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Anti-Mexican Surgery Article

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this one really made me "LOL"

"I cannot believe someone could be so stupid as to actually go to Tijuana for surgery. I was uncomfortable just drinking a margarita there"


and you're right! you have to do research on your doctor. it has nothing to do with getting surgery in Mexico, it could happen anywhere. it happens in the US for pete's sake!

I can honestly say that the OCC is much nicer than any hospital i've been to here in the US, and I love how all my silly questions are answered when i do give them a call. Before i got my surgery, I called every other day with questions and they never went unanswered. I asked questions and did my research and wouldn't change it for the world. I am also very lucky to be able to get my fills at the OCC because I would not have it any other way.

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What a crock. I read the article and it is more uninformed crap. As we all know there are risks to any surgery. while I feel sorry for this young lady and hopes she makes a full recovery. The comments made are cruel,uniformed and very frustrating because this is a perfect example of sheeple believing everything the read. I will again state that I received excellent care at OCC and would recommend them to any of my family members. Normally I would say TC ,but this kind of stuff p----- me off.

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More uneducated and unsubstantiated BS. Mexico, like any other country in the world has its good and its bad healthcare issues..as a healthcare clinical manager, familiar with all OSHA and HIPPA laws, the OCC far exceeds them and doesn't have to. Interestingly my boss just got back from a trip to Asia and some other countries and his comments were along the lines of "the US is being left behind in global growth" this from a doctor...so as usual a grain of salt.

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A little more critical thinking on their part instead of an emotional knee jerk reaction. Think about it. How many millions/billions of people thrive nicely without the US and its FDA blessing ?

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I know Lori has already shared this in another post, but I thought I would throw in a little more detail (everyone at the OCC worked very hard for this!)...



As one of the few hospitals in the world that are exclusively dedicated to weight loss surgery, Obesity Control Center is now considered as one the top ranking hospitals globally with its designation as an International Center of Excellence.

We share this distinction with such prestigious medical centers as Princeton University Healthcare, New York University, University of California San Diego, UCLA, Washington University, Mount Sinai Hospital, and George Washington University among others.

As one of the first International Centers of Excellence outside the United States, it means that patients receive exclusive and unparalleled care in the most advanced facilities in the world. This designation is awarded after a series of rigorous onsite reviews over a year-long period where every facet of the practice, the staff, the surgeons, and the facilities are examined by experts in the medical field to ensure that only the highest standards are consistently maintained. Very few international hospitals achieve this status, and many American Hospitals do not.

As a result of this designation, patients are assured that they will not be sharing their environment with diseased patients or infectious diseases common in other hospitals that are not fully specialized in weight loss surgery. The Center has also passed the highest standards of excellence established in the United States that equate to safe and effective weight loss procedure.

Because of our highly specialized environment we have a redundancy in all the necessary state of the art equipment and expert staff to meet any need the weight-loss surgery patient may require. Our pristine and modern facility is only surpassed by our compassionate English-speaking staff that takes care of patients every step of the way.

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On another note...articles like this always bring this word to mind:

Ethnocentrism: is the tendency to believe that one's ethnic or cultural group is centrally important, and that all other groups are measured in relation to one's own. The ethnocentric individual will judge other groups relative to his or her own particular ethnic group or culture, especially with concern to language, behavior, customs, and religion. These ethnic distinctions and sub-divisions serve to define each ethnicity's unique cultural identity.

In short...People have a natural tendency to think the world revolves around themselves and their own culture (especially in the US). Those people will always see anything having to do with Mexico as inferior to the US.

The OCC facilities passed the same surgical review as Princeton University, UCLA, Mount Sinai and some of the top facilities in the US.

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  On 6/29/2010 at 1:16 AM, Chad said:

On another note...articles like this always bring this word to mind:

Ethnocentrism: is the tendency to believe that one's ethnic or cultural group is centrally important, and that all other groups are measured in relation to one's own. The ethnocentric individual will judge other groups relative to his or her own particular ethnic group or culture, especially with concern to language, behavior, customs, and religion. These ethnic distinctions and sub-divisions serve to define each ethnicity's unique cultural identity.

In short...People have a natural tendency to think the world revolves around themselves and their own culture (especially in the US). Those people will always see anything having to do with Mexico as inferior to the US.

The OCC facilities passed the same surgical review as Princeton University, UCLA, Mount Sinai and some of the top facilities in the US.

Thank You chad for posting this I now OCC is the best place ever but this just said it all

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Disclaimer: I have not read the entire article because I am once again at the library and once again supposed to be working on my dissertation but once again am being a slacker. And then I wonder why I keep having to shell out money each semester because I am not done yet. :rolleyes:

Anyway, here are my thoughts:

A. The surgery she had is a much higher risk surgery than having the band.

B. You should never choose the cheapest doctor for any surgery just because they are the cheapest. I could have used a cheaper band doctor here in the states, but I wanted to go to WTLSC and am happy I did, even though I know of others who are happy with the cheaper ones. I also could have gone to the plastic surgeon that was cheaper, but his office was kind of like a cattle call. The surgeon I chose I am absolutely in love with and after spending 2 hours consulting with him and no money, he was the one I chose b/c I was 100% comfortable with him.

C. After writing B I realized that you should never choose the cheapest of anything just because it is the cheapest. You need to make sure it is what you are comfortable with and that you will be able to live with the consequences of it being cheap. Now, as for the box of salt I bought the other day, I did choose the cheapest one, but that is something I can live with and be comfortable with. However choosing a brand of salt at Wal-Mart is much different than choosing a doctor to cut me open and in this case rearrange my innerds.

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