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Emotional Eating

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I think that emotional eating is something that effects a lot of people. I was wondering what people have turned to since they were banded. I know I get this way about once a month and want to be prepared. Thanks all!! :D

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I think that emotional eating is something that effects a lot of people. I was wondering what people have turned to since they were banded. I know I get this way about once a month and want to be prepared. Thanks all!! :D

yea it's definitely something that doesn't go away. I've found that I was trying to find the things that went down easy during this time....ie....ice cream. Yea well that completely stalled my weight loss. So I started reading. I've never been much of a reader, but this has been a great escape and I'm finding that I truly do enjoy it.

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i pick up the leash and the tennis ball and take the dog out to play.

not having bad stuff in the house helps. if all you have that is sweet is fresh blueberries for a snack, then how much damage can you do? pasta was a comfort food too and i dont have any in my house and wont allow it.

picking up a book is a great idea too. i just started reading a new book and it takes ur mind off junk super fast :)

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I have always been an emotional eater and it is something that I think never completely goes away. I just spent the last year since I was banded caring for my mom who was dying and she just passed this month. I was determined not to turn to food during this time so what I found helped was exercise. I would go for a walk, hike, bike or run when my emotions got the best of me. If it was late at night and I really thought I was going to lose it I had a cup of swiss mocha international coffee with 2 TBSP of peanut butter and that satisfied me for some reason.

Hang in there and know that you can conquor the monster of emotional eating. It is about choice and I know if I can do it than you can to because I ate for every reason there was.


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I've found that in this phase of my life, I have struggled more than EVER to lose weight. I have been slowly progressing and believe me,there were times where I just wanted to eat pizza and let the band do what it can. But It doesn't work that way. THEN when I have decided to "treat" myself with something greasy or whatever...my body will reject it. Either I feel it coming up or it makes me spit...So to find a balance with my band I have learned to find a treat that I know is not damaging to my weightloss and is good. I'll have yogurt, jello, 1 raffaello chocolate, hot chocolate with non-fat, juice... celery sticks and peanut butter, or chocolate rice cakes...

(not all at once...lol these are just examples)

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I think this is the hardest one because it isn't something that the band can make go away. For me the biggest thing is just recognizing that I was a huge emotional eater - both when really happy or really sad. Just realizing that is what I do has helped me recognize it and I just go do something else to keep me busy. Go for a walk, drive around, whatever it takes. I was also one that ate when I wasn't hungry which was just as hard, but again just keeping myself busy and knowing my habits helps a lot.

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