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Hi all, I had my first PB episode today. It was my own fault I made some boneless pork chops and some garlic mash potatoes. I wasn't paying attention and I did not chew well. so after less than half a pork chop and two small bites of potato it started. Wow is that an experience, no wonder we lose weight cuz that out and out SUCKED. I won't be doing that again. The good thing is now I know and won't be trying that again any time soon. TC RCR

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  On 5/14/2010 at 12:10 AM, ripcityrenegade said:

Hi all, I had my first PB episode today. It was my own fault I made some boneless pork chops and some garlic mash potatoes. I wasn't paying attention and I did not chew well. so after less than half a pork chop and two small bites of potato it started. Wow is that an experience, no wonder we lose weight cuz that out and out SUCKED. I won't be doing that again. The good thing is now I know and won't be trying that again any time soon. TC RCR

Got your attention didn't it! Wow! Let me tell you, the band teaches you so much along the way. When I first began to come to this board, I would read about how members cut there mean in small pieces. It seemed so....I guess unreal. Like really.....you cut your food up real small....?? That small. Guess what, I do that now. It took me a while to get to the tiny pieces. Slowly but surely, we transform. We chew chew chew like crazy. With more restriction each time comes the new learning curve to eating. It's not drastic, but one episode, and BAM it gets your attention.

I am a bit over a year out and I have not had the "heart attack" like chest pain feeling I read about. I have had a tightness in my chest, and a few time I felt like I have a weird pulse in my chest too. My biggest struggle was the one bit to many game, that I would loose......The good thing about me is that I tend to bring up the "one bite to many" and the rest remains in my pouch or stoma. I have freinds who bring everything back up. That would suck!

I've also learned the severity of productive burping. For me, if I have a PB, I tend to have a "soft PB's." A soft PB to me is when I go to the sink, lean over and the blop of slim/food particles come up. Vuala! Done. Then, there is the HARD PB. This is when I actually heave like I am throwing up. With the hard pb I normally feel like everything comes up. There is a slight level of discomfort in my band area. When I have a soft PB I don't go on liqiuds for swelling. The hard pb I do not continue to eat hard protiens, I go to either mushies or liquids to give my stoma, band a break. Gotta take care of "Hope" so she can do her job. Swelling and inflimation can cause more troubles then good.

Sorry.....I tend to go off on a ramble from time to time...HA!

Hang in and on, as this journey will teach you tons!

Welcome to the land of the band!

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  On 5/14/2010 at 10:35 AM, AngieB said:

Got your attention didn't it! Wow! Let me tell you, the band teaches you so much along the way. When I first began to come to this board, I would read about how members cut there mean in small pieces. It seemed so....I guess unreal. Like really.....you cut your food up real small....?? That small. Guess what, I do that now. It took me a while to get to the tiny pieces. Slowly but surely, we transform. We chew chew chew like crazy. With more restriction each time comes the new learning curve to eating. It's not drastic, but one episode, and BAM it gets your attention.

I am a bit over a year out and I have not had the "heart attack" like chest pain feeling I read about. I have had a tightness in my chest, and a few time I felt like I have a weird pulse in my chest too. My biggest struggle was the one bit to many game, that I would loose......The good thing about me is that I tend to bring up the "one bite to many" and the rest remains in my pouch or stoma. I have freinds who bring everything back up. That would suck!

I've also learned the severity of productive burping. For me, if I have a PB, I tend to have a "soft PB's." A soft PB to me is when I go to the sink, lean over and the blop of slim/food particles come up. Vuala! Done. Then, there is the HARD PB. This is when I actually heave like I am throwing up. With the hard pb I normally feel like everything comes up. There is a slight level of discomfort in my band area. When I have a soft PB I don't go on liqiuds for swelling. The hard pb I do not continue to eat hard protiens, I go to either mushies or liquids to give my stoma, band a break. Gotta take care of "Hope" so she can do her job. Swelling and inflimation can cause more troubles then good.

Sorry.....I tend to go off on a ramble from time to time...HA!

Hang in and on, as this journey will teach you tons!

Welcome to the land of the band!

Note...I also want to say that the soft pb is more like one bite to many, like the food can not set in my stoma and is in my esophagus instead...that need to come back up. It is important to not play the one bite to many game often as it will stretch out your esophagus. Your esophagus is not meant to stretch it is not like your stomach. The tissue is different. It is simply the harder tupe your food travels too. It is not meant for storage.

When I have the throwing up hard pb it is my bodies way of getting a stuck particle of food unlodged from the band. Hence the ol' heave hoe."

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  On 5/14/2010 at 10:35 AM, AngieB said:

Got your attention didn't it! Wow! Let me tell you, the band teaches you so much along the way. When I first began to come to this board, I would read about how members cut there mean in small pieces. It seemed so....I guess unreal. Like really.....you cut your food up real small....?? That small. Guess what, I do that now. It took me a while to get to the tiny pieces. Slowly but surely, we transform. We chew chew chew like crazy. With more restriction each time comes the new learning curve to eating. It's not drastic, but one episode, and BAM it gets your attention.

