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Gastric Plication Surgery in 2014

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  On 2/25/2014 at 12:51 AM, ncburgess said:

Had Plication Feb. 18th. Home and doing ok. Is anyone hungry?

Hi. I had my surgery on February 13. Yes, I am definately hungry. In fact, a few times I thought somehow my stomach had gone back to it's regular size. But then when I eat one bit too many, it's obvious that there's plenty of restriction. I am actually onto solid foods (I didn't let anyone know I did the surgery, so I've been placed in social situations where just having liquid wasn't possible.) I'm went down 13 pounds in one week but then stalled. I'm on day 5 of being the same weight. I've been told this happens sometimes and that at some point the weight will start falling off again. Here's hoping. How are you doing? Hungry yet?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I am scheduled for surgery May 15th. Can anyone tell me what you did for your pre-op diet? I haven't received anything yet from the dietician so I'm having 3 meals a day with protein, veggies, 2 fruit and 20 grams of carbs max. Starting back on the elliptical and going for our weekend hikes. One of my nurses had this surgery 3 years ago and she has kept her 60 pounds off. She only gained 8 back. She doesn't exercise. Her advise to me was to do as they say with the diet until you lose all your weight. Otherwise you will struggle to lose it all. She has 40 pounds to go. I have a total of 97 pounds to lose. I can't believe it! It is amazing how it creeps up on you. Years of yo yo dieting hasn't helped the issue either. I am from British Columbia. Anyone else going around this date? Would love to connect with someone for support. I'm having plication.

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I am having surgery 5-13-14. The nutritionist contacted me right away. 4 weeks out you drink 2 low carb protein shakes and 1 low calorie frozen dinner daily. Plus 4 cups daily of salad greens and 1-2 cups daily cooked green vegetables. No fruit. 2 weeks out is their special shakes- 3 daily, plus vitamins, plus the greens. I want the plication but Dr. Ortiz said he would have to decide when he was in there. I am having a revision over scar tissue. I am from Texas.

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I would love to hear the progress from the 2014 surgeries. Those of us waiting in the wings are nervous, excited and can't learn enough.

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I had Gastric Plication on 4/23. Here's my experience so far.

4/13 Signed up for surgery. BMI 30 and highest weight ever, pregnant or not. Started protein shake, sugar-free jello, raw vegetable diet.

4/22 Flight to San Diego. No problem getting picked up for pre-op appt. Weighed in at 179.5. Very professional and warm staff.

4/23 First surgery on 4/23, about 30 minutes. O.R. staff reassuring. Woke up phlegm-y and did a one-heave of that stuff, but no major vomiting, nausea, or pain. Nurses and post-op physician checked on me regularly and adminster IV meds. Surgeons made rounds before leaving for the day. Caring professionals. I had to do nebulizer treatments; other patients used their spirometer. I was up walking around yet that morning and more so during the afternoon. Couldn't sleep due to constant noise of bar or nightclub next door. (Bring ear plugs or whatever works for you in blocking noise)

4/24 Discharged after x-ray test to make sure no leakage. Considered going home, but followed advice to stay. The Marriott is prepared with tasty broth and popsicles and water. I had also packed water and apple juice, which I watered down. I was very comfortable that my needs were met without ever leaving my room. I had no significant problems. Gas and bloating is normal. Liquid gets hung up when you swallow, like water in a sink waiting to pass a semi-clogged drain. Then it starts to go and makes a vibration sensation. It does not hurt. It's just weird.

4/25 Going through the border on 4/25 was a little rocky. The driver told us to avoid the super long line of people, we needed to push someone on a wheelchair through a special line. I was the solo traveler in the van in addition to two groups of women traveling together. Each of those groups had someone with one of those US travelers cards, not the regular passport book, and that's what the special express line is for. The border agent did not want to let me through because I was not a companion of the other two parties, and I did not have a card. He asked me my purpose in visiting, and I said surgery. He let me go through. So if you go through this my advice is to have that traveler card, if possible, instead of your regular passport, and do not volunteer to push anyone in a wheelchair. I was pretty bloated leaving the hotel, and that can seem discouraging. Note to lower BMI people: Be prepared for people in the van to judge you a little bit. People could not help themselves commenting or asking questions, but I found if I kept it positive, others were supportive and understanding. Everyone has their own journey and reasons.

4/25-4/27 Weekend at home: Not exactly full energy, but able to go to church and do some light stuff around the house. No problem with incisions. Wore a light-support tank at night as a compression garment to decrease abdominal swelling, and I woke up for church very glad. (Wish I'd had that in the hotel) I'm not talking about some kind of super tight girdle or something that pinches or irritates incisions. Just a soft, light support tank top. Getting meds down may be the hardest part because they taste horrible when crushed. Got them down with large sips, not gulping, Vit. Water. Progression to a protein drink on 4/27.

4/27 Weight 178 I was not hungry at all until today, and I am able to drink protein drinks just fine. I can eat a little watered-down creamy yogurt (great for capsule contents on a spoon). I have to break up, but not crush, medications. I can also take gummy vitamins. I chew them to death and then send them down with a sip of water.

