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Not to turn this into a wank session, but I just wanted to respond and say that if she feels the way that I do - she's probably way more worried about / for you then trying to make you mad. This is a big big secret you are keeping and none of us want to see you get hurt if he finds out later and doesn't take well to the deception. You are right - to each his own. We do not know your situation. While I do not feel that I could ever keep that kind of thing a secret, I am also not in a situation where I have to, so it would be unfair of me to say that I could never be in your place.

Please keep in mind that as much as we may gasp at the situation, in the end, we just want to be there for you and help where we are able. I am interested to know how you are doing with the band itself. Are you still suffering from nausea and vomiting or has that eased with the meds from your doctor? My concern would be a slipped band if that keeps up. Not sure how you'd explain THAT ER visit, lol.

  BSN said:

I actually read this last night and all kinds of thoughts flooding my wee brain. Part of me wanted to ignore you and the other part of me wants to confront you. Hopefully I can find a middle ground here.

While you are certainly free to speak your mind and I would never dream of stopping you even if I could, isn't this supposed to be a place of support? I had to come here, use a different name, a short version of registration info and I did this because I wanted to tell SOMEONE what I have done. And what do I get from you? Telling me about disfunctional relationships and how wonderful yours is because you don't need to do what I did.

Considering you don't know me, my husband, our situation, what is going on right now... that's a bit of a leap for you to make such comments on a SUPPORT board. Do I expect you to agree with me? Of course not. But to write such a post is something I would never do. I hope nobody ever does it to you.

Perhaps you need to look at this from a different POV. Some people are simply desperate enough to do what needs to be done and let the chips fall where they will. Until you have SOME clue as to why he didn't want me to have the surgery perhaps you might consider how you word your opinions. For goodness sakes, at least get the details before jumping to hasty judgements.

Okay, you wanted to say it and now you did. Feel better?


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  Littleroo27 said:
Not to turn this into a wank session, but I just wanted to respond and say that if she feels the way that I do - she's probably way more worried about / for you then trying to make you mad. This is a big big secret you are keeping and none of us want to see you get hurt if he finds out later and doesn't take well to the deception. You are right - to each his own. We do not know your situation. While I do not feel that I could ever keep that kind of thing a secret, I am also not in a situation where I have to, so it would be unfair of me to say that I could never be in your place.

Please keep in mind that as much as we may gasp at the situation, in the end, we just want to be there for you and help where we are able. I am interested to know how you are doing with the band itself. Are you still suffering from nausea and vomiting or has that eased with the meds from your doctor? My concern would be a slipped band if that keeps up. Not sure how you'd explain THAT ER visit, lol.

I don't know, I think it is usually a better idea to ask for details before assuming disfunctional relationships and how my relationship needs to be examined. There are other issues at play here, issues I have not written about. We've been together for over 19 years and this is the first time I have ever been dishonest with him.

I did find out what the medical problem is... well, part of it anyway. I had a small fill and after three days my band closed completely. I couldn't drink water, I couldn't get comfortable... it was one of the most miserable few days I have ever experienced. After a great many labs we have discovered that I have an over active immune system. IOW, what would cause minor inflammation with your typical person causes severe inflammation for me. The reason for that is yet unknown, but that is the reason for the problems and such. It just means that I need to take meds to prevent inflammation before fills and I can only have small fills at a time. It was something that there was no way to determine before surgery. It kind of explains some medical issues from my past, but bottom line is that nobody knew about it before surgery.

However, now I know so now I know how to deal with the problems. :lol:

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hi just got the surgery on 1/8- not tyring to be funny but how woud you know if the band slipped or broke? I have been onl liquids (clear) the pain is subsiding except for the shoulder part and I am able to drink water without problems - did I stretch it already? I know this may sound weird but I am so paranoid I am not doing things right ( I can also take my pills )the doctor made sure of this beore I left the hospital - just seems like people do vomit or feel some type of weirdness


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From what others have told me, if your band slipped - you would KNOW. there would be some serious discomfort and you would likely not be able to keep anything down at all. As for the shoulder pain, that is very very normal post-op (it's the gas in your body). And, no, you didn't stretch your band out! In fact, that's impossible. You are not supposed to have any restriction at first because you are waiting for your body to heal from surgery. It is more important that you get the nutrients you need and take it slow. It may take 2-3 fills before you feel true restriction. Yes, people do vomit or PB sometimes, but the idea is to avoid that. If you do vomit regularly, something is wrong or you are too tight.

