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TJ and the current violent issues

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I believed another person was discussing this too but I couldn't find the thread...I decided to get a fill here in Miami instead of flying out to Tijuana. I am upset because the DR here does not use fluoroscopy. I also have been wanting to go to the Dentist there and speak with the plastic surgeon that does a lot of Dr. O's post op weight loss patients.

My issue that turned me away from making the trip is that everyone is freaking out about Mexico, especially TJ and the borders saying that drug cartels are killing Americans (in particular).

Has anyone had any issues in their travels? I would love some reassurance if I shouldn't be worried, and if I should the stories from the people who actually experienced it!

Thanks for your input in advance. :rolleyes:

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I believed another person was discussing this too but I couldn't find the thread...I decided to get a fill here in Miami instead of flying out to Tijuana. I am upset because the DR here does not use fluoroscopy. I also have been wanting to go to the Dentist there and speak with the plastic surgeon that does a lot of Dr. O's post op weight loss patients.

My issue that turned me away from making the trip is that everyone is freaking out about Mexico, especially TJ and the borders saying that drug cartels are killing Americans (in particular).

Has anyone had any issues in their travels? I would love some reassurance if I shouldn't be worried, and if I should the stories from the people who actually experienced it!

Thanks for your input in advance. :rolleyes:

I totally know how you are feeling.. Here is my story...

Why did I risk my life and travel to a place that is unsafe with Drug Cartel Murders etc?

I did it to improve the quality of my life. The risk was worth the danger to me at that time. I have lost about 40 pounds since June and I am glad that I had the surgery. Dr Ortiz and the OCC are wonderful. Mexico on the other hand has some severe issues to take into account.

In June my friend her husband, my mother and my 11 year old daughter and I traveled together using the OCC transportation from the San Diego Airport to the OCC for our surgery. They were having elections in Mexico at that time and it was a bit scary hearing the screaming and yelling of the demonstrators in the street. We felt safe at the Marriott with the Security Guards who looked like the "Secret Service" at the front doors with huge guns and security officials on each floor.. Down the street there was also some kind of military set up with sand bags and lots of people with guns. We were told they were the police... Needless to say we did not leave the Marriott at all during our surgery stay. My mother and daughter has fun spending time together at the pool and in the room. My friends husband was able to do his work using his computer at the hotel. We did feel safe while at the Marriott..

The night before our first fill in July, my friend got a text from the US government that said they were pulling out all US government workers and their families from Mexico. A travel advisory was also put out saying not to travel to Mexico border states. Even though most of the killings were drug related, the problem with collateral damage to Americans still existed,needless to say I freaked out and called the OCC and also posted a SOS here on this list... I got several replies that made me feel better about traveling.. My friend and I took off all our jewelery and put our old sweats and only took our cashiers checks and a small amount of cash. We stayed at the Marriott that night after our fill.

The large majority of killings that day the OCC told us were in the Texas border areas not in TJ.

In August I had my second fill at the OCC. I had the OCC driver take me to San Diego to stay the night instead of staying in Mexico. That might be a safer option for anyone who is worried about their safety.

Dr So had us order food at the front desk and eat it right on the patio to make sure we were able to keep it down before we went back to San Diego.

For my third fill I went to a fill center in the US and had a horrible experience...

I am unfilled at this point because I had an inexperienced Nurse Practitioner did a blind fill and then left on vacation with no way for me to be unfilled...

I am getting my next fill in the US by a MD who uses Floroscopy to do his fills. It is 31/2 hours from my house but easier that traveling to Mexico for me.

I wonder if I had the choice of Plication or the Sleeve in June if I would have chosen that instead of the Lap Band? The good thing about those surgeries is you don't have to worry about traveling to Mexico or finding a doctor in the USA who will take a patient who was banded in Mexico on as a patient and do their fills. I am here to tell you that it is not worth having someone who is inexperienced doing fills overfill you , especially if you live far away and they are not available 24-7 to unfill you for the next 72 hours. It can turn into a medical emergency that I wish nobody else here has to experience. ... Sorry this post is so long... Hope it helps...

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Hey Sara!! I understand how you are feeling about TJ. I went to the OCC for my first fill last month and everything went great!! I was a little concerned since people in a rehab facility were killed a few days prior to my arrival. I never felt scared or uncomfortable one time. After our fills, we drove about an hour into Mexico and were fine there as well. A lot of the violence is happening in the Mexican border cities around Texas. TJ has it's problems, but as long as you are aware of your surroundings everything will be fine. Hope all goes well for you!

Mark :D

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I went to the OCC last month for my band and we did not have any problems. I agree with the previous posters that as long as you are careful and pay attention to what is going on you should be fine. We only went out during the day and took a taxi if it was further than a few blocks from the hotel. We had a great time and the only reason I am getting my fill next month at a center is because I can't afford to fly back out to TJ. Good luck!

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Thank you everyone for taking the time to describe your recent experiences!

I went to a Dr. today and had fill put back in. He said that my band reacts differently like it has air in it or it is under pressure. He said he is also confused why my band loses fill more than others. He recommended that I go back to see Dr. So and get the fluroscopy done. Around here in Miami it is easily $400 to do it with fluro and that is if they will do it at all.

I am having my step brother look into the band since it is so much cheaper than it was when I got it done. If he gets approved we will go out together and I can see Dr. So, the Dentist, and possibly go over to Cosmed to meet with the plastic surgeon.

I defended the process to everyone around me but that didn't stop the voice in my head that kept saying "maybe you should be more concerned than you are".

Hopefully I have an adequate fill that doesn't give me problems but still allows me to lose the weight.

And yes...I wonder now if they had the plication available when I got the band if I would have switched. It intrigued me enough to inquire on how much a band to plication would cost if I decided to switch.

Thanks again everyone!

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