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Feeling bummed...2nd week pre-op diet

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Hello all,

I just wanted to write to just say I am feeling so bummed. I have been so good on the pre-op diet and have lost 17lbs so far after just a couple days past a week(9days). I am supposed to lose as close to 36lbs as possible by my surgery date on May 21st. This sucks! To be blunt. I know, I know...it will be worth it in the end, but it is so rough at times. I am sick of eating stuff like certain fruits and veggies that I normally don't like or eat anyway. The lean cuisines are good, but I want more variety.

To make matters worse, my brother called and invited to Chinese food on him. One of my favorite foods, of course. :D

Is it normal to be so bummed about dieting? Don't get me wrong. I am really happy and proud about the weight loss. I enjoy the protein shakes I am drinking and the meals. I have given up pop and drink alot more water. Yay for me! I guess I feel it is unfair for me to have to lose so much in so long before my surgery.

Thanks for letting me vent and tell my sob story. :((



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17 lbs in 9 days is great! I am curious as to why your recommended weight loss is so high. 36 lbs is 5% of 720 lbs. I was told that 18-20 lbs was my goal, which was 5% of my weight. Do you know why you were given such a large goal?

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17 lbs in 9 days is great! I am curious as to why your recommended weight loss is so high. 36 lbs is 5% of 720 lbs. I was told that 18-20 lbs was my goal, which was 5% of my weight. Do you know why you were given such a large goal?

Hi Greg,

No, I don't know why. I thought that was rather high myself and it's alot. Right now, I am keeping the weight off, but it is getting harder to stick to that diet because of working at a computer all day and always wanting to snack on something. Man, I wish I had the band already because that would be nice not to be hungry and want to snack in between meals...lol I am snacking on fruit and veggies, but already sick of certain veggies and finding out one of my fave fruits is cantaloupe which started to make me feel bloated and retain water. My body is so strange.

Anyways, I know I probably will not lose that much in the next few weeks, but should come close enough to it.

Thanks for the reply,


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YAAAAAAY JUDY!!!! im so proud of you 17 lbs is awesome....especially in 9 days just think youll be at your goal in another week or so if you keep up that good work...i know your sick of the fruits and veggies but keep it up your doing so good and who cares what the weight loss they gave you if you keep to it youll not only lose what they told ya to but will lose even more and thats better for you when you go in thats why i started already to lose as much as i can b4 the surgery. i know you can do it i have faith in you ...maybe try some new fruits and different veggies or something to mix it up...i dont know if you like frozen peas but i take the bag of peas outta the freezer and will thaw them out in a strainer under warm water and snack on them if you get the baby peas they taste like they are outta the garden...haha can you tell im a veggie lover...my whole yard would be a garden if i could but i dont think my kids would like to play in a garden unless it was just full of tomatoes...again good luck and good job judy =D> im proud of ya!!!!

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YAAAAAAY JUDY!!!! im so proud of you 17 lbs is awesome....especially in 9 days just think youll be at your goal in another week or so if you keep up that good work...i know your sick of the fruits and veggies but keep it up your doing so good and who cares what the weight loss they gave you if you keep to it youll not only lose what they told ya to but will lose even more and thats better for you when you go in thats why i started already to lose as much as i can b4 the surgery. i know you can do it i have faith in you ...maybe try some new fruits and different veggies or something to mix it up...i dont know if you like frozen peas but i take the bag of peas outta the freezer and will thaw them out in a strainer under warm water and snack on them if you get the baby peas they taste like they are outta the garden...haha can you tell im a veggie lover...my whole yard would be a garden if i could but i dont think my kids would like to play in a garden unless it was just full of tomatoes...again good luck and good job judy =D> im proud of ya!!!!

Awwww...thanks so much! I have slipped and slowed this week, but not really bad. I found out some fruits make me retain water and some veggies either I started to hate really quick. Thanks for the peas idea. I am definitely gonna try that. ;)

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your welcome and keep up the good work...im routin for ya!!!! if ya need me im here ill chat any time ya need to

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aww your welcome ....just wanted ya to know you have at least one supporter on your side so anytime you need to chat im here

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aww your welcome ....just wanted ya to know you have at least one supporter on your side so anytime you need to chat im here

><' Thanks! I am so glad I have a great supporter here. My family isn't used to minimizing their food at meals and such. I was always the one who would finish the leftovers. My mom and brother are still making big meals for dinner and sometimes(depending on what it is), will eat the leftovers. I tried to tell them that Judy is no longer there to finish the leftovers, so if you make too much, you eat it. They are always saying that I need to eat something else and Saturday night I did, but a very small plate. I felt bad, but it was a very small portion. I usually say no, but my eating schedule is bad on the weekends.

Take care my friend and talk to ya soon. Remember, I am there you also.


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