It sounds to me like things are right on track for you, but if you would like some more reasurance, I'd recomend ordering "Lap-Band for Life" and reading through it. It helped calm all of my fears and now I'm just anxious to get it done!

  tina47 said:
hi just got the surgery on 1/8- not tyring to be funny but how woud you know if the band slipped or broke? I have been onl liquids (clear) the pain is subsiding except for the shoulder part and I am able to drink water without problems - did I stretch it already? I know this may sound weird but I am so paranoid I am not doing things right ( I can also take my pills )the doctor made sure of this beore I left the hospital - just seems like people do vomit or feel some type of weirdness


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  Littleroo27 said:
From what others have told me, if your band slipped - you would KNOW. there would be some serious discomfort and you would likely not be able to keep anything down at all. As for the shoulder pain, that is very very normal post-op (it's the gas in your body). And, no, you didn't stretch your band out! In fact, that's impossible. You are not supposed to have any restriction at first because you are waiting for your body to heal from surgery. It is more important that you get the nutrients you need and take it slow. It may take 2-3 fills before you feel true restriction. Yes, people do vomit or PB sometimes, but the idea is to avoid that. If you do vomit regularly, something is wrong or you are too tight.

It sounds to me like things are right on track for you, but if you would like some more reasurance, I'd recomend ordering "Lap-Band for Life" and reading through it. It helped calm all of my fears and now I'm just anxious to get it done!

I've been following this thread since it started and I've GOT to say... you need to tell him.

I'm a strong believer in doing what you think you need to do, and for your own reasons. Nobody can make YOUR decisions for you... HOWEVER, you have said it yourself, a little lie, and now more and more lies to cover it up. Its a house of cards now and it WILL FALL. The deceit (lap band, spa treatments, shopping) will undermine the other good truthfull, trusting 19 years. Trust is paramount in a relationship and if you don't have trust, you don't have anything. He will find out one way or another. You guys need to give us a little more credit. We are NOT oblivious to changes like this. Some things we just avoid because we know it will spin into a fight. If you guys have any type of physical relationship I promise you he knows something and has seen the scars.

Yes he might be mad, yes I know I would be if I found out my wife did something worth $9000 behind my back too. I don't doubt your decision to get it done. I am getting mine the 31st. I DO feel its wrong to keep secrets like that from the one you call your husband. Nobody is saying you have to announce it to the whole world or stand up at church on Sunday and tell everyone there... but your HUSBAND? keeping the secret about paying $100 for a peticure is one thing. We UNDERSTAND that. A lap band that you fight about, and get it done anyway behind his back is wrong. Your body is telling you its wrong. Make it right by telling him and I'm gonna bet a zillion dollars you will feel better.

at the end of the day, look in the mirror and ask youself if your doing the right thing.

For the sake of the previous 19 years... tell him

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Beyond the whole trust thing, what if something (anything - stroke, car accident, whatever) happens to you and you need medical treatment but can't communicate. They'll ask your husband about your medical history and if you've had any surgery or anything that might cause complications and he'll say, "no, nothing out of the ordinary." You could be putting yourself in jeopardy because the docs could not give you the proper type of care due to lack of information.

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  BSN said:
LONG story short...

I wanted a band, talked to my husband, he said no. I waited for him to go out of town and ran off to get it anyway.

That was two weeks ago. I haven't quit vomiting since. He's going to figure out something is wrong.

I make no apologies for getting it done, I do feel horrible for the way I did it.

Does anyone else have a bizarre story?? Or, am I the only one?

