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Nows as good a time as any.

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Well I guess now is as good a time as any to start my quest. I'm am currently on my 8th day Pre-op and have been shocked. It's not that bad. Anyway today I'm going to get all my stuff ready for Sunday morning. We leave here at 6:30 in the morning (yuck). So I'm going to try to write in here for the next few days. Thanxs TC all

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Congrats....you are going to be amazed at the whole adventure. I'm with you on the early morning thing...yuck!

There should never be two 6:30's in a day! Keep us posted and welcome to the "Band Land Gang"!

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Well I guess now is as good a time as any to start my quest. I'm am currently on my 8th day Pre-op and have been shocked. It's not that bad. Anyway today I'm going to get all my stuff ready for Sunday morning. We leave here at 6:30 in the morning (yuck). So I'm going to try to write in here for the next few days. Thanxs TC all

Early flights bite, but it will also get you into San Diego early. So you will have your lab work the same day....right....followed by surgery the next day.

Have a great time. Walk walk walk....I am excited for you....check out Revolution Ave if you have time...total tourist trap but fun. I bought some pretty cool items down there.

My son made out like a bandit, and so did my husband. Plus it is good to walk. A group of us went the day after our surgery. It was so fun!

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Well I've had a couple of shakes today. I took the dog to the vet while we are gone. Had a key made, and picked up 2 tables for the garage sale that is happening while I'm gone. I think I have everything (until I need it). We leave here at 5:00 am. Our plane leaves at 6:30 am. God I love having a little airport to start trips with. We have a 55 minute wait in Chicago. We get in to San Diego at 11:00 am. I think we go from there to the hotel. I always forgot to ask what would happen if I came in on a Sunday. I guess we can look around. i'm starting to get excited about going. I was going to take a nap, but I think I'll stay up and do what I don't know.

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Well I've had a couple of shakes today. I took the dog to the vet while we are gone. Had a key made, and picked up 2 tables for the garage sale that is happening while I'm gone. I think I have everything (until I need it). We leave here at 5:00 am. Our plane leaves at 6:30 am. God I love having a little airport to start trips with. We have a 55 minute wait in Chicago. We get in to San Diego at 11:00 am. I think we go from there to the hotel. I always forgot to ask what would happen if I came in on a Sunday. I guess we can look around. i'm starting to get excited about going. I was going to take a nap, but I think I'll stay up and do what I don't know.

Well there is plenty to do and see. If you want to be a total tourist, check out Revolution Ave. They sell all kinds of stuff there. TJ also has a big mall that is suppose to be nice. We didn't go though...cuz we did the strip. Shopped for 5 hours the day after surgery. LOL Check it out, the hotel will get a cabbie for ya, and most times you can arrange for the same cab to pick you back up at a certain time.

Take a good amount of ones and fives, makes tipping easy breezy!

Looking forward to hearing from you when you get back!

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