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Guest trt

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I am now 20 pounds over my pre surgery weight. It has been almost a year since my surgery and I have had 2 fills. I think people need to understand that, at least in my experience, unless you can do all the things prior to your surgery, the likelihood of doing it after the sugery is not very good. For example. I didnt exercise before surgery and I am not exercising any more after surgery. I feel that if I could have done everything I was told to do before surgery I wouldnt need the surgery. I am sorry I had this done because it has decreased by quality of life, I have gained even more weight because this has made my life miserable. I cant eat the solid foods I need to and I now only eat "comfort" foods.

It is now going to cost me another small fortune to have this removed or stay miserable the rest of my life.

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Your post really makes me doubt my plan to have the band placed next month. I certainly can't do everything that is required of me now, or I too, wouldn't need the band. And, I certainly do have worries that it will be hard after. Is there anything specific that you found didn't work? Have you been eating large quantities, or high calorie foods that go down easily? I am really sorry that this has been a miserable experience for you. I wish you the best in the future.

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TRT, isntead of having the band removed and spending the money to do it, why not take that money and go talk to someone and find out why you do not do the right things? The band does work if you work the band, there is no question it does take head work, it is not a magic wand, if you do not get to the root of why you eat, your right, it may not work. Try talking with someone, come to the boards more and ask for support, there is another great board for support


We are all in this together and are all fighting the same demon. Dont give up, you can do this. I am willing to help you in any way I can to offer you support and get you through this rough time. Get back on the "band wagon" get back to basics.

You say you can not eat solids...what happens when you eat solids? Talk to me, I want to help you, we are all here for you

I found I was becoming complacent with my band and my choices, two weeks ago I made a committment to get to my goal weight . I went back to basics, I exercise 20 minutes 3-4 times a week riding my stationary bike,( I hate exercise and have not exercised much this past 15 months) I 'm making better food choices. It's possible if you want it bad enough..and Im sure you do or you wouldnt of had the surgery in the first place. We all know going itno this that it is not going to be a cake walk and the lbs are not going to fall off, we are all told that the band is a tool to help us. We do have to do some of the work. Are you not willing to do any of the work?

Dont spend the money to have the band removed, spend the money and find out why you do the things you do, get to the root of it all, find out why you wont give yourself 20 minute of exercise a day, find out why you choose the foods you do, then when you have found out why you will have the band there to help you and you cant beat this demon once and for all

How has the band decreased the quality of your life? Have you net had any benefits of the band?


email me we can talk, I will help you

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Please don't give up, TRT. Call Dr. Ortiz or Martinez, that's why you have their cell numbers! Also, Dr. Miranda is very good too. Shell has been a great inspiration to me, I really recommend you contact her.

By the way, I didn't excerise much before the band, and frankly, I don't do too much now. (don't tell anyone)

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