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NOv 22 sleevers

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Greetings from Canada!

I'm scheduled for Plication surgery on Nov. 22nd and I must add I am as excited as you. I just finalized my flight etc. So I'm one step closer. I'm going out tonight to buy all my vitamin & spirometer. Yes the diet is underway as well.


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  On 11/8/2010 at 9:04 PM, Ranger said:

Greetings from Canada!

I'm scheduled for Plication surgery on Nov. 22nd and I must add I am as excited as you. I just finalized my flight etc. So I'm one step closer. I'm going out tonight to buy all my vitamin & spirometer. Yes the diet is underway as well.


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  On 11/8/2010 at 9:04 PM, Ranger said:

Greetings from Canada!

I'm scheduled for Plication surgery on Nov. 22nd and I must add I am as excited as you. I just finalized my flight etc. So I'm one step closer. I'm going out tonight to buy all my vitamin & spirometer. Yes the diet is underway as well.


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OK sooo not liking this computer this is my 3rd try i keep deleting something.. so here I go. Soo very excited about surgery. I have gained and lost 70 pounds about 20 times over the last few years and i am tired of doing that. I know i can loose the weight but I feel this time I will have success keeping it off. I am reading Oprahs book of month Women God and Food, trying to fix my fixation with food. I dont want to be 60 (which i am 42)upset about being over weight, so alas my decision to get the sleeve. I thought I was coming far from Ga but dang Canada. I have not been super great with the diet thing I honestly have been eating all of my favorite foods since I know it will be a while since I can have them again , but next time it will be in moderation. I have very few about my surgery my co-workers think i am having a female surgery, I just dont want alot of people to know. Are you having anyone come with you? My bestfriend is coming she lives in Cali and is flying from San Franciso to SanDiego. My husband is very supportive he is in Afghanistan right now, he knows this is important to me so give is full support. I cant wait to see him in Feb 2011 a little thinner and happier( I have ALWAYS been one of those crazy women who based some of their happiness on if I was skinney or fat. sucks I know) well this is half my life story in a short book. look forward to meeting you and it will be great to have someone to share everything with.


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  On 11/9/2010 at 12:23 AM, tkbell68 said:


OK sooo not liking this computer this is my 3rd try i keep deleting something.. so here I go. Soo very excited about surgery. I have gained and lost 70 pounds about 20 times over the last few years and i am tired of doing that. I know i can loose the weight but I feel this time I will have success keeping it off. I am reading Oprahs book of month Women God and Food, trying to fix my fixation with food. I dont want to be 60 (which i am 42)upset about being over weight, so alas my decision to get the sleeve. I thought I was coming far from Ga but dang Canada. I have not been super great with the diet thing I honestly have been eating all of my favorite foods since I know it will be a while since I can have them again , but next time it will be in moderation. I have very few about my surgery my co-workers think i am having a female surgery, I just dont want alot of people to know. Are you having anyone come with you? My bestfriend is coming she lives in Cali and is flying from San Franciso to SanDiego. My husband is very supportive he is in Afghanistan right now, he knows this is important to me so give is full support. I cant wait to see him in Feb 2011 a little thinner and happier( I have ALWAYS been one of those crazy women who based some of their happiness on if I was skinney or fat. sucks I know) well this is half my life story in a short book. look forward to meeting you and it will be great to have someone to share everything with.


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  On 11/9/2010 at 12:23 AM, tkbell68 said:


OK sooo not liking this computer this is my 3rd try i keep deleting something.. so here I go. Soo very excited about surgery. I have gained and lost 70 pounds about 20 times over the last few years and i am tired of doing that. I know i can loose the weight but I feel this time I will have success keeping it off. I am reading Oprahs book of month Women God and Food, trying to fix my fixation with food. I dont want to be 60 (which i am 42)upset about being over weight, so alas my decision to get the sleeve. I thought I was coming far from Ga but dang Canada. I have not been super great with the diet thing I honestly have been eating all of my favorite foods since I know it will be a while since I can have them again , but next time it will be in moderation. I have very few about my surgery my co-workers think i am having a female surgery, I just dont want alot of people to know. Are you having anyone come with you? My bestfriend is coming she lives in Cali and is flying from San Franciso to SanDiego. My husband is very supportive he is in Afghanistan right now, he knows this is important to me so give is full support. I cant wait to see him in Feb 2011 a little thinner and happier( I have ALWAYS been one of those crazy women who based some of their happiness on if I was skinney or fat. sucks I know) well this is half my life story in a short book. look forward to meeting you and it will be great to have someone to share everything with.


