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Hope to have LBS mid-April! Have lots of food worries.

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Hi all,

I am working on getting my 401k withdrawn for surgery and hoping I can make that life changing appt. for mid-April. One of my biggest concerns is I am diabetic and if I don't eat right or enough, depending on hunger and the right foods, I get very weak and tired. I am worried about getting enough protein and nourishment to keep me going.

I don't have a big income to buy all the special meals and supplements to get me through alot of the liquid stages and so on, but am willing to get them when and if necessary. I read alot about protein, protein, protein to keep your body and your stomach running smoothly, but it sounds really complex to me. I may by thinking to hard on this, but would like some advice and suggestions anyway.

Thanks so much in advance.


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Hi all,

I am working on getting my 401k withdrawn for surgery and hoping I can make that life changing appt. for mid-April. One of my biggest concerns is I am diabetic and if I don't eat right or enough, depending on hunger and the right foods, I get very weak and tired. I am worried about getting enough protein and nourishment to keep me going.

I don't have a big income to buy all the special meals and supplements to get me through alot of the liquid stages and so on, but am willing to get them when and if necessary. I read alot about protein, protein, protein to keep your body and your stomach running smoothly, but it sounds really complex to me. I may by thinking to hard on this, but would like some advice and suggestions anyway.

Thanks so much in advance.



You will do great. It really isn't complicated. We all sometimes make it that way it seems. I'm a vegetarian and I have made it so far so good.

Follow Dr. Miranda's advice and you don't even have to think about it. Call her if you need help and she will be there for you. She has for me and many others.

Stay focused and all will go well! Congratulations on your decision to band! It will change your life for the better - it has mine!

Viva La Band - Kevin

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I am diabetic as well. My banding experience has been positive on diabetes. Pre-op, my A1C (glycohemoglobin) was 9.0, which relates to an average blood sugar around 225 I believe. My last A1C, done a month ago, and measuring the 3 months post-banding at the time, was under 7.0, meaning an average blood sugar of around 150. My cholesterol is 120, but I have never had high cholesterol. My triglycerides are normal, and my LDL to HDL ratio is improved. My blood pressure is 128/68, but I never had high BP.

So, my doctor is amazed. Besides diabetes, I am quite healthy, despite the abuse I have put my body through.

I was weak and tired during the liquid post-op phase, but it was not that severe. An extra hour of night time sleep, and a one hour afternoon nap served my needs. But I think almost everyone experiences the liquid phase weakness; it had nothing to do with being diabetic.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Not knowing whether you are IDDM or NIDDM, or your sugar level history, I can only offer my own experience.

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I was weak and tired during the liquid post-op phase, but it was not that severe. An extra hour of night time sleep, and a one hour afternoon nap served my needs. But I think almost everyone experiences the liquid phase weakness; it had nothing to do with being diabetic.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Not knowing whether you are IDDM or NIDDM, or your sugar level history, I can only offer my own experience.

Thanks for the input on the weakness and tiredness. I sit at a desk all day at a computer and just really concerned that that will show through and I refuse to say why I am feeling that way and also why I am only eating liquids. This is about me and noone elses concern until it is my time to tell. ;)

I am not insulin dependent, but was diagnosed as diabetic last fall when my bg spiked to almost 250 after a cortisone shot in my knee. Took awhile to get that down, but it did and I am still only on 500mg of Metformin right now. My cholesterol is 172 and everything else is good so far. My doctor wrote a letter to my employer stating I had hypertension, etc. in order to get access to my 401k for surgery. I didn't question it, but I don't have high BP and never have. I am 6'1 and weigh 385 which is down 10 pounds from a couple months ago. Not sure why, but may have something to do with the growth hormone shots I take every day. My appetite is a bit on the funky side lately.

I will ask away when I think of more things. Thanks for being there and replying to my questions. :)


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I am a juvenile diabetic, insulin dependant, for 22 years, and being banded almost 3 weeks ago, has been such an improvement for me! I don't have the time with the band to give you an improved A1C yet, but my blood sugars are running on average around 100... Dr. Miranda will tell you that you should not overload on protein as a diabetic as this can cause kidney failure! She will give you some wonderful ideas and suggestions as far as eating healthy for you! During the liquid phase I have cut my insulin levels into less that half of what I was taking before LBS! I wear an insulin pump, and they even suggested that I may be able to go down to just one shot a day, and not having to wear a pump anymore either! Will see when that day comes... My advice to you is to contact Dr. Miranda because she will give you the best advice anyone can give you! Good luck to you...


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I am a juvenile diabetic, insulin dependant, for 22 years, and being banded almost 3 weeks ago, has been such an improvement for me! I don't have the time with the band to give you an improved A1C yet, but my blood sugars are running on average around 100... Dr. Miranda will tell you that you should not overload on protein as a diabetic as this can cause kidney failure! She will give you some wonderful ideas and suggestions as far as eating healthy for you! During the liquid phase I have cut my insulin levels into less that half of what I was taking before LBS! I wear an insulin pump, and they even suggested that I may be able to go down to just one shot a day, and not having to wear a pump anymore either! Will see when that day comes... My advice to you is to contact Dr. Miranda because she will give you the best advice anyone can give you! Good luck to you...


That is awesome Kristy! Congrats! Thanks so much for replying and making me feel so much more at ease about this issue. I am pretty much in denial about being diabetic. I eat whatever I want basically...never got real serious about my eating habits....big no no I know. I take growth hormone shots every night because I had two pituitary tumor sugeries and gamma knife radiosurgery that damaged my pit gland so it lowered my growth hormone alot to non-existent. My blood sugars aren't real bad, but not good either.

Take care and best wishes on you band journey!


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