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Need help getting back on the Bandwagon!

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The band has changed my life tremendously, but I find myself overeating during times of stress. Unfortunately, since losing my job three weeks ago, I've been snacking around the clock. I can't really binge eat like I did pre-band, but I can certainly overeat and make unhealthy choices (ice cream, cheap ramen noodles, etc).

I don't think I need a fill as I've had three or four now and am pretty tight. I need to get back on the program. Any advice?


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I just have to keep all the crap out of my house because if it's there, I'll eat it! Other than that, all I can say is "one day at a time". Just because you screwed up yesterday, doesn't mean you have to today. I was terrible all weekend (thanks Easter Bunny) but will start fresh today. It's never too late to start again.


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Nothing wrong with snacking, just make sure they are healthy, and you don't exceed your daily calorie allotment. Hot air popped popcorn is my favorite night-time snack. I spray Parkay fat free, low cal spray butter on it, but skip the salt. It is delicious, low-calorie, & high in fiber. I also eat a protein bar as a snack sometimes. I feel like I am eating a candy bar. Special K protein bars are very good.

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Hi there! The best advice I can give you is to go back to basics! Read through all the info and go back to just like when you were at day 22 and starting solids. Portion control, start w/ proteins, then veggies, etc...

Just like was already said, tomorrow is a new day! Just because I mess up at lunch I don't let myself then consider the day screwed and eat bad the rest of the day. Just start all over right then! Also for me coming in here often helps keep me accountible.

Good luck!

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Wow! You read my mind, I have not only fallen off the band wagon but am rolling under the wheels. Am sorry you are having trouble but am glad to know I am not alone. this is the first time i have been on here in a long time due to being soooo bad. Haven't gained but am not loosing either. Wishing you the best! thanks everyone for all the advise even though it wasn't aimed for me.

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