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Anyone ever think...wow! that's alot of money?

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Hi all,

I am getting close to having the chunk of money for this surgery and recently I have been thinking with all my debts and bad credit all around me, that having that big of an amount of money at one time in my hands and wondering, is this the right thing to do with that much money. I tell myself over and over again, that I need to do this and can only do this for myself, so I can continue to work to pay off my debts and won't have another bill due to having this surgery by being financed or borrowing from someone.

Yet, that thought goes through my mind alot. I have really started to believe that because I don't have hardly any support to having this surgery, then I am being rebellious and going for it just to prove something. Nobody is going to be able to fathom that I can eat sooooo little and still be full. I hope and pray I never PB or vomit at any time, but we shall see. I work in an office and don't want to have to run to the restroom often to either throw up or get control of any problems.

Just sharing my thoughts here.



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Hi all,

I am getting close to having the chunk of money for this surgery and recently I have been thinking with all my debts and bad credit all around me, that having that big of an amount of money at one time in my hands and wondering, is this the right thing to do with that much money. I tell myself over and over again, that I need to do this and can only do this for myself, so I can continue to work to pay off my debts and won't have another bill due to having this surgery by being financed or borrowing from someone.

Yet, that thought goes through my mind alot. I have really started to believe that because I don't have hardly any support to having this surgery, then I am being rebellious and going for it just to prove something. Nobody is going to be able to fathom that I can eat sooooo little and still be full. I hope and pray I never PB or vomit at any time, but we shall see. I work in an office and don't want to have to run to the restroom often to either throw up or get control of any problems.

Just sharing my thoughts here.



I'm with you Judy. I posted on a different thread on how I feel guilty spending this much money. I know it's something I need to do and want to do for myself, and while DH supports me, I know he'd rather I not do this. He would never say so, but I see his face when we talk about it.

So damn it, this better work! and I don't want to have to explain PBing to anyone, either. I have prepared DH for it, but I'm not telling anyone else but him, my niece about this and two of my friends.

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I'm with you Judy. I posted on a different thread on how I feel guilty spending this much money. I know it's something I need to do and want to do for myself, and while DH supports me, I know he'd rather I not do this. He would never say so, but I see his face when we talk about it.

So damn it, this better work! and I don't want to have to explain PBing to anyone, either. I have prepared DH for it, but I'm not telling anyone else but him, my niece about this and two of my friends.

Right on Heather! I am not telling anyone either other than my family and one friend that already know I am going for it. So, yes, this better work and I hope to not ever PB or anything yucky like that. Now, all of a sudden I have a problem deciding on who will be going with me. My brother wants to go and I know my mom wants or rather would insist on going. sheesh!

When is your surgery date. I am so hoping I can set mine up for mid-April, but might not be till May. Maybe June even. That would be a real bummer because of work and all.

Take care and good luck!


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Hi Heather and Judy,

I had my surgery last year and recently had my second fill and some pretty good restriction. Only my husband knows about this. It has not been that difficult, but you have to be really careful around people. For example, when I am down at school (I am a grad student) I have smoothies or jello or SF. Last week we were actually on vacation and I ate off of my husband's plate or my son's, or I ordered a kid's meal and ate like 1/2 and then saved it. No one seemed to notice. OR I ordered soup when we were at a restaurant. I have to be careful eating solids in front of people. When I am at home I can take like an hour and it's fine. Really they say to eat really slowly and finish when everyone else does, and save the rest for later. Also if people say something you can always say you're not that hungry, or you are trying not to eat as much. Also I did PB once on vacation at a restaurant. It was gross and I felt awful but once I was done I was ok and I don't think anyone questioned me going to the bathroom.

Hope this helps,


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Hi Heather and Judy,

I had my surgery last year and recently had my second fill and some pretty good restriction. Only my husband knows about this. It has not been that difficult, but you have to be really careful around people. For example, when I am down at school (I am a grad student) I have smoothies or jello or SF. Last week we were actually on vacation and I ate off of my husband's plate or my son's, or I ordered a kid's meal and ate like 1/2 and then saved it. No one seemed to notice. OR I ordered soup when we were at a restaurant. I have to be careful eating solids in front of people. When I am at home I can take like an hour and it's fine. Really they say to eat really slowly and finish when everyone else does, and save the rest for later. Also if people say something you can always say you're not that hungry, or you are trying not to eat as much. Also I did PB once on vacation at a restaurant. It was gross and I felt awful but once I was done I was ok and I don't think anyone questioned me going to the bathroom.