I am a bit over a year out and I have not had the "heart attack" like chest pain feeling I read about. I have had a tightness in my chest, and a few time I felt like I have a weird pulse in my chest too. My biggest struggle was the one bit to many game, that I would loose......The good thing about me is that I tend to bring up the "one bite to many" and the rest remains in my pouch or stoma. I have freinds who bring everything back up. That would suck!

I've also learned the severity of productive burping. For me, if I have a PB, I tend to have a "soft PB's." A soft PB to me is when I go to the sink, lean over and the blop of slim/food particles come up. Vuala! Done. Then, there is the HARD PB. This is when I actually heave like I am throwing up. With the hard pb I normally feel like everything comes up. There is a slight level of discomfort in my band area. When I have a soft PB I don't go on liqiuds for swelling. The hard pb I do not continue to eat hard protiens, I go to either mushies or liquids to give my stoma, band a break. Gotta take care of "Hope" so she can do her job. Swelling and inflimation can cause more troubles then good.

Sorry.....I tend to go off on a ramble from time to time...HA!

Hang in and on, as this journey will teach you tons!

Welcome to the land of the band!

Thanx Angie. this is one of the reasons I added you as a friend. I always noticed when I first started to look in here that you are very proactive. I seem to learn something new about being banded everyday. I have tried to help people newer to this than me because we are all in the same boat and can usually only talk to someone who has gone through it. There are several people here who's post I always read because they share a lot and seem to be the ones offering their help and understanding when people post a question or problem. Thanx again for your help. Take Care Kevin

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After my first week of a first fill...I have been going pretty slowly....reading all this is real good motivation. I have been reading all the posts about the whole Pbing thing and I gotta say you got my attention. I am really trying to figure out the whole..full vs. one more bite idea...kind of a hard concept but so far so good. Then there is the meat idea...so far I have not tried any. I am sticking with fish which is softer and I am not sure if I even want to attempt meat I wonder if it's worth it? Maybe down the line when I feel brave...thanks guys for posting all this info. it helps me a lot.

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  On 5/14/2010 at 1:43 PM, EcMjawad1 said:


After my first week of a first fill...I have been going pretty slowly....reading all this is real good motivation. I have been reading all the posts about the whole Pbing thing and I gotta say you got my attention. I am really trying to figure out the whole..full vs. one more bite idea...kind of a hard concept but so far so good. Then there is the meat idea...so far I have not tried any. I am sticking with fish which is softer and I am not sure if I even want to attempt meat I wonder if it's worth it? Maybe down the line when I feel brave...thanks guys for posting all this info. it helps me a lot.

I say eat meat while you can! HA! No but really, our family eats chicken, turkey, fish or all kinds; scallops, shrimp, talpia, mahi mahi, ect....yum! All softer easier to chew and healthier for my family. I use to eat read meat, but the band has changed by eating habits. I was moving away from red meats before the band, but now we don't by ANY. It's has become our preferrence.

Sorry for all my typos and that, but I didn't re-read before I posted.....I figure you all get the jest of it....

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i had my first pb with a ham sandwich... it was about an hour after my second fill... i had ONE bite of my bf's soggy handmade sandwich and then i started to feel the tightness in my chest... i walked around like a headless chicken... then i found the restroom and BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP... it came up... i dont eat sandwiches anymore and that's a staple at home.. soo it was tough to swallow the idea that... (hehe) i wasn't gonna be eating sandwiches or white bread anymore.. but im happy i did... the results are already starting to show.. well not on the scale but i felt swollen or bloated before..now i feel... well less. :rolleyes:

i also got stuck on red meat after that... i'm still discovering what makes me get stuck and what doesn't...

i also can relate on the soft PB... it happens when i have that extra bite... and it slowly comes back up.. it's gross

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im with angie, enjoy meat WHILE YOU CAN! i am a carnivore thru and thru and BBQ is in my blood.. so I am having steak once a week.

Last night i prepared thin ribeye steaks (<1/2" thick) and made sure I cut my bites small, smaller than an inch, and chewed well, and had no problems. I think its just different for everyone? Im feeling full faster, but not feeling "restriction" in the classic sense, like not being able to eat eggs or meat.

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The first time I did that this red light in my brain went off and I thought "this is what everyone is talking about" :unsure:...I vowed that I would never do that again...but I did! What I found out 1.--if I drink enough fluids before I eat I reduce PBing, and If I do PB, wait 5-10 min, I can usually eat the rest of the meal...When I get the slime out it like opens up and I can eat...weird... :mellow:

You will cont. to learn more and more about you and your band...We are so proud of you and are glad you are on this site with the rest of us... :lol:

Kim :wub:

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It's different for everyone, I can eat just about anything as long as I take small bites and chew chew chew - and the way to avoid PB-ing is to "listen" to your band and figure out what it's signal is. For me, I start to hiccup when I am full enough, before I PB - so if I eat slow enough and wait for the hiccup I am all good! But the other night I grabbed a hand full of pecans, didn't eat them slowly enough, and let me tell you, I learned that lesson!!!! The hardest lesson for me has been that I can no longer grab a quick bite - and the minute I stop paying attention to my eating habits is when it gets me!!

