some of my kids liquid tylenol. Has this happened to anybody else? I remember Nicole K having problems like this but she couldn't even eat when she was completely unfilled. Clearly, that is not a problem for me (as witnessed with my 14-pound weight gain with my recent complete unfill!) but I am getting seriously worried that for me there will be no happy medium- too much restriction or not enough. Thoughts?


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I know those pounds will come off in no time for you. I am so sorry that you are having the fill issues, sounds like you are REALLY tight right now. I wish you the best and its really nice that your fill Doc is going to work with you!

Best wishes and please keep us posted..

Love the new pics you posted!


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To add insult to injury, my husband just weighed himself and he LOST ten pounds on our vacation! I was cooking for all of us, we were all eating the same things (just less for me) plus he was drinking like a fish every day for three weeks. HE LOSES and I gain??? Jerk! JK.


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I don't know if it was the partial unfill, or the Maalox I have been chugging, but I feel MUCH better today. Drinking is not a problem at all now and I even managed to eat some shrimp and veggies for lunch. Phew! Now I hope I don't have to go back for more fill any time soon- it's getting a little embarassing going in to see the doc every other day!


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I agree I wouldn't worry about that weight it will come off in no time! My friend who isn't banded and eats really well somehow gained 10lbs on her honeymoon! A lot of that is probably the alcohol so no worries.

I'm sure you had a blast!!! I am so jealous!!!

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3 wks in Maui!!!!!!! You lucky dog!, My band is always fickle on vacation, and I think you did the right thing with the unfill. In my opinion it is better to gain a few pounds than get into trouble, PB all the time, feel miserable or worse while away from home. The weight will go back down quickly, so give it a little time and let your body adjust. And husbands - well can't live with them and can't live without them :) You look great in the bikini!!

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Remember, that there's no shame in experimenting. We need to know what our limits are. Some of us just aren't designed to run on the "recommended daily caloric requirement"

I try to keep my caloric intake around 800-1400 a day, (sometimes I'll treat myself and have a candy bar). My weight loss has been relatively slow, and that's just fine. I got lucky and 1 fill has been great for me. (I could probably use another one, but for the most part, I'm doing okay).

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Oh my god, I feel you. I gained around 30 lbs in the 6 weeks I was unfilled. Now I'm just starting to lose it again. I went from 8 ccs to 0 ccs and am now at 3. I think I've lost 5 lbs in the last month, which is good - a hell of a lot better than gaining 30, right? But it feels so awful to have to re-lose that weight you worked so hard to get off!!!

I must say I'm very proud of you for eating like a "normal person" while on vacation. When I had no fill, I was hungry ALL THE TIME. I felt like if it was standing still (or even moving slowly), I would eat it. I'd completely forgotten how fast and how MUCH I ate before I was banded... and I don't want to go back there again!


I have just returned from almost three weeks in Maui. I left Boxing Day at the lowest weight I have been in my adult life (166 pounds). I decided to get another complete unfill en route to the airport because for the two previous days (Christmas Eve and Christmas day) I couln't eat solids and was starting to have trouble with just water. The same thing had happened a few months ago and OCC advised a complete unfill for three weeks at that time. Although I gained 9 pounds with the first unfill, I figured I would do it again to ensure I wasn't far from home, dehydrated, in danger, and as a result ruining our family vacation. Besides, that nine pounds came off in no time.

As an experiment, I decided I would try to eat like a "normal" person while on holiday...three meals per day, no snacking, plenty of water. I was good for the most part; my biggest downfall being the Mai-Tais and Pina Coladas my husband kept making me after the kids went to bed so I would, (in his words) "loosen up and live a little". We had more fun together than we have in years, but boy am I paying for it now. Get ready for this...............in 18 days, I gained 14 pounds!!! I swear on my mother's grave that I was eating "normal" (not lap-band normal), but not going crazy at all. We had a condo so we cooked our own meals, and I even asked that he didn't keep any junk in the condo to tempt me. I'm guessing I was eating about 2000 calories per day. Of course, I normally only eat about 800 per day but 14 freakin pounds?! REALLY???? Back to get filled up tomorrow. Here we go again!


PS- Pic below was probably about ten pounds ago!


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Honey you look fab!!!!

That last 5lbs will come off in no time. Just think before the band you probably would have gained even more weight and kept it.

You had a fantastic VK with the family and it was a temporary blip.

You go girl.

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Thanks!!! I read part of the comment you made on my profile but it got cut off. You offering me a tv show?!

Ha ha. In my younger years I actually had my own local cable tv show but I gave up my dreams of being on tv because I thought I was too fat. Instead I pursued a radio and voice over career. It all worked out, I've had a good career, but it's kind of sad that I limited myself like that. Never again!


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