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plastic surgery in mexico???


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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I've worked with plastic surgeons for over 20 years in California and my late husband was a plastic surgeon. So I know many of these south-of-the-border doctors personally. Why? Because they attend the same training seminars right along with doctors from Europe, South America, Canada, and the U.S.A. Many of the Mexio doctors are trained here (Tulane Medical Schol, U.S.C., and UCLA just to name a few) and some are trained in Europe (University of Vienna, etc.). I'm sure there are some bad ones, but that can be said about anywhere. I had a friend who went to TJ for face work, a lift and a peel and the work was excellent. I had a friend who went to Brazil for a face lift and neck lift and the work was awful. I had a client who want to a supremely qualified plastic surgeon in Hemet, California and she was given the worst eye job I've ever seen...so there you are. I will say that the private plastic surgery hospitals in TJ are very clean and well staffed with a high ratio of qualified nurses per patient. I hope this information doesn't reach you too late to be of help. Good luck, Deena

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since this is a discussion on plastic surgery and not the band itself...there is a PS in TJ who Ortiz is now working closely with . The surgeon also has a practice in Cali too. If you want his info, I got his card at the OCC booth at a trade show last week. Just pm me and I'll give you his info. I personally have not had any PS done yet, but I'm sure I'll be needing it! :)

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  • 1 year later...

When I was banded (10/24/06), I asked Dr. Ortiz to refer a dentist in TJ. He told me that he was going to be adding more specalties to his practice... including a plastic surgon. Dr. Ortiz, I'm waiting! When is the good news going to come out? And, I still need that dentist!

Lynn Conant

a/k/a ms883

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I had a brachioplasty (arm lift) in TJ. The results are good. My arms are not as skinny as I thought they would be, but they are so much better than they were. Before I would rather die than wear a tank top! Now I wear them all the time in the summer. I used Dr. Sergio Soberanes at yourmakeovers.com. He was very nice and his wife is his anesthesiologist. She wouldn't even let me dress myself when I came out of recovery. She basically dressed me even though I felt great. I went back to the hotel and stayed by myself and I flew home the next day by myself and had no problems.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was banded just about 4 months ago and now that I am almost at my goal I am looking into cosmetic surgery. I am scheduled locally for breast augmentation late march but I also want a tummy tuck or lower body lift and the cost locally is far beyond the realm of what I can afford. Has anyone had a tummy tuck or body lift in Mexico and lived to talk about it?;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  MimIN said:
I was banded just about 4 months ago and now that I am almost at my goal I am looking into cosmetic surgery. I am scheduled locally for breast augmentation late march but I also want a tummy tuck or lower body lift and the cost locally is far beyond the realm of what I can afford. Has anyone had a tummy tuck or body lift in Mexico and lived to talk about it?;)

I haven't heard about people going to Mexico, but Thailand seems to have a booming plastic surgery business for Americans. I figured I'm going to need a tummy tuck, boob lift and breast reduction if I lose the weight I want to lose. I'm going to have to look at prices in both the US and abroad since I'll be paying out of pocket for it.

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We refer patients to Dr. Quirroz for plastic surgery - I haven't had any yet, but the other Patient Care Coordinator, Carolyn, had a lot of work done with him - and she is very pleased. Here is his website: CosMedClinic. If you'd like any information you can reach Carolyn at ext. 82 - she'd be happy to share her experience (that's her under the weight loss surgery section of their website - she was banded by Dr. Ortiz over 4 years ago then saw Dr. Quirroz for her plastic surgery.

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I also emailed Cos Med for some prices and I got an email from someone that said you have to schedule a consultation or send them some pictures before they will give you a price. I just want some prices on basic stuff like facials, botox, permanent makeup. Its seems like they would have some basic cost for those items.

I will be in TJ getting my band on Friday and we set a consultation up with Cos Med on Saturday so that I can get some pricing. I also want to check out the facility. Their clinic is only 5 to 8 minutes away from the OCC. I thought I could kill one bird with two stones while I am down there. ;)

I will let you all know what I find out.

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  Pamela said:

I also emailed Cos Med for some prices and I got an email from someone that said you have to schedule a consultation or send them some pictures before they will give you a price. I just want some prices on basic stuff like facials, botox, permanent makeup. Its seems like they would have some basic cost for those items.

I will be in TJ getting my band on Friday and we set a consultation up with Cos Med on Saturday so that I can get some pricing. I also want to check out the facility. Their clinic is only 5 to 8 minutes away from the OCC. I thought I could kill one bird with two stones while I am down there. ;)

I will let you all know what I find out.

OOPS, I meant to say "kill two birds with one stone"! Oh my goodness, I really am a blonde :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I forgot to update you all on what I found out at CosMedClinc. It was a very nice and clean facility and the staff seems really nice. I met with the Chief Surgeon, Dr. "Q" and he seems very informed. I just asked general questions like botox and facials and laser facials (IPL) and everything seemed reasonably priced. The IPL (intense pulse light) that helps eliminate sun damage and fine lines cost $180 per session for face only. I then called in my home state of Oklahoma and was given a price range of $450 for face and $700 for face & neck. Looks like CosMed has better prices for that. Botox at Cosmed is $200 for first area and $100 for each additional area. I think that is really reasonable too. As far as breast lifts and other more invasive procedures, you have to email them a picture before he can give you a quote. However, he said about $3500 for a breast lift again depending on the person's needs.