I lied to my ex and he thought that I went on a nursing conference when I was actually in Mexico getting banded! He had our children for a week while I was away. Which means that I haven't been able to tell our children for fear he will find out. He and I are divorced but we continue to be close friends...I chose not to tell him because he is absolutely opposed to any bariatric surgery. He said that he thinks anyone that does it is lazy and that they should use the money for their kids' education. He said that he feels grateful that I am not selfish enough to want to do something like that. He has mentioned that he could never be proud of a loved one that had weight loss that came after a bariatric procedure because it is taking the "easy way out". So, yes, I too have a "weird" story/situation. He and my children are a huge part of my life and have no idea I was banded last November! We take the kids to eat and I eat like a bird. I have lost very slowly so he has had no reason to suspect at this point. I have a good support system, a few friends and some family know, so I'm not alone in this...and I'll tell him in due time...and if he happens to call me lazy-- I'll just tell him to kiss my lazy, hot, SKINNY butt! haha :P

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I wrote my above post before reading the entire thread. Just wanted to clarify that I do agree that your husband should (eventually) be told for the mere fact that hiding a secret as big as this from a spouse could be devastating to the trust that is important in all relationships. It's easy to keep something like a surgery from someone you don't live with or have an intimate relationship with (as in my case). I'm curious as to how you would hide the scars on your abdomen? My scars are obvious. I do understand your desperation in wanting the procedure. I jumped through hoops to get a loan and was determined to get banded no matter what! We're here for you. ><' Keep us updated!

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OK question for you...how are you going to hid the scares from your husband???? Does he not see you in the birthday suit??? Just wondering if this is going to cause strife between you and him later on??? I mean isnt he going to notice you are hardly eating anything, and such tiny amounts and not drinking with meals..?? Sorry, I am just noisy...geri

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I can certainly understand not telling your husband when he is not supportive. I have to admit that once I made up my mind I wanted to have the procedure no matter what. My husband had a great many concerns, but I flat out said to him he had no idea what it was like to live in my body, being overweight. He had no idea the feeling of failure that comes when you diet, fall off the wagon, gain it all back - What it feels like to go to an amusement park with the kids and not fit on the rides they want to go on with you - What it feels like to not be able to fit into regular size public washrooms. He does not know what it feels like to always be hungry and never feel full and to need to satisfy the hunger with food constantly.

All I can say is you will need to tell him at some point. This is a pretty big lie and I think the deeper you go and the more lies that are told the bigger the whole will get to try to get out of. Saying that he hasn't noticed the weight loss and you are now even is just making it worse as it is feeding your feelings of resentment that he did not support you in having the procedure and that he hasn't noticed the change in you either.

I certainly would not just blurt it out now as I think you need to at least try to get him on side and understand some of the issues that you face. Although when I read that you had a low BMI, maybe you didn't have some of the issues I had above, but talk with him honestly about feelings and I am sure you will get a good response. Heck, you have been together for 19 years, so you must have weathered other storms in your life.

Julie C

Nov 6/06

Dr. Ortiz

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  • 3 weeks later...
  doclynch said:
I've been following this thread since it started and I've GOT to say... you need to tell him.

I'm a strong believer in doing what you think you need to do, and for your own reasons. Nobody can make YOUR decisions for you... HOWEVER, you have said it yourself, a little lie, and now more and more lies to cover it up. Its a house of cards now and it WILL FALL. The deceit (lap band, spa treatments, shopping) will undermine the other good truthfull, trusting 19 years. Trust is paramount in a relationship and if you don't have trust, you don't have anything. He will find out one way or another. You guys need to give us a little more credit. We are NOT oblivious to changes like this. Some things we just avoid because we know it will spin into a fight. If you guys have any type of physical relationship I promise you he knows something and has seen the scars.