Hope this helps,


Hello everyone:

I am writing because I am actually leaving to Tijuana this Sunday, I will be having my surgery on Monday, I am starting to get really scared. I have never had surgery or been a patient in a hospital and I am scared of needles :blink: But I am trying not to think about the whole experience hopefully it won't be too painful because I am supposed to go back to work on Thursday.

Well the main reason that I am writing is because I would like to hear from all experienced patients out there. I want to stack on all the groceries I will need before I leave this weekend for my surgery so I want to see if someone gives me a list of things I should get for the first couple of weeks, I know I am going to be very limited as to what I can have so I need some help with that. I am sure that by now many people also know what types of food taste better than others. Anyhow, any help would be highly appreciated.

Also can anyone tell me what I should take with me on this trip other than comfortable clothes. Any particular medications? I have no idea what to take.

I appreciate all the input I could take.

Thanks a lot,


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Hello everyone:

I am writing because I am actually leaving to Tijuana this Sunday, I will be having my surgery on Monday, I am starting to get really scared. I have never had surgery or been a patient in a hospital and I am scared of needles :blink: But I am trying not to think about the whole experience hopefully it won't be too painful because I am supposed to go back to work on Thursday.

Well the main reason that I am writing is because I would like to hear from all experienced patients out there. I want to stack on all the groceries I will need before I leave this weekend for my surgery so I want to see if someone gives me a list of things I should get for the first couple of weeks, I know I am going to be very limited as to what I can have so I need some help with that. I am sure that by now many people also know what types of food taste better than others. Anyhow, any help would be highly appreciated.

Also can anyone tell me what I should take with me on this trip other than comfortable clothes. Any particular medications? I have no idea what to take.

I appreciate all the input I could take.

Thanks a lot,


IG...everything will be FINE. I was banded on 03/16/07...never been in a hospital other than to have my baby and didn't even have an IV when I did that, but for whatever reason I was TOTALLY at peace and never felt an ounce of worry. The staff is VERY comforting though, so if you are feeling anxiety, they will help you get through that when you are there.

As far as "stocking up" for afterwards, I didn't do that and I'm glad I didn't. I went to Vons and got a "few" broth type things and some bottled water and some sugar free popsicles. For me, you will get so bored with some of the flavors that having a lot of them at home will just frustrate you more. So what I do is go and find different flavors of things I CAN have. I have more energy now and not all broths taste the same, so walking around Sam's Club or Costco or Vons helps me find different things that I can get that fit the post-op diet. And so far THIS WORKS for me. It gets me out of the house, away from thinking only about food, and I HAVEN'T CHEATED!!! Yay for me! =D>

On day 3 I went and got liquid yogurt to start for day 4.

On day 5 I went and got protein shakes to start for day 6.

I think this whole journey is one day at a time and this is what works for me.

As far as what to take when you go, I packed 1 bag with 3 lightweight sweatsuits, plenty of undies, and my toiletries. The only other thing I took was a jacket and a couple bottles of water. If you are on medication, you DEFINITELY want to take those with you and let the doctors know. But what I packed was plenty.

Let me know if you have any other questions...and BEST WISHES!!! :-h


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Hi all,

I am getting close to having the chunk of money for this surgery and recently I have been thinking with all my debts and bad credit all around me, that having that big of an amount of money at one time in my hands and wondering, is this the right thing to do with that much money. I tell myself over and over again, that I need to do this and can only do this for myself, so I can continue to work to pay off my debts and won't have another bill due to having this surgery by being financed or borrowing from someone.

Yet, that thought goes through my mind alot. I have really started to believe that because I don't have hardly any support to having this surgery, then I am being rebellious and going for it just to prove something. Nobody is going to be able to fathom that I can eat sooooo little and still be full. I hope and pray I never PB or vomit at any time, but we shall see. I work in an office and don't want to have to run to the restroom often to either throw up or get control of any problems.

