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post op diet failure


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today is my 5th day since i got banded and i ate solid fooooooodsss :"( wuts gonna happen to me? and y does it hurt when i burp... the burping part was from day 1 though has nothing to do with my cheating today... HELP PLSSS I FEEL HORRIBLE! i cant stop craving food!! I ATE A CH**SE B**GER kids size though... :)

but i ate other stuff later :'( OHH EMM GEEE wut gonna happen to me now???

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Lusy dear you need to stop. NOW.


Please, before you injure yourself, requiring surgery, or removal of the band, slip, incredible discomfort, whatever. Regardless, it'd be a tremendous waste of your money and incredibly risky to your health if you continue this behavior. You are hte only that can stop yourself. The surgeons have insisted on a liquid diet and you dont have a choice, you cant ignore their instructions, no matter what cravings you have. Focus on those fresh little sutures the docs put in and how delicate they are as they havent had a chance to heal. they dont stand much chance against a cheeseburger.

Sorry to come off harsh, but really, stop, now.

Every time you're tempted, walk away, go outside where there's no food, go for a walk, take a drive, take a nap, whatever. Try everything til you find something that WORKS.

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OMG no-no-no... please tell you you haven't been eating after that.

Stop. your band needs time to heal. I know how hard it is to just go 21 days without eating. We all went through it. I locked myself in my room to get away from the insensitive jerks at home. They cooked and made my favorite foods to mess with me. The worst think I did was put it in my mouth, chew and spit. Then ran to wash my mouth. It's gross but I did NOT EAT. Call OCC and tell them. They should be the ones giving you advice. You're going to hurt yourself if you continue with this. A cheeseburger, no matter the size is NOT worth it. There is so many yummy foods you can eat at this point. I believe this is the soup phase? I'm not too sure but get creative with the soups... blend everything really well and savor them. Make your own soups and don't deprive yourself. A cheeseburger, I repeat... IT IS NOT WORTH YOUR HEALTH. I hope you feel better.

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The possibility of your stretching our your new unhealed pouch is very high.

I would personally contact the clinic, and talk to a professional.

They could probably give you a list of signs to look for ...

What's the point of getting this procedure if you're going to just go back to your old shitty eating habits?

The band will not prevent your cravings. No matter how much restriction you feel, now or later.

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Wow, that's silly - you just invested thousands of dollars, emotions, work, your time and your jeopardizing your life/fat free future - for what - a stupid kids cheeseburger. When I was banded we had the chicken lady, she accidentally ate some chicken and slipped her band. You won’t often see me get tough or super mean - but this is as silly as I've seen for while.

Wake up - give yourself a good ass kicking since we can't do it for you - get over the food craving crap and get on board with your band and work it before you ruin it.

Call the clinic too please.

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  On 11/23/2010 at 10:44 PM, lisal said:

Wow, that's silly - you just invested thousands of dollars, emotions, work, your time and your jeopardizing your life/fat free future - for what - a stupid kids cheeseburger. When I was banded we had the chicken lady, she accidentally ate some chicken and slipped her band. You won’t often see me get tough or super mean - but this is as silly as I've seen for while.

Wake up - give yourself a good ass kicking since we can't do it for you - get over the food craving crap and get on board with your band and work it before you ruin it.

Call the clinic too please.

amen sister! couldn't have said it better myself. I think I was on this forum straight all day every day for 21 days because I COULDN'T do it alone. But really reading people posts, knowing they were going through the same thing as I had just went through definitely helped me. Trust me it was a WAY MORE A HEAD ISSUE THAN A FOOD ISSUE!!!

I'm not saying things were perfect, I ate mushy foods a few days before I should have, but I was eating the hell out of popsicles and anything that had some substance for the days before I could have solids.

Do your body a favor and know this isn't forever and stay committed to the process!

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To the above...all of it.. STOP..it is hard as hell as most of it know..Hell find a support group..come here all day if you have to. I am on today becasue this is the first Thanksgiving holiday since being banded...the holidays with all the emotions...being banded doesn't make them go away..figure out what is really going on...force yourself to get back on track...cry, scream, kick a pillow...we have all been there..just don't take the step of eatting. This journey is the hardest ever I have taken...today the feelings are all there and I am not eatting Hell my kids (smart) aren't even allowing me in the kitchen..gotta love it..so far I have slept, cried, taken a long ass shower, read a book, and came here..all in the effort to stay away from stuffing emotions down..don't give in..think $$ think the pay off when your loosing..you can do it..we are all here for you.

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  • 9 months later...

I am almost 2 weeks being banded and doing pretty good. Went to a movie with hubby and he got popcorn. I wanted to taste it so I sucked on it for the flavor and spit the kernal msuh in my mouth into a cup. Totally did the trick and I didn't have to deal with the solid food or it getting stuck. You can do that with anything for the flavor if you are really craving a certain food. Just don't swallow it.

Its better then going nuts for somethong and eating the whole thing and then getting sick IMO

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  • 4 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Man, you guys are tough. BUT it's just the tough kick in the butt I needed too. I had the Plication and I'm 12 days post-op and yesterday I got so hungry I ate 3 bites of toast while waiting for my soup to come. Before swallowing I chewed until it was mush then mixed with water in my mouth before swallowing. However I think I swallowed a bite without mixing with water. Then last night I got caught in another situation where I had to chew on tortilla chips while waiting for my soup to come.

I know now to not let myself get that hungry before eating. Although I chewed so very well, do any of you think I may have done damage? As in stretching the pouch/sleeve or breaking the stitches? How tough are these stitches?

I would absolutely die if I messed this up again. What I had done 12 days ago was a tightening of the plication I had exactly 1 year ago. It seems I have a serious eating disorder. More than just hunger making me eat.

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  • 6 months later...

It is so important to follow the diet you guys. We all have eating disorders or we wouldn't need the medical help. I kept telling myself that one day it would click in my head, well it wasn't and I was killing myself with food. The day I made the decision to do this surgery was the day it clicked. I wanted this, I want to live. It is 21 days. We have this diet for a reason, a very good reason. You have to be mentally checked in, because at this point its all mental!

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