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Work Schedule and Meals

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Does anyone work extended hours and finds that the 3 meals a day is not working? I work from 8am to 10pm. While I eat my 3 meals a day, by the time I get home, my stomach is growling again. I drink water and go to bed.

Any suggestions?


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hi paul i do three meals + a snack. the snack is almost always 1/2 cup cottage cheese or 1/2 cup plain yogurt (sometimes w fresh berries, sometimes w sugar free coconut syrup, sometimes w a swirl of strawberry preserves, etc). i usually have it about 2 hours before bed. i think if u can be good about portion control, a palmful of nuts would be a good snack. any of those things will quiet hunger but are not diet busters. i try to make sure the snack has at least 5g protein and is no more than 120 cal.

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I don't eat 'meals' anymore.

I find snacking, eating when i'm hungry works best for me.

My snacks include:

a Clif Bar (that can last a few hours, as I just nibble on it here and there)


mixed (non roasted, no oil, ect) nuts


baby carrots, cut up cucumber

You should eat when you're HUNGRY.

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Thanks for the advice. I have been doing yogurt at night. It is usually 100 calories. It is so weird to be choosing healtier choices than I have in the past. Tastier, by far.


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i used to work 12 hour shifts and there was no way I could eat three meals.

What I try to do is eat something in the AM, usually a protein shake. Work days...Then about 230 3pm I am starving, so I eat lunch. Then maybe a salad at 7pm, then it seems like my band opens up and I can eat ANYthing i WANT!!!! i TRY TO keep this on track so that I don't over eat at night...Usually a few pretzels does the trick...So my diet wanders and wains from work days to off days. Off days I am much better because I am not running all day! I have more time to plan.

Kim :wub:

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