4/28 Weight 177 and back to work (office setting). Following the rules for healing and nutritional purposes and happy to see my weight starting to move in a good direction so far.

4/29 Weight 175.5

Hope this is helpful. Good luck everyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had this surgery done Aug 2013. And the above break down of events is much the same as my experience. However, if I could go back, there r a couple of changes I would make. First, I would make sure I didn't have to carry anything. Make sure it can all fit in a small rolling suitcase... You don't need much! I brought books, thinking I would read... mistake! They were heavy and I didn't read a bit! If anything, I'd take a small tablet for all communication,media and entertainment for first two days in hotel after surgery.

Also, take a walk up to the Wal Mart a block or so away and pick up some water/clear juice and a few liquid yogurts the day you get there. I didn't feel like leaving the room at all afterwards.

I too, went alone and I was in the lower BMI category, but I didn't feel any judgement from my fellow companions. We all got along well!

And speaking of being alone, it really would have been great to have someone there for company and support. But I chose to keep this surgery a secret, so I went alone. In hind site, I'd have confided in a trusted friend and taken them with me.

Now, nine months later, I'm still as happy as I was to get it done! No complications and my only regret is that I didn't do this years earlier!

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I had plication 4-30-14. I had gastric sleeve in the U.S. 12-2010 and lost 80 lbs but after 18 months I stopped losing. I starting eating all the wrong stuff again. I finally started to put on weight and gained 25 lbs so I decided to have the plication. I lost 10 lbs the first 10 days but then gained a pound and have stalled there. I'm pretty disgusted about it. I can easily eat 6oz of yogurt and I do because I'm starving! I couldn't eat more than a few bites after my gastric sleeve and honestly I wasn't wasn't eating much volume when I had this surgery. I was still eating my meals off a saucer, not a plate. It was more about WHAT I was eating. I can't tell that I'm eating that much less than before the surgery. My friend went with me to Mexico and had gastric sleeve. She can eat 2oz at a time tops-which is what I expected. I think the initial 10 lb weight loss was just from being on clear liquids and then a couple of days of full liquids. I started pureed food today and am shocked at the amount I could eat before I felt full. When I had gastric sleeve surgery a few bites would fill me up. But I would be hungry again in an hour-I nearly starved with that surgery but the weight just fell off . I don't know why this time is different. I emailed the nutritionist tonight with my concerns.

Good luck to everyone !

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  On 4/29/2014 at 4:00 PM, AZMichelle said:

I had Gastric Plication on 4/23. Here's my experience so far.

4/13 Signed up for surgery. BMI 30 and highest weight ever, pregnant or not. Started protein shake, sugar-free jello, raw vegetable diet.

4/22 Flight to San Diego. No problem getting picked up for pre-op appt. Weighed in at 179.5. Very professional and warm staff.

4/23 First surgery on 4/23, about 30 minutes. O.R. staff reassuring. Woke up phlegm-y and did a one-heave of that stuff, but no major vomiting, nausea, or pain. Nurses and post-op physician checked on me regularly and adminster IV meds. Surgeons made rounds before leaving for the day. Caring professionals. I had to do nebulizer treatments; other patients used their spirometer. I was up walking around yet that morning and more so during the afternoon. Couldn't sleep due to constant noise of bar or nightclub next door. (Bring ear plugs or whatever works for you in blocking noise)

4/24 Discharged after x-ray test to make sure no leakage. Considered going home, but followed advice to stay. The Marriott is prepared with tasty broth and popsicles and water. I had also packed water and apple juice, which I watered down. I was very comfortable that my needs were met without ever leaving my room. I had no significant problems. Gas and bloating is normal. Liquid gets hung up when you swallow, like water in a sink waiting to pass a semi-clogged drain. Then it starts to go and makes a vibration sensation. It does not hurt. It's just weird.

4/25 Going through the border on 4/25 was a little rocky. The driver told us to avoid the super long line of people, we needed to push someone on a wheelchair through a special line. I was the solo traveler in the van in addition to two groups of women traveling together. Each of those groups had someone with one of those US travelers cards, not the regular passport book, and that's what the special express line is for. The border agent did not want to let me through because I was not a companion of the other two parties, and I did not have a card. He asked me my purpose in visiting, and I said surgery. He let me go through. So if you go through this my advice is to have that traveler card, if possible, instead of your regular passport, and do not volunteer to push anyone in a wheelchair. I was pretty bloated leaving the hotel, and that can seem discouraging. Note to lower BMI people: Be prepared for people in the van to judge you a little bit. People could not help themselves commenting or asking questions, but I found if I kept it positive, others were supportive and understanding. Everyone has their own journey and reasons.

4/25-4/27 Weekend at home: Not exactly full energy, but able to go to church and do some light stuff around the house. No problem with incisions. Wore a light-support tank at night as a compression garment to decrease abdominal swelling, and I woke up for church very glad. (Wish I'd had that in the hotel) I'm not talking about some kind of super tight girdle or something that pinches or irritates incisions. Just a soft, light support tank top. Getting meds down may be the hardest part because they taste horrible when crushed. Got them down with large sips, not gulping, Vit. Water. Progression to a protein drink on 4/27.