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I too have had problems getting a e-mail to you. This is my 3rd try today. So this one is alot shorter than the other two I tried sending today. We sound so much alike with our battle with weight. I totally understand where you are coming from. I too have not told anyone about this surgery except of course for my hubby who is totally there for me always. Unfortunately he cannot take time off work to be with me so I'm doing this on my own. I would love to tell my parents but I know they would freak out if I told them I was having any type of weight loss surgery and then having it in Mexico......To tell you the truth I don't know when and if I'm going to tell them. I'm going tomorrow to break the news to my doctor and I really don't know what she is going to say about this???? Like they say "What goes on in Mexico stays in Mexico"!!!!!

This is my last kick at the can for weight loss, I'm so tried of being over weight so if this doesn't work I don't know what will. I look forward to meeting you and your girlfriend. My flight arrives around 4:30 on the Sunday. Have a good couple of weeks and we'll see you soon.


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To both of you going down in November. IT WILL work if you follow the steps Dr O tells you. This is the start of an awesome journey, one that will make you so proud. Congrats on your decisions to do WLS

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Well I told my doctor and I'm so glad I did. She just wanted to know if I did my research. Then she sent me for all my blood work and wants Dr.O to give me a OR/Summary report for my medical records here in the event that something happens so if she has to refer me to a surgeon for anything they have everything here. If I don't hear from her this week all my test results are good. So all went very well and I have an appointment with her two days after I arrive home.

I finally found a Spirometer today - my doctor didn't have any and then I called one of the hospitals here and they wouldn't sell me one. I have probably spent 5 hours altogether trying to track on down in person and by phone. I think I have been more stressed out about this then the upcoming surgery!!! LOL

Anyway all is going well and I'm just counting down the days now.

By the way I'm from Edmonton, where in Saskatchewan are you from?

Cheers to All!


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  On 11/10/2010 at 9:16 PM, tina1 said:


Where are you from in canada, I am from saskatchewan. When you say you haven't told your doctor yet, neither have I, kinda scared to. Oh well he will have to get used to it.

As soon as your doctors see you come home from Mexico and have only good things to say about the OCC along with you loosing weight and getting healthier they will be fine.... You can always say you are going to San Diego since that is where you fly into.... It almost makes it easier.... LOL

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  On 11/10/2010 at 1:54 AM, Ranger said:


I too have had problems getting a e-mail to you. This is my 3rd try today. So this one is alot shorter than the other two I tried sending today. We sound so much alike with our battle with weight. I totally understand where you are coming from. I too have not told anyone about this surgery except of course for my hubby who is totally there for me always. Unfortunately he cannot take time off work to be with me so I'm doing this on my own. I would love to tell my parents but I know they would freak out if I told them I was having any type of weight loss surgery and then having it in Mexico......To tell you the truth I don't know when and if I'm going to tell them. I'm going tomorrow to break the news to my doctor and I really don't know what she is going to say about this???? Like they say "What goes on in Mexico stays in Mexico"!!!!!

This is my last kick at the can for weight loss, I'm so tried of being over weight so if this doesn't work I don't know what will. I look forward to meeting you and your girlfriend. My flight arrives around 4:30 on the Sunday. Have a good couple of weeks and we'll see you soon.


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Glas you finally found the spirometer I had problems getting one to so I ordered it off Amazon.com, leaving it in living room so I can do it pretty often. Wow a week away when I booked this I thought Nov 22 would never get here and ill be damned its here. My friend googled the weather its going to be about 6o high and 50 lows and i think she said its going to be raining on day we get there. Are you staying at Camino Real I went back and forth about which hotel and decided I would like to be closer to OCC. Yes I agree this is my last attempt at weight loss soo tired of feeling bad about my self, ready to stop beating my self up.I think this is the one thing ALL my life I have never been able to control so I am sooooo very excited about having surgery and finally gaining some control back. Sorry to hear your husband cant come but hey Deanne and I will keep you company. were both pretty entertaining. LOL. Well I kinda screwed my self didnt do to hot on the pre diet, decided to eat all the yummy stuff so now i am doing the liquid diet for the next week. I cant even begin to say how excited i am i am too busy being excited to be nervous is that crazy. well see ya in a week


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