Yes he might be mad, yes I know I would be if I found out my wife did something worth $9000 behind my back too. I don't doubt your decision to get it done. I am getting mine the 31st. I DO feel its wrong to keep secrets like that from the one you call your husband. Nobody is saying you have to announce it to the whole world or stand up at church on Sunday and tell everyone there... but your HUSBAND? keeping the secret about paying $100 for a peticure is one thing. We UNDERSTAND that. A lap band that you fight about, and get it done anyway behind his back is wrong. Your body is telling you its wrong. Make it right by telling him and I'm gonna bet a zillion dollars you will feel better.

at the end of the day, look in the mirror and ask youself if your doing the right thing.

For the sake of the previous 19 years... tell him

Don't need to. He figured it out. He was getting ready to leave for a trip out of the country and finally commented on the weight I have lost. He asked how I did it. I happened to be holding a can of Atkin's protein shake and I held it up and just said, "Atkins."

He looked at me for a long time and said, "Okay, you aren't ready to tell me yet." Gave me a kiss and left. So, he's figured it out.

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  Kristi Ann said:
I lied to my ex and he thought that I went on a nursing conference when I was actually in Mexico getting banded! He had our children for a week while I was away. Which means that I haven't been able to tell our children for fear he will find out. He and I are divorced but we continue to be close friends...I chose not to tell him because he is absolutely opposed to any bariatric surgery. He said that he thinks anyone that does it is lazy and that they should use the money for their kids' education. He said that he feels grateful that I am not selfish enough to want to do something like that. He has mentioned that he could never be proud of a loved one that had weight loss that came after a bariatric procedure because it is taking the "easy way out". So, yes, I too have a "weird" story/situation. He and my children are a huge part of my life and have no idea I was banded last November! We take the kids to eat and I eat like a bird. I have lost very slowly so he has had no reason to suspect at this point. I have a good support system, a few friends and some family know, so I'm not alone in this...and I'll tell him in due time...and if he happens to call me lazy-- I'll just tell him to kiss my lazy, hot, SKINNY butt! haha :P

OMG! Thank you! Seriously, thank you SOOO much for posting this. If you were here in real time I'd give you a big hug!

Thank you.

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  Canada Julie said:

I can certainly understand not telling your husband when he is not supportive. I have to admit that once I made up my mind I wanted to have the procedure no matter what. My husband had a great many concerns, but I flat out said to him he had no idea what it was like to live in my body, being overweight. He had no idea the feeling of failure that comes when you diet, fall off the wagon, gain it all back - What it feels like to go to an amusement park with the kids and not fit on the rides they want to go on with you - What it feels like to not be able to fit into regular size public washrooms. He does not know what it feels like to always be hungry and never feel full and to need to satisfy the hunger with food constantly.

All I can say is you will need to tell him at some point. This is a pretty big lie and I think the deeper you go and the more lies that are told the bigger the whole will get to try to get out of. Saying that he hasn't noticed the weight loss and you are now even is just making it worse as it is feeding your feelings of resentment that he did not support you in having the procedure and that he hasn't noticed the change in you either.

I certainly would not just blurt it out now as I think you need to at least try to get him on side and understand some of the issues that you face. Although when I read that you had a low BMI, maybe you didn't have some of the issues I had above, but talk with him honestly about feelings and I am sure you will get a good response. Heck, you have been together for 19 years, so you must have weathered other storms in your life.

Julie C

Nov 6/06

Dr. Ortiz

LOL!! A low BMI! Thank you for that.

I realize that in comparison to some my BMI is low. Right now it is 35. I just haven't heard that before and it's nice to read it.

I think that all fat people have embarrassing stories to tell. Some have more than others but we all face the same challenges. It is not socially acceptable to be a fattie. It just isn't. People look at us all the same, fat, lazy, unable to control ourselves. There comes a point (speaking socially here) where it doesn't matter if one is 200 pounds or 800 pounds. It's just as socially unaccepable. That doesn't mean it isn't harder to lose 600 lbs vs. 100 lbs. But speaking on a social level only, it's all really the same. Maybe it doesn't seem like it but a 250 lb person doesn't fit in seats anymore than an 800lb person. We are all looked at the same.

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Okay, I still have one problem. I'd have to go back to the first post and see if I explained this because I don't recall.