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I'm 6 months out and still learning. I had wisdom teeth removed and ate only ice cream for 10 days. (Yes, I gained weight. LOL) I am back on track now and my band still loves me, I think. I can't eat chicken, usually, cooked in any way shape or form. I have switched to beef for the occasional rolled taco (I live in San Diego). Fried things go down easier but I limit those. Bread is OUT, generally speaking, unless is it toasted and slathered in butter. Cereal is out, which is great as I used to eat 2-3 bowls before bed. Basically, all carbohydrates are difficult, so I stick with the band rules of protein first, veggies, fruit, carbs, in that order.

I concur that Angie is a super poster, and a really nice resource for folks.

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  On 5/17/2010 at 4:11 AM, magkai1 said:
I'm 6 months out and still learning. I had wisdom teeth removed and ate only ice cream for 10 days. (Yes, I gained weight. LOL) I am back on track now and my band still loves me, I think. I can't eat chicken, usually, cooked in any way shape or form. I have switched to beef for the occasional rolled taco (I live in San Diego). Fried things go down easier but I limit those. Bread is OUT, generally speaking, unless is it toasted and slathered in butter. Cereal is out, which is great as I used to eat 2-3 bowls before bed. Basically, all carbohydrates are difficult, so I stick with the band rules of protein first, veggies, fruit, carbs, in that order. I concur that Angie is a super poster, and a really nice resource for folks.

Rolled taco....hmm what the heck is a rolled taco. Gonna have to google it I guess. (us midwest folk are not skooled in rolled tacos.)

We are all so different, I can eat cereal....it is a slider for me. Once in the middle of a mental melt down I ate cereal. I didn't get full cuz the milk was letting it flow right through to my lower stomach. Guess what, I took advantage of that opprotunity and ate more......so much so that I actually got my stomach feeling full!!! WOW! Still WAY LESS than I would have been able to eat pre band, but since being banded, that lower stomach has not felt full till then. It was a real eye opener.

It was a sad comfort in a way to feel the old full.....pouch full is not the same....not at all.....

Disclaimer I am not the model bandster.....I have emotional eating issues. I am being honest here. Thank you for not judging me. (of if you do....please keep it to yourself.)


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  On 5/17/2010 at 11:01 AM, AngieB said:

Rolled taco....hmm what the heck is a rolled taco. Gonna have to google it I guess. (us midwest folk are not skooled in rolled tacos.)

We are all so different, I can eat cereal....it is a slider for me. Once in the middle of a mental melt down I ate cereal. I didn't get full cuz the milk was letting it flow right through to my lower stomach. Guess what, I took advantage of that opprotunity and ate more......so much so that I actually got my stomach feeling full!!! WOW! Still WAY LESS than I would have been able to eat pre band, but since being banded, that lower stomach has not felt full till then. It was a real eye opener.

It was a sad comfort in a way to feel the old full.....pouch full is not the same....not at all.....

Disclaimer I am not the model bandster.....I have emotional eating issues. I am being honest here. Thank you for not judging me. (of if you do....please keep it to yourself.)


Angie - when you want that full tummy feeling, take in a nice big mug of hot chicken broth!! I do that at night, when my tummy thinks it wants something before bed, and it gives you that warm full feeling w/out calories. . . I started that during pre-op diet and have been relying on it ever since :-)

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  On 5/17/2010 at 5:12 PM, karenci said:

Angie - when you want that full tummy feeling, take in a nice big mug of hot chicken broth!! I do that at night, when my tummy thinks it wants something before bed, and it gives you that warm full feeling w/out calories. . . I started that during pre-op diet and have been relying on it ever since :-)

Great idea....if I could stand chicken broth...I would jump on that idea.....maybe I will do a sugar free hot cocoa.....has calories but is lower than something else....

Thanks for the tip!

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Oh, yea! Swiss Miss makes a great 'sensible sweets' 25 calorie cocoa that should do the trick. I also use it to make a pot of low cal mocha that I sip on all morning:

1 envelope diet cocoa mix

2 packets sweet-n-low

2 tablespoons fat-free powdered creamer

24 oz freshly brewed coffee

keeps the tummy and the taste buds happy!

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  On 5/18/2010 at 1:23 AM, karenci said:

Oh, yea! Swiss Miss makes a great 'sensible sweets' 25 calorie cocoa that should do the trick. I also use it to make a pot of low cal mocha that I sip on all morning:

1 envelope diet cocoa mix

2 packets sweet-n-low

2 tablespoons fat-free powdered creamer

24 oz freshly brewed coffee

keeps the tummy and the taste buds happy!

((HUGS)) thank for the warm tummy ideas! Brought some coco with me today!

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wow, thank you all - i thought there was something wrong. I started solids on Monday and hardly anything goes down. I have vomited up either everything or part of all i have eaten. i try to chew a lot but i am re-learning to eat. i stayed true to liquids for the full 3 weeks but now i am so scared my band has slipped or something weird because i can hardly eat. I can't imagine what a fill will be like if i already have such issues. please let me know more of your experiences!

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