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Its been awhile...I've got some wedding pics!

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Hello everyone! It has been awhile since I have been on. I started getting very frustrated over the past few months as my weight started going the wrong way. I have not understood why since EVERYTHING seems to comeback up these days. I was going to visit Dr. O and staff but completely forgot that we need a passport to cross the border now! Ugh so I have to renew mine and wait 4-6 weeks. I don't have the money to travel to Mexico let alone expedite a passport, so I am thinking of switching to liquids again for a few days to see if this helps.

SOOOO.....Anthony and I got married in January. I am getting some pictures together to post. For those of you who don't know our story, we met at the OCC June 18, 2008...the day before our surgeries and started talking while we waited for our pre-op tests. Long talks over the next three days, some shopping and hanging by the pool developed a close friendship. This was then followed by long long conversations on the phone for 7 weeks post op, and then we met up again at the same time for our first fills in August 2008 and spent the weekend together. We have been together ever since!

Dr. O not only helped me kick start my weight loss but also introduced me to the love of my life! Since Anthony and I have struggled a bit lately with the bands we are hoping that our next visit to the OCC will give us the kick in the a$$ we need :D

I went from about 246 to about 220 before the surgery. I went for my first fill at around 194...I was sooo happy with the initial results! I then got down to 182 or so for my second fill. I have fluctuated between 182 and 192 since. I know the band must be too tight (hoping it is not SLIPPED!!!) so I hope in a few weeks if I can come up with the money I will be able to make a visit to Dr. O and his staff.

Stay tuned I will upload pics of the wedding as soon as I figure out how!

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Congrats to You and Your Hubby! What a great story of your meeting! You do need to be checked by the Dr.s there. Are you under any stress? When I'm stressed I can't eat and have a hard time keeping it down. I hope all is well with your band. Please keep us posted on your out come.

Kelly C.

Highest weight: 260 lbs.

Banded April 26th. 2007

Surgery weight: 240 lbs.

Now Goal weight: 137 lbs.

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