I barf daily. I have barfed daily since day #4 after surgery. Liquids are fine, solids are not. Please please please don't tell me to follow the rules. I DO follow the rules and I barf. I have actually slimed on water in the past few weeks. But usually it is solids.

I do follow the rules, I know how to chew, I know how long to chew, I know how slow to eat, I know all that. I still barf.

My labs show problems because of barfing. My sodium is down, my potassium is down, my protein is down, my uric acid is up, my white count is even up. It's from constant puking.

My GP says it is gallbladder. It isn't. A GI surgeon said it is inflammation. Could be. My surgeon said it is all in my head. Could be. Doesn't change the fact that I barf non stop. I have a journal of every calorie consumed since the day I was banded. I consume 300-500 calories daily. I have had 6 barf free days in 8 weeks. Weight loss is great, I went from a BMI of 42 to 35 (actually, 34) in 8 weeks. I'm thrilled with that. But I'm tired, I am really really tired. I was supposed to go out of the country with my husband. *I* put the trip together, 20 of us were going to go to Africa and provide medical care to tiny villages throughout the African desert to people who have never had medical care. *I* put the damn trip together. I got the volunteers, I got the medical supplies, I raised the money. I've worked on this for two years and now I flunked the insurance physical and I am the only one that can't go on the trip.

I'm over it, I hate my band. I hate few things in life but I hate this band. I thought people that named their band were bizarre. Yeah, I named my band... it's the spawn of Satan. I don't want to vomit anymore, I want a normal life again. I was in Nogales, Mexico on business recently. I was at a restaurant with two docs and their wives. Knowing I barf I ordered BROTH and had to excuse myself to go puke several times. This is insanity, it's also embarrassing.

I no longer care if this is due to gallbladder, inflammation or if it is all in my head. Makes no difference. It can't be fixed so that means removing my band.

Does anyone know if Dr. Ortiz will remove a band placed by a different Mexican surgeon?

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  tuesdaythecat said:
I am pretty sure he would, since he will go in and do the band on people that have had by-pass. He is very knowledgeable about the band, so I think it would be easy for him.

Great, thanks. I emailed them but haven't heard back yet. However, I just emailed them last night (Friday night). I don't really expect to hear anything before Monday.


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  BSN said:
LONG story short...

I wanted a band, talked to my husband, he said no. I waited for him to go out of town and ran off to get it anyway.

That was two weeks ago. I haven't quit vomiting since. He's going to figure out something is wrong.

I make no apologies for getting it done, I do feel horrible for the way I did it.

Does anyone else have a bizarre story?? Or, am I the only one?

I hope that you are doing better with the band. I had a band also, and experienced problems with vomiting. After numerous medical test and different medications over a two and a half year period, I had the band removed in Dec. 2006. So far I can honestly say, It was well worth the risk of removing it. I feel great, and wonder why I ever waited so long to remove it. Best of luck to you.

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  nbrckk said:
I hope that you are doing better with the band. I had a band also, and experienced problems with vomiting. After numerous medical test and different medications over a two and a half year period, I had the band removed in Dec. 2006. So far I can honestly say, It was well worth the risk of removing it. I feel great, and wonder why I ever waited so long to remove it. Best of luck to you.

Did you gain weight after having it removed?

Did you have problems finding a doc to remove the band?

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Man, you've just had quite the trial with this thing! I'm so sorry :(. I guess it's never going to be a good end result for everyone, since everyone's body reacts differently to foreign invaders. Perhaps it's kind of like organ transplants - your body rejected the band. That just bites though! I wish you the best of luck in having the band removed and returning to heath as soon as possible. Please keep us advised!

  BSN said:
Did you gain weight after having it removed?

Did you have problems finding a doc to remove the band?

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  Littleroo27 said:
Man, you've just had quite the trial with this thing! I'm so sorry :(. I guess it's never going to be a good end result for everyone, since everyone's body reacts differently to foreign invaders. Perhaps it's kind of like organ transplants - your body rejected the band. That just bites though! I wish you the best of luck in having the band removed and returning to heath as soon as possible. Please keep us advised!

