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I have been sitting at the same weight for a week, however, I also have been working out daily with a 2 mile walk. I feel the changes in my body and so I am not worried. Keep doing what you are doing along with exercise and you should be good.


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It seems like i have hit a plateau and i am only 2 weeks into post op diet. I am happy at the 28 lbs i have lost don't get me wrong it just seems strange

Dwayne, a piece of advice that I got from the OCC that I have lived by is "don't be a slave to the scale". I weigh myself MAYBE once a MONTH. Just focus on living your life. The weight WILL come off, but not overnite. I am coming up on my 1 year bandiversary and am almost to goal. But I hit a plateau at one stage that lasted months. I just kept going and now I'm losing once again. Hang in there, Dwayne! It WORKS!

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Dont worry it will come off. I find liquids can be fattening or else we don't get enough calories so the body plateaus. You will lose...it is physics. Calories in calories burned. You will be fine, just wait for the band to heal. No worries.

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