Just sharing my thoughts here.




I am with you on that...congrats on not making another bill though. =D>

This is what I did...I went online to my bank account and added up ALL the money I spent using my debit card eating out from Jan-Dec 2006. Do you know how much it was??? I'm embarrassed to say :unsure: $5500.00!!! Is that UNREAL or what??????? :blink:

And that only included MY card...not groceries, or even every time my fiance or someone else paid...YIKES! That was the last time I questioned the value of the $8000.

But if you still struggle...think about how much weight-related problems could cost you if you didn't have health insurance in the long run...it's a drop in the bucket!

E ><'

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Just remember ... you only live once. I know it's a cliche but everyone has debt. EVERYONE. The thing is you will die with debt whether it's hundreds, thousands, or millions of dollars. SO live life to the fullest, get skinny, be happy and run up your bills.. if that's what it takes to get the money for the surgery. That's why my friends don't travel or buy expensive things. Because 'they want to stay debt free.' Screw that! Remember that life is a journey that ends the same for everybody... by getting put 6' in the ground. When you see Jesus and the pearly gates, your bank account won't matter. How you lived your life will. Take risks, take chances. You get one opportunity to be who you want to be. This is your life.

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I am with you on that...congrats on not making another bill though. =D>

This is what I did...I went online to my bank account and added up ALL the money I spent using my debit card eating out from Jan-Dec 2006. Do you know how much it was??? I'm embarrassed to say :unsure: $5500.00!!! Is that UNREAL or what??????? :blink:

And that only included MY card...not groceries, or even every time my fiance or someone else paid...YIKES! That was the last time I questioned the value of the $8000.

But if you still struggle...think about how much weight-related problems could cost you if you didn't have health insurance in the long run...it's a drop in the bucket!

E ><'


That is a VERY good idea. I'm sure I spend at least as much, since I eat out for lunch at work almost every single day, and where I work, it's very expensive just for a sandwich!

Question for you...what do you think you spend now?

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Hello everyone:

I am writing because I am actually leaving to Tijuana this Sunday, I will be having my surgery on Monday, I am starting to get really scared. I have never had surgery or been a patient in a hospital and I am scared of needles :blink: But I am trying not to think about the whole experience hopefully it won't be too painful because I am supposed to go back to work on Thursday.

Well the main reason that I am writing is because I would like to hear from all experienced patients out there. I want to stack on all the groceries I will need before I leave this weekend for my surgery so I want to see if someone gives me a list of things I should get for the first couple of weeks, I know I am going to be very limited as to what I can have so I need some help with that. I am sure that by now many people also know what types of food taste better than others. Anyhow, any help would be highly appreciated.

Also can anyone tell me what I should take with me on this trip other than comfortable clothes. Any particular medications? I have no idea what to take.

I appreciate all the input I could take.

Thanks a lot,



Try to lay some of your fears to rest. I got banded yesterday in TJ and the experience was great. Everyone here tries to make the experience as pleasant as possible. It's clear liquids in the beginning, but by Day 4 you can add drinkable yogurt. I don't really have any pain yet. Just a feeling of being full of gas. Walking really helps with that. Without fail , we were all nervous that got banded yesterday, but I don't think anybody felt terrible afterwards.


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That is a VERY good idea. I'm sure I spend at least as much, since I eat out for lunch at work almost every single day, and where I work, it's very expensive just for a sandwich!

Question for you...what do you think you spend now?


You know what's funny? I started pre-op on like March 4th, then surgery on March 16th, and as of today, I MAY have used my debit card twice...it's too weird. I remember thinking "hey, my debit card is right where it's supposed to be in my wallet", normally it would be in my jeans or the car or on the counter in the kitchen or wherever because I used it sooooooooo much. All I've used it for was tortilla soup at El Pollo Loco in like 3 weeks. So I'll definitely be keeping track, but it sure won't be no $500 a month like it used to be! :lol:

E ><'

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Just remember ... you only live once. I know it's a cliche but everyone has debt. EVERYONE. The thing is you will die with debt whether it's hundreds, thousands, or millions of dollars. SO live life to the fullest, get skinny, be happy and run up your bills.. if that's what it takes to get the money for the surgery. That's why my friends don't travel or buy expensive things. Because 'they want to stay debt free.' Screw that! Remember that life is a journey that ends the same for everybody... by getting put 6' in the ground. When you see Jesus and the pearly gates, your bank account won't matter. How you lived your life will. Take risks, take chances. You get one opportunity to be who you want to be. This is your life.


Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

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Try to lay some of your fears to rest. I got banded yesterday in TJ and the experience was great. Everyone here tries to make the experience as pleasant as possible. It's clear liquids in the beginning, but by Day 4 you can add drinkable yogurt. I don't really have any pain yet. Just a feeling of being full of gas. Walking really helps with that. Without fail , we were all nervous that got banded yesterday, but I don't think anybody felt terrible afterwards.


Well I finally did it!

I got banded last Monday, March 26. So far doing good. Pain is not too bad except around the port area but it feels like a burning sensation, when does it go away???? Also, I feel as if I went to TJ to get pregnant :lol: because my belly is bigger, it is swollen.....I can't wait until it goes down. By the way...is that normal? I am tolerating clear liquids just fine a little hungry at times but otherwise doing good. Also having some gas pains, ouch those are painful, at times it feels as if I am having a heart attack. But I know it is temporary.

Well please let me know when are all these symptoms going to go away because I can't wait!

Best of luck to everyone out there who is going for surgery.


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Well I finally did it!

I got banded last Monday, March 26. So far doing good. Pain is not too bad except around the port area but it feels like a burning sensation, when does it go away???? Also, I feel as if I went to TJ to get pregnant :lol: because my belly is bigger, it is swollen.....I can't wait until it goes down. By the way...is that normal? I am tolerating clear liquids just fine a little hungry at times but otherwise doing good. Also having some gas pains, ouch those are painful, at times it feels as if I am having a heart attack. But I know it is temporary.

Well please let me know when are all these symptoms going to go away because I can't wait!

Best of luck to everyone out there who is going for surgery.


Congrats IG on your banding! That is awesome! As scared as you were about the experience and you came through it all with ease.

I have had many surgeries, so I am not afraid of another one, but going out of the country sometimes unnerves me. Especially when everyone you tell tries to scare you.

So, how was your trip there and you trip home? How was it going over and back through the border? Did you only need your ID, or anything else?

One big thing I would like to ask is how does it work with arriving on a Sunday and having surgery Monday? Do you just stay at the hotel Sunday night, then have tests and surgery on Monday? Would you have rather had all done the same day? Arriving in the morning, have tests, then surgery?

Thanks in advance in you can answer any or all my questions. I am hoping to be able to have my surgery around mid or late April.

Take care,


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Congrats IG on your banding! That is awesome! As scared as you were about the experience and you came through it all with ease.

I have had many surgeries, so I am not afraid of another one, but going out of the country sometimes unnerves me. Especially when everyone you tell tries to scare you.

So, how was your trip there and you trip home? How was it going over and back through the border? Did you only need your ID, or anything else?

One big thing I would like to ask is how does it work with arriving on a Sunday and having surgery Monday? Do you just stay at the hotel Sunday night, then have tests and surgery on Monday? Would you have rather had all done the same day? Arriving in the morning, have tests, then surgery?

Thanks in advance in you can answer any or all my questions. I am hoping to be able to have my surgery around mid or late April.

Take care,


Hi Judy:

I had the tests and the surgery all the same day and I thought it was perfect I think one day for tests and another for surgery is a waist of time unless you have severe health problems, otherwise nothing to worry about. In regards to crossing the border no big deal I took my passport just in case because since 9/11 everything has changed so much that I am scared of travelling out of the country without passport but I really think that driver's license would have been enough.

The trip coming back was a little of a pain because it was 5 1/2 hours flight for me and that is a lot of hours to be seating down especially after a surgery. I had some gas pains at some point but nothing that I couldn't handle. The best is to walk around if possible.

Good luck to you with your surgery and trust me the facilities have nothing to envy from the ones in the US, very modern and they have everything ready in case anything goes wrong (crash cart and all that good stuff) if I had to do it again I would. I am a nurse and have worked in over 10 hospitals so I know what I am talking about.

Good luck and trust me it is a great decision!


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