All in all, I was pretty satisfied with my visit. I didin't have one specific thing that I really need done as of yet so it was kind of hard to get good info on tummy tucks, face lifts and other major procedures. I would like to have some facials done there to include the IPL facials. You can buy a series of 4 for $600 which is a good price compared to my home state.

Hope this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  FurEllie said:
I haven't heard about people going to Mexico, but Thailand seems to have a booming plastic surgery business for Americans. I figured I'm going to need a tummy tuck, boob lift and breast reduction if I lose the weight I want to lose. I'm going to have to look at prices in both the US and abroad since I'll be paying out of pocket for it.

I am trying to do some research on plastic surgery in Thailand, I had seen an investigative report on tv (can't remember which one) that soke highly of a specific hospital in Thailand. I am getting banded on 19Mar and I am already searching for a safe place to get a body lift. please keep me informed if you find out something, and I as well will let you know. Wish me luck with my surgery.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  lisal said:
I've met 3 women who have gone to CosMed for plastic surgery after weight loss. They looked amazing. As soon as I reach my goal my plan is to book my appointment and finish the job.


Where is Cos Med? I definately need a boob reduction and lift Help! I need an affordable, but great PS

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  deshar619 said:
I am trying to do some research on plastic surgery in Thailand, I had seen an investigative report on tv (can't remember which one) that soke highly of a specific hospital in Thailand. I am getting banded on 19Mar and I am already searching for a safe place to get a body lift. please keep me informed if you find out something, and I as well will let you know. Wish me luck with my surgery.


Hi Sally,

I too need a safe and affordable place to get a boob reduction and boob lift. Please let me know if you hear of any.



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  MimIN said:
I was banded just about 4 months ago and now that I am almost at my goal I am looking into cosmetic surgery. I am scheduled locally for breast augmentation late march but I also want a tummy tuck or lower body lift and the cost locally is far beyond the realm of what I can afford. Has anyone had a tummy tuck or body lift in Mexico and lived to talk about it?;)


I needed a boob reduction and lift before my band, and i will definately need one once I reach my goal. I am in the same boat as you re affordability. Please let me know if you hear anything and i will do the same. Maybe we can get a buy one get one free deal! Ha!

Keep in touch,

Newly banded friend,



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  Pamela said:
I forgot to update you all on what I found out at CosMedClinc. It was a very nice and clean facility and the staff seems really nice. I met with the Chief Surgeon, Dr. "Q" and he seems very informed. I just asked general questions like botox and facials and laser facials (IPL) and everything seemed reasonably priced. The IPL (intense pulse light) that helps eliminate sun damage and fine lines cost $180 per session for face only. I then called in my home state of Oklahoma and was given a price range of $450 for face and $700 for face & neck. Looks like CosMed has better prices for that. Botox at Cosmed is $200 for first area and $100 for each additional area. I think that is really reasonable too. As far as breast lifts and other more invasive procedures, you have to email them a picture before he can give you a quote. However, he said about $3500 for a breast lift again depending on the person's needs.

All in all, I was pretty satisfied with my visit. I didin't have one specific thing that I really need done as of yet so it was kind of hard to get good info on tummy tucks, face lifts and other major procedures. I would like to have some facials done there to include the IPL facials. You can buy a series of 4 for $600 which is a good price compared to my home state.

Hope this helps.

Thanks alot!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone successfully had a virtual consultation with cosmed?

I spoke with someone a couple weeks ago to inquire about a lower body lift, I was told to take pictures (front, both sides and back) and email them in and within 2 business days I would get an email back from the dr. I did so, emailed it in and waited. A week went by and nothing, so I emailed again. I got an email back saying they tried to call me but my phone number was always busy. Not sure why, it is a cell phone that has call waiting and to be honest I am seldome on it but it is always on and always on my hip. Not to mention they have my email.

I called and left a voicemail - no return. I emailed again and gave a couple more phone numbers and still nothing. I am frustrated!!! Is it customary to ignore a perspective customer?

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  MimIN said:
Has anyone successfully had a virtual consultation with cosmed?

I spoke with someone a couple weeks ago to inquire about a lower body lift, I was told to take pictures (front, both sides and back) and email them in and within 2 business days I would get an email back from the dr. I did so, emailed it in and waited. A week went by and nothing, so I emailed again. I got an email back saying they tried to call me but my phone number was always busy. Not sure why, it is a cell phone that has call waiting and to be honest I am seldome on it but it is always on and always on my hip. Not to mention they have my email.

I called and left a voicemail - no return. I emailed again and gave a couple more phone numbers and still nothing. I am frustrated!!! Is it customary to ignore a perspective customer?


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