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Pre-op diet

Pre-op diet  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. How did you lose your pre-op weight?

    • OCC - Diet plan 1 (can't remember what it is)
    • OCC - Diet plan 2 - 2 shakes & lean cusine
    • OCC - Diet plan 3 - intro to Atkins
    • Other
    • Didn't lose any weight
    • Gained weight

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Good morning all!

On Mon. 2/1, I will be starting my pre-op diet! YAY - it's almost band time! :) My question is, does it matter how you lose the weight as long as you lose it? I'm thinking about doing something like HCG drops for a couple of weeks to help get the weight off. I've got my 5% (9 lbs.) to lose plus about 3 lbs. extra that I've put on since decision date (was 8 - lost 5 already). If I can't do the HCG drops, I'll probably do the intro to Atkins that they recommend because I don't think I can do the shakes and lean cuisine. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks so much!

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Good morning all!

On Mon. 2/1, I will be starting my pre-op diet! YAY - it's almost band time! :) My question is, does it matter how you lose the weight as long as you lose it? I'm thinking about doing something like HCG drops for a couple of weeks to help get the weight off. I've got my 5% (9 lbs.) to lose plus about 3 lbs. extra that I've put on since decision date (was 8 - lost 5 already). If I can't do the HCG drops, I'll probably do the intro to Atkins that they recommend because I don't think I can do the shakes and lean cuisine. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks so much!


What is HCG drops???

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I think if they tell you to do lean cuisine and shakes that is what you should be doing. This will be a total life style change and starting out switching up the meals during the first week will only make it hard for you in the long run. I found that the pre-op diet started to train me to make better choices and eat less. Just think how hard it is going to be going from your normal diet to broth. Good luck!!

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What is HCG drops???

Basically HCG drops are made (synthetically I guess) of the pregnancy hormone (very low variation). It's supposed to control your appetite while you follow a strict 500 calorie a day diet. I know anyone who would follow a 500 calorie a day diet is going to lose weight; however, this is supposed to control your hunger AND pull the fat from stored areas instead of other less desirable areas. I don't know too much obviously. Here is some info from one of the websites. Please excuse my typing because I can't see it!!!!

What Is HCG And How Can It Help Me?

HCG is a natural hormone/protein substance that helps burn off unneeded excess fat on your thighs, hips, belly, and upper arms and changes the way you eat. Our HCG drops are homeopathic, so they are safe and have virtually no side effects. HCG has been around for over 50 years, so HCG information is abundant and documented.

HCG modifies the way you eat and changes your appetite by resetting your hypothalamus, so you can easily maintain the low-calorie diet we recommend through our VLCD program. You'll get all the nutrients your body needs, feel full, and develop the healthy eating habits you've always wanted!

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a natural hormone that is found in the body. Taken in very small doses, hCG aids the body in burning its abnormal fat, which is usually found in excess in our stomach, back, butt, hips, thighs, and underside of arms. By employing our proprietary hCG Drops Diet system, the body will consume its own abnormal fat reserves. Taking the hCG drops will cause your hypothalamus (which controls many of the bodies functions such as hunger, metabolism, etc.) to work at reseting your metabolism, so that when you complete the diet, the weight will stay off.

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I think if they tell you to do lean cuisine and shakes that is what you should be doing. This will be a total life style change and starting out switching up the meals during the first week will only make it hard for you in the long run. I found that the pre-op diet started to train me to make better choices and eat less. Just think how hard it is going to be going from your normal diet to broth. Good luck!!

No where does it say you HAVE to do the shakes and a lean cuisine and that is not going to be my life style after surgery. And no where did I say I plan to do my normal diet before surgery. I'm checking into some options that might be a little different than what they suggest (they have 3 different diet suggestions), but overall, I know that I won't be eating my normal foods come Monday. I know the broth is going to hard, I've been mentally preparing for that for months; however, I also know that I will have my tool (band) at that point that should help me through it.

What fits one person, does not fit all and I don't appreciate a lecture about it if I'm a little different because I choose diet option 3 or something else.

I'm sorry if this is comes across as harsh, but it struck a nerve with me. I have a lot of other stresses at home right now too, so that could be why - maybe I'm overreacting.

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I didn't do the shakes and lean cuisines for my Pre-op.

Mostly I drank protein drinks for morning, then ate a protein and veggie for lunch and dinner. I tried to get used to eating that way before my surgery and then after post-op liquids phase it wouldn't take me by surprise. I did do the Pre-op liquids before and then after for Post-op.

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Sorry if you thought my coment was a lecture because that was not what it was intended to be. I was given my 3 options by the OCC and I(they) picked one and followed it as was suggested. They reason they gave it to me and everyone else is because there is a good chance if you are having this done it is because of over eating and they are wanting to help you. And this is all I was wanting to do by suggesting you follow a diet that has worked for so many.

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I used the time to figure out what protein drinks I liked and to practice chewing and eating my protein first. I made up my own diet based on what I needed to lose. I wish I would have tried more cream soups because I really got tired of sweet stuff during the liquid diet post-op. Boy did I get a wakeup call when I started being mindful about chewing. I was in the habit of inhaling my food.


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Weight Watchers worked (works) for my lifestyle change. I did that 1 week before and lost 2 pounds that week.

Keep it simple. Calories in, calories out and find something that works for you and is something you can stick to regardless of whether or not it comes from the OCC. I told everyone at the OCC that I was doing Weight Watchers and they all agreed that was a great decision for me and my goals. It felt really good to get the support I received from them and it was really motivating to know that they were all behind me in my decision to live Weight Watchers.

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I don't think it matters how you lose the weight as long as you lose it. Carolyn gave me the same there options and said if I was going to start the pre-op diet several (like 6) weeks in advance, I might want to try the Atkins diet, but if I was going to start it 2-3 weeks prior to the surgery, Option 1 or 2 might be better.

I had 12 pounds to lose, started the pre-op diet about 2 weeks in advance of surgery, and did the protein shake/lean cuisine diet. Worked for me.

The reason I chose not to go on Atkins is that I've been on Atkins many times before and I wasn't sure I could stay on it long enough to the lose the 12 pounds and when I go off low carb, the weight comes back very quickly.

Don't know if this helps, but that was my reasoning.

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