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Another NSV

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It's been a long time coming but I finally have another NSV!! This weekend I ran in the St. Patrick's Day run in Saint Louis. It was a 5 mile run and I did it w/o stopping and actually bettered my time from the 4 mile run I did in Sept. Legs are a little sore today, but otherwise feel great!

As we ran we talked about all i've been through and laughed that a year or two ago this wouldn't have even been a thought for me. I used to joke the only way i'd run is if someone was chasing me with a knife! :) We are also going to look into seeing if there are any runs this summer up north like in Milwaukee or Minneapolis where it won't be so hot. Hoping to find a 10k.

This weather getting nicer is helping me get more motivated to work out and hopefully it will do the same for you all. I am so close to 70lbs lost I can taste it which will also put me in the 130's so i'm aiming for that in the next couple weeks.

Hope you all had a great weekend!!

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I don't know what a NSV is but CONGRATS! Where's the smilie with the party hat? *<{:-) Close enough. I've always said I couldn't run even to save my life. I'd be the one in the scary movie that goes first. I really hope someday I can follow in your foot steps. I've broken both legs and ankles and haven't run since because that's when the weight started piling on.

Congrats on a great accomplishment. It's awesome hearing things like this or Debbie's mountain climbing! You guys rock!

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Hey Shelby, congrats!! You are an inspiration to Bogie and I both. The other night we ran down to the end of the block :lol:

I read your food journal from yesterday! :lol: A girl after my own heart with the vodka cranberry celebration! Are your sure you and I werent Edina & Patsy in our past lives??? Please tell me you are an Ab Fab fan :P


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Woo Hoo Shelby! I am so proud of you! Im running a 10K in april and it kind of scares me as all I have run is a 5K (and thats double) But I will finish it even if I have to walk some! ran 4 miles yesterday and my hips feel it today. You are such an inspiration! Keep up the hard work. I too am almost in the 130's sooooo excited!

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Hey Shelby, congrats!! You are an inspiration to Bogie and I both. The other night we ran down to the end of the block :lol:

I read your food journal from yesterday! :lol: A girl after my own heart with the vodka cranberry celebration! Are your sure you and I werent Edina & Patsy in our past lives??? Please tell me you are an Ab Fab fan :P


Ha ha that is hilarious!!! I don't get to watch it often but have a couple times it is really funny!!! I always say when I get old i'm gonna wear lots of make up, hideous clothes and take up smoking just b/c I can!!

Man those vodka cranberries were going down way too smooth that night but heck after running that far I deserved it!!! :blink:

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Thanks so much everyone it means a lot!!! Now, i'm not gonna lie I don't totally love running, but it gives me a new challenge and it does feel really good when you are done.

For those interested I did the couch to 5K program and it is a really easy way to get you going!


To help get the weight off at first I did Zumba and I am hooked on that! I haven't done it as much lately b/c of training for races, but will get back to it soon. It's great cardio and you burn a lot of calories!!!!

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Zumba is awesome!!! It is latin aerobics. Here is a video I found on youtube that gives you a good idea of it.

I am hooked!!!

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I am so proud of you! How did you start running? Was it always something you enjoyed or did you start to train after becoming one of us banditos?


It's been a long time coming but I finally have another NSV!! This weekend I ran in the St. Patrick's Day run in Saint Louis. It was a 5 mile run and I did it w/o stopping and actually bettered my time from the 4 mile run I did in Sept. Legs are a little sore today, but otherwise feel great!

As we ran we talked about all i've been through and laughed that a year or two ago this wouldn't have even been a thought for me. I used to joke the only way i'd run is if someone was chasing me with a knife! :) We are also going to look into seeing if there are any runs this summer up north like in Milwaukee or Minneapolis where it won't be so hot. Hoping to find a 10k.

This weather getting nicer is helping me get more motivated to work out and hopefully it will do the same for you all. I am so close to 70lbs lost I can taste it which will also put me in the 130's so i'm aiming for that in the next couple weeks.

Hope you all had a great weekend!!

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