Interesting conversation w/Dr. Ortiz.

I was calling around just getting prices for having my band removed and most just gave me the price I was asking about. When I got to Ortiz' name the girl wanted to know why I was having it removed. I just said it was personal choice, I didn't want to go into all the details. She pushed and again I said it was just personal choice. I just didn't feel like talking about it.

Long story short and Dr. Ortiz got on the phone. He asked why I was having it removed and I repeated again, personal choice. He was very nice but pretty much explained he wouldn't feel comfortable removing it without understanding why I wanted it removed. So, I finally told him I barf, blah blah blah. I warned him, DON'T SUGGEST TO ME THAT I FOLLOW THE RULES! I *am* following the rules and if one more person assumes I'm not, I will scream. He laughed and promised he wouldn't do that.

He asked a bunch of questions and asked if I had a specific type of barium swallow. I said I had a barium swallow x3 and it was normal. He said no, that was the standard barium swallow. He went on to explain that the test I need is when they completely close my band and THEN have me drink barium. (I'm thinking, oh great... I can barf in front of everyone now) I told him no, I have never heard of that specific test. He said the anatomy is a great deal different on that test vs. a standard barium swallow. He swears my problem is a mini-slip. Instead of a standard slipped band, it's a mini slip instead and this apparently does not show up on a standard barium swallow. I was in a really bad mood that day so I didn't take the time to ask just what that is, but he seemed quite sure that is the problem.

I'm not sure what I'll do. I am really, seriously, truely tired. I don't know if I want to fight this thing anymore. I'm thinking I'll just have it removed but that's not a given. I don't really know what to do.

Anyway, just thought it was worth mentioning that instead of getting an easy surgery and quick money, he prefers to do a $100 test first. He deserves credit for that in my book.

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Dr. Ortiz is the best as far as I am concerned! You should let him try to determine what the problem is with your band. Make an appointment and get your problem resolved!!! You might be able to live with this band once he fixes it.

Good luck to you!!

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  BSN said:
Interesting conversation w/Dr. Ortiz.

I was calling around just getting prices for having my band removed and most just gave me the price I was asking about. When I got to Ortiz' name the girl wanted to know why I was having it removed. I just said it was personal choice, I didn't want to go into all the details. She pushed and again I said it was just personal choice. I just didn't feel like talking about it.

Long story short and Dr. Ortiz got on the phone. He asked why I was having it removed and I repeated again, personal choice. He was very nice but pretty much explained he wouldn't feel comfortable removing it without understanding why I wanted it removed. So, I finally told him I barf, blah blah blah. I warned him, DON'T SUGGEST TO ME THAT I FOLLOW THE RULES! I *am* following the rules and if one more person assumes I'm not, I will scream. He laughed and promised he wouldn't do that.

He asked a bunch of questions and asked if I had a specific type of barium swallow. I said I had a barium swallow x3 and it was normal. He said no, that was the standard barium swallow. He went on to explain that the test I need is when they completely close my band and THEN have me drink barium. (I'm thinking, oh great... I can barf in front of everyone now) I told him no, I have never heard of that specific test. He said the anatomy is a great deal different on that test vs. a standard barium swallow. He swears my problem is a mini-slip. Instead of a standard slipped band, it's a mini slip instead and this apparently does not show up on a standard barium swallow. I was in a really bad mood that day so I didn't take the time to ask just what that is, but he seemed quite sure that is the problem.

I'm not sure what I'll do. I am really, seriously, truely tired. I don't know if I want to fight this thing anymore. I'm thinking I'll just have it removed but that's not a given. I don't really know what to do.

Anyway, just thought it was worth mentioning that instead of getting an easy surgery and quick money, he prefers to do a $100 test first. He deserves credit for that in my book.

