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MSM Suppliment / Methylsulfonylmethane


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Okay so I have watched videos about the MSM suppliment helping with saggy baggy extra skin.

MSM / Methylsulfonylmethane -

Here is one of the vids I have seen...

I have been reading on the web about this suppliment and have found some interesting information.

Anyone heard of this suppliment? What are your thoughts?

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Okay so I have watched videos about the MSM suppliment helping with saggy baggy extra skin.

MSM / Methylsulfonylmethane -

Here is one of the vids I have seen...

I have been reading on the web about this suppliment and have found some interesting information.

Anyone heard of this suppliment? What are your thoughts?

Angie..I've given it for many years (20) to both my older horses & dogs to help with their arthritis...and I can attest that none of them have baggy skin!! lol It is a helpful suppliment for those with joint pain..but like anything we add to our system you should run it past your doctor JUST to make sure it's the right product for you. Sometimes drugs and suppliments will inter-react with not-so-pleasant side effects!

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Angie..I've given it for many years (20) to both my older horses & dogs to help with their arthritis...and I can attest that none of them have baggy skin!! lol It is a helpful suppliment for those with joint pain..but like anything we add to our system you should run it past your doctor JUST to make sure it's the right product for you. Sometimes drugs and suppliments will inter-react with not-so-pleasant side effects!

Good to know. I have not purchased any, just reading about it right now. Well, hold up. I do have a product for joint support, and I think it is in there. After watching and reading about it I was on the thought process if it helps me not to have excess skin issues, then maybe this would be a product worth taking. Ya know if it prevented a need for plastic surgery. Over all I am doing the lap band to be healthy and get to a healier weight, however I am not going to say I don't have some vanity issues in there too. I'd like to look great too!

Thanks for your input.

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Good to know. I have not purchased any, just reading about it right now. Well, hold up. I do have a product for joint support, and I think it is in there. After watching and reading about it I was on the thought process if it helps me not to have excess skin issues, then maybe this would be a product worth taking. Ya know if it prevented a need for plastic surgery. Over all I am doing the lap band to be healthy and get to a healier weight, however I am not going to say I don't have some vanity issues in there too. I'd like to look great too!

Thanks for your input.

If sounds too good to be true, it usually is! ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had a friend who had wonderful radiant skin (on his face) and I wondered how it could be so nice. He is around 55 yrs old, and I am 34, anyway one day he mentioned that he takes MSM for joint trouble but that it makes your skin nice too. So thinking I finally had his secret, I went out that day and got some and after about 3 days of it I had wonderful facial skin too! I used to have an acne problem and now if I forget to take it for a while the acne comes back. I take 4000mg per day (which is what he told me he took). You can get capsules or powder. I like to put powder in orange juice to drink it every morning. Anyway, I loved it so much I bought some cream, like a lotion in a little jar. I had a breast lift surgery and after the incisions closed, I put it on the incisions and at my month check up, both the Dr and his nurse commented on how my scars were the best they had ever seen at 1 month. I love it, and I will continue to use it and if it helps with saggy skin too, then that will be great! Also, I know they sell a powder for horses like at a feed store, and this man said his wife puts it in her bath water for softer skin. I thought, what the heck, I'll try that too. And it does seem to make your skin really nice.

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