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I want the band, already!

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As you may or may not remember, I suffer from a sleep disorder that causes me to get little or no REM sleep. REM sleep is the 5th stage of sleep and it's the one where you actually get rest in order to feel alert and rejuvenated the next day. The closest name for it is hypersomnia, which pretty much says it all - excessive sleepiness.


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I pray for a better day today for you. Your 6 month pre-op diet?.............What do you have to do for that? I can't imagine drinking 2 slim fast a day and a lean cusine for 6 months. I think the HMO's are a little OFF! How much sense does that make when someone is overweight and struggles minute by minute basically with food. Everyone's had the whineys, but your doing something good for yourself and WHAT a day that will be when it's finally arrived for you!!!!!!!!

Thanks for all YOUR support with this forum and hopefully we'll all "ditto that" support for you.

Blessings galore,

Teri ><'

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I actually think the 6 months diet for people before weight loss surgery is not enough. Although, littleroo, I do feel very sorry for you. Who wants to pay for surgery for someone who hasn't really tried to eat healthy and move a little. Anyone looking for a quick fix would be turned off by that, but not those who have tried and failed so many times they can't count, and are really at wits end. I've sure got a lot more than six months of documented dieting going on. Every Monday was a new week, and a new attempt to lose the weight. You certainly don't want to pay for surgery for people who won't take care of themselves afterward and attempt to eat healthy and get some exercise. They are good habits to develop no matter what, they are just so much easier to do with the band!!!


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My insurance kept putting me off so I decided to self pay! My sister helped me get a loan with a 3.9% interest rate through one of her credit cards and I financed the $8500 that Dr. Ortiz charges. I am so glad that I used Dr. Ortiz for this procedure. I really enjoyed the whole experience. Yep, I'll be making monthly payments until I get the loan paid off but I just couldn't continue to play games with my insurance company.

Good luck to you and I hope that your approval is processed sooner than later.

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If the reason the insurance did it was for those reasons, I might respect that. But I think people whose BMI is already into obese or morbidly obese, you can pretty much expect that they've lost and gained and lost some more and gained it back and at this point just need HELP!

A friend of mine e-mailed me an article today that said two of the main insurance companies in Mass. are requiring one year of pre-op dieting. I am 300% sure that the reason for this is to get as many people as possible below the minimum BMI required for surgery. You make them diet then say they are now too thin for the surgery and you won't pay for it. Then within 3 years they've gained it back, but chances are really good that you will no longer be their insurance provider. It's all a game. Thankfully, no matter how much weight I lose in 6 months, it won't be enough to push me below that number. Jerks.

But thanks for your thoughts. So far today is a better day. I actually have an appointment with the lap-band doctor today and, hopefully can either get started on that 6 month diet or at least make an appointment with the dietician to start it ASAP.

Just knowing that I can leave work at 2 pm makes things a little brighter, LOL.

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My personal opinion is that they set these ridiculous goals because they know so many people will drop out and not be able to keep with the program or will get discouraged, then they won't have to pay for the surgery. Its really too bad, but I get to meet all you fabulous people because of it :)

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HAHAHA, you're probably right. Even the doctor thought that waiting 6 more months was just making everything worse. This is not a surgery for casual dieters, for goodness sakes! But, I guess that's how the insurance programs keep the premiums down.

The doctor I saw yesterday said I should come see him once a month for the insurance, which I don't mind as long as I don't have to pay for it! LOL. Hopefully I will be banded by the end of August *sigh*

  LoriBecky said:
My personal opinion is that they set these ridiculous goals because they know so many people will drop out and not be able to keep with the program or will get discouraged, then they won't have to pay for the surgery. Its really too bad, but I get to meet all you fabulous people because of it :)
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I know it's hard for you, especially when most of the people on here have already been banded. Just remember that most of us are much older than you and have struggled with weight problems for a lot longer. Even though you are having to wait for your band right now, you'll still be way ahead of a lot of us in the long run! We'll have to figure out some way to celebrate with you when you do finally get banded. Keep your goal in site, and whine away when you feel you need to!!


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