What do you have to lose BSN. Try it, give it a shot. What the heck, you have come along way thus far. You have followed a path with great determination. You deserve to feel and eat healthy. It sounds like your tiredness is a direct result of what you are experiencing. Because of that, try and fight the "fight" ONE last time. Why not try and have Dr. Ortiz do the test. It's a trip, $100, and you will finally know. Then, make your decision. You have kept so much in (from your hubsand) for a while now, and that is tough enough on you, and then having to throw in the complication of not being able to eat and constantly barfing. Your body is probably physically and emotionally weak from exhaustion. Please let us know how you are doing no matter what you decide. Were here to support YOU! ><'


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Wow, I've never heard of a mini-slip. Thanks so much for posting about it! I agree that you should do the barium swallow before having it removed. I mean, how much of a PITA would it be if you went through all of this and got it removed if there is a chance it can be fixed and work properly!

  BSN said:
Interesting conversation w/Dr. Ortiz.

I was calling around just getting prices for having my band removed and most just gave me the price I was asking about. When I got to Ortiz' name the girl wanted to know why I was having it removed. I just said it was personal choice, I didn't want to go into all the details. She pushed and again I said it was just personal choice. I just didn't feel like talking about it.

Long story short and Dr. Ortiz got on the phone. He asked why I was having it removed and I repeated again, personal choice. He was very nice but pretty much explained he wouldn't feel comfortable removing it without understanding why I wanted it removed. So, I finally told him I barf, blah blah blah. I warned him, DON'T SUGGEST TO ME THAT I FOLLOW THE RULES! I *am* following the rules and if one more person assumes I'm not, I will scream. He laughed and promised he wouldn't do that.

He asked a bunch of questions and asked if I had a specific type of barium swallow. I said I had a barium swallow x3 and it was normal. He said no, that was the standard barium swallow. He went on to explain that the test I need is when they completely close my band and THEN have me drink barium. (I'm thinking, oh great... I can barf in front of everyone now) I told him no, I have never heard of that specific test. He said the anatomy is a great deal different on that test vs. a standard barium swallow. He swears my problem is a mini-slip. Instead of a standard slipped band, it's a mini slip instead and this apparently does not show up on a standard barium swallow. I was in a really bad mood that day so I didn't take the time to ask just what that is, but he seemed quite sure that is the problem.

I'm not sure what I'll do. I am really, seriously, truely tired. I don't know if I want to fight this thing anymore. I'm thinking I'll just have it removed but that's not a given. I don't really know what to do.

Anyway, just thought it was worth mentioning that instead of getting an easy surgery and quick money, he prefers to do a $100 test first. He deserves credit for that in my book.

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  BSN said:
Don't need to. He figured it out. He was getting ready to leave for a trip out of the country and finally commented on the weight I have lost. He asked how I did it. I happened to be holding a can of Atkin's protein shake and I held it up and just said, "Atkins."

He looked at me for a long time and said, "Okay, you aren't ready to tell me yet." Gave me a kiss and left. So, he's figured it out.


Well I'm glad for you that that cat is almost out of the bag. I knew he'd figure it out. You girls don't give us enuff credit about noticing the small changes. Sure we might not notice of you got the 1/2 inches cut off your hair or whatever.. but believe me... if the women he loves is starting to lose weight, look better, feel better, smile more... we are gonna notice.

about the barfin... I'm glad you talked to Dr. Ortiz... if there is ANYONE around that knows the band... its him. The fact that he wanted to hear your story before he would do anything tells me he believes in what he does. Because this is an elective operation, some Dr's will take your "personal reasons" as enuff to take the band out. Dr. Ortiz is gonna want a little more. I'm sure he could take your money and take it out and never ask why, but he's got a little more character than that. If you are a BSN as yer name states... you know what i'm talking about.

I sure hope you get this figured out and everything starts working as promised, and you start feeling better. Please keep us all posted.


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I'm sorry to hear about all your troubles, especially your not being able to go to Africa. I hope you get it all sorted out - are you going to go see Dr. Ortiz? I feel fortunate that my husband was on the bandwagon right from the get go...now I just have to decide where to go.

Please let us know how it all works out for you - I hope you get to keep your band and stop barfing! I'm sure you'll figure out the husband thing and that you get the support you deserve.



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