4/13 start pre-surgery diet 188

4/23 day of surgery 179 (-9)

4/27 Weight 178 (-10) I was not hungry at all until today, and I am able to drink protein drinks just fine. I can eat a little watered-down creamy yogurt (great for capsule contents on a spoon). I have to break up, but not crush, medications. I can also take gummy vitamins. I chew them to death and then send them down with a sip of water.

4/28 Weight 177 (-11) and back to work (office setting). Following the rules for healing and nutritional purposes and happy to see my weight starting to move in a good direction so far.

4/29 Weight 175.5 (-12.5)

5/7 Weight 170.5 (-17.5)

5/14 Weight 165.5 (-22.5)

5/20 Weight 164 (-23.5)

18 more pounds to goal...

Hope this is helpful. Good luck everyone.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone. Quick update. Tomorrow marks 8 weeks since my plication. I've lost about 3 pounds a week, 24 pounds total since surgery; about 32 pounds total inc. the pre-surgery diet. I've got 8 pounds to go. I've had no significant problems and feel great. I have not added a ton of exercise - just little thing like taking the stairs in my office building, a little more walking, some light swimming - nothing that major.

When I first got to taste food again, there were a couple of time I ate too fast or too big of a bite and had an issue, but I adjusted to avoid that. It gets better with time too. A typical day is a protein drink in the morning, greek yogurt at 10, small soup serving at lunch, light string cheese mid-afternoon, another protein drink for dinner. Lots of fluids, supplements, and vitamins. I'm grateful for fat free chocolate pudding, great fat free greek yogurt flavors, low calorie frozen treats. I have trouble getting enough fiber so I need to work on that.

I want to hit my goal weight by my 3-months-from-surgery date. After that, I'll adjust to maintenance eating. I used to be worried about re-gaining, now given how much my appetite and habits have changed, I think I'll be more concerned with getting enough healthy calories to stop losing. That's a nice problem to have for the first time ever.

Good luck everyone. Just follow the OCC instructions and tips, and you will be glad you did.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 4/21/2014 at 9:24 PM, Kat51 said:

I am having surgery 5-13-14. The nutritionist contacted me right away. 4 weeks out you drink 2 low carb protein shakes and 1 low calorie frozen dinner daily. Plus 4 cups daily of salad greens and 1-2 cups daily cooked green vegetables. No fruit. 2 weeks out is their special shakes- 3 daily, plus vitamins, plus the greens. I want the plication but Dr. Ortiz said he would have to decide when he was in there. I am having a revision over scar tissue. I am from Texas.

Kat51, how did it go? The doctor decides whch surgery once you're there? I'm new here & have a date for plication on 8/15. Thanks :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 6/17/2014 at 10:31 PM, AZMichelle said:

Hi everyone. Quick update. Tomorrow marks 8 weeks since my plication. I've lost about 3 pounds a week, 24 pounds total since surgery; about 32 pounds total inc. the pre-surgery diet. I've got 8 pounds to go. I've had no significant problems and feel great. I have not added a ton of exercise - just little thing like taking the stairs in my office building, a little more walking, some light swimming - nothing that major.

When I first got to taste food again, there were a couple of time I ate too fast or too big of a bite and had an issue, but I adjusted to avoid that. It gets better with time too. A typical day is a protein drink in the morning, greek yogurt at 10, small soup serving at lunch, light string cheese mid-afternoon, another protein drink for dinner. Lots of fluids, supplements, and vitamins. I'm grateful for fat free chocolate pudding, great fat free greek yogurt flavors, low calorie frozen treats. I have trouble getting enough fiber so I need to work on that.

I want to hit my goal weight by my 3-months-from-surgery date. After that, I'll adjust to maintenance eating. I used to be worried about re-gaining, now given how much my appetite and habits have changed, I think I'll be more concerned with getting enough healthy calories to stop losing. That's a nice problem to have for the first time ever.

Good luck everyone. Just follow the OCC instructions and tips, and you will be glad you did.

UPDATE - 3 months post surgery, I've hit a healthy goal weight of 147.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

I had my surgery sept 11 and went in around 277 LBS now February 8 I am at 223 LBS and feel GREAT except that i need to keep buying new cloth, i love going into my amazon account and seeing all the jeans i bought since surgery and the sizes keep going down.

Just want to say THANKS to Dr. Ortiz and his staff Great experience.

BTW i will be calling OCC or emailing the I need a tummy tuck very soon. I see my goal weight at 180-190 i am 6'4".

My suggestion to people that had the surgery is have a protein shake for breakfast, i like the jay rob's you get the at whole foods, a light lunch 1/4 rotisserie chicken a little cole slaw 1/4 pound eat the chicken first (if you finish it all you ate too much) and a 4pm actva with fruit (individual container) for dinner and a 7pm cottage chess with pineapple small individual container. Nothing after 8 pm

And if your hungry Tough you ate your whole life time to pay for it, get over it, it gets easier.

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