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Ok my bandster buddies, this one is all about ME! :lol:

Today is one day before my band anniversary, so I measured myself since I had done so the day before my surgery last year.

:::::::::Drumroll please::::::::::::

I've lost 65 inches - SIXTY-FIVE INCHES this year - do I hear a roar from the crowd?!?!?!!? lol

Thank you guys so much for your support and help in keeping me on track.

I finally started really exercising this week (its been a year since I was allowed to exercise, too!!) so I'm hoping the inches keep coming off! I'll be at the clinic next Thursday (6/21) for my 2nd fill. I'm excited to meet those of you that will be there that day :)

Love you guys!! - and I just have to say WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :D

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Ok my bandster buddies, this one is all about ME! :lol:

Today is one day before my band anniversary, so I measured myself since I had done so the day before my surgery last year.

:::::::::Drumroll please::::::::::::

I've lost 65 inches - SIXTY-FIVE INCHES this year - do I hear a roar from the crowd?!?!?!!? lol

Thank you guys so much for your support and help in keeping me on track.

I finally started really exercising this week (its been a year since I was allowed to exercise, too!!) so I'm hoping the inches keep coming off! I'll be at the clinic next Thursday (6/21) for my 2nd fill. I'm excited to meet those of you that will be there that day :)

Love you guys!! - and I just have to say WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :D


Awesome! 65 inches! Congratulations on your success! Kevin

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Ok my bandster buddies, this one is all about ME! :lol:

Today is one day before my band anniversary, so I measured myself since I had done so the day before my surgery last year.

:::::::::Drumroll please::::::::::::

I've lost 65 inches - SIXTY-FIVE INCHES this year - do I hear a roar from the crowd?!?!?!!? lol

Thank you guys so much for your support and help in keeping me on track.

I finally started really exercising this week (its been a year since I was allowed to exercise, too!!) so I'm hoping the inches keep coming off! I'll be at the clinic next Thursday (6/21) for my 2nd fill. I'm excited to meet those of you that will be there that day :)

Love you guys!! - and I just have to say WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :D

Congrats and A Big Standing O

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70 POUNDS! WAY TO GO!!!!!! HOLY MOLY! I'll be so glad when I can say that!!!! And, this is all after JUST one fill????? You go girl! LOL I'm amazed! :o


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Ok my bandster buddies, this one is all about ME! :lol:

Today is one day before my band anniversary, so I measured myself since I had done so the day before my surgery last year.

:::::::::Drumroll please::::::::::::

I've lost 65 inches - SIXTY-FIVE INCHES this year - do I hear a roar from the crowd?!?!?!!? lol

Thank you guys so much for your support and help in keeping me on track.

I finally started really exercising this week (its been a year since I was allowed to exercise, too!!) so I'm hoping the inches keep coming off! I'll be at the clinic next Thursday (6/21) for my 2nd fill. I'm excited to meet those of you that will be there that day :)

Love you guys!! - and I just have to say WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :D

That is so awesome WOW 65 inches astadium wave for you lol =D>

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70 POUNDS! WAY TO GO!!!!!! HOLY MOLY! I'll be so glad when I can say that!!!! And, this is all after JUST one fill????? You go girl! LOL I'm amazed! :o



Way to Go!!!!!!!! Serious weight loss for ONE year! I am sooooo proud of you!!!!!! and so happy for you. What an awesome feeling. I cannot wait to get there. You must have so much more energy and feel like a light weight.!! Great "job", as it's still a job with the band.

Thanks for your encouragement!

Teri =D>

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Congratulations, Lori! That's a very impressive accomplishment. I'm sure that getting rid of the chronic back pain is huge, too!

I understand the 70 lbs loss, but how do you measure the 65" loss? Is that the total for chest, waist, hips, arms and legs?

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That's a good question, I was wondering the same thing. I used to be CRAZY about measuring myself every other day! LOL I measured, chest, hips, waist, right thigh, right calf, and halfway between the elbow, and shoulder on my right arm, oh, and the fatty part of the stomach, just under the waistline (more prominent in women).

I don't know if this is the RIGHT way to do it, but I had gone to a Weight loss clinic, and they told us to do it that way, so thats just what I've always done. I'd like to know the "right" way to do it though! :huh:


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Ok... this is what I do because it was from a chart I had (I put it all in Excel now - so it calculates it for me)

I measure my neck, biceps, forearms, wrists, bust (fullest) under bust, waist, hips, thighs, calves & ankles, as long as you do it in the same place each time - you get an idea of your inches lost. I could probably measure more places, but this is what was on the chart I used to have, so that's what I use.

Hope that helps :)

I wouldn't go crazy and measure weekly - like I said I haven't done it for a year, but monthly may be good. Sometimes the inches are a better indicator of your loss than the scale, especially if you are exercising and doing strength training as muscle weighs more than fat! I haven't lost many pounds lately, but the inches keep coming off - may I just say this one more time... wooohooooooooooooo :lol:

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Way to go Lori,

That's so great. To be able to accomplish that without being able to exercise shows a lot of determination to make those kinds of numbers.

I know you don't like to post about yourself, but you're one of us too!! It gives a lot more credibility and confidence to those of us that you have helped go though this process to know you're right there with us. I'm glad you're doing so well, and now getting to excercise and tone-up will really make you feel better.

I wish I had thought about measuring to track results. I haven't come across much about it in reviewing here, and it would have been another good motivator to work on. But even the changes in weight and clothes sizes can be pretty encouraging.

Keep it going, Roger

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OK... i found this on how and where to measure yourself to track your weightloss - it recommends measuring no more frequently than every month. Its pretty easy to set up an excel file with your measurements - then you can have it calculate everything for you. I'll just cut and paste the information below:

Taking Measurements

Taking your body measurements is an excellent way to keep track of your changing shape as you get fitter. Body weight by itself is not a good indicator of improved fitness. This is because when you burn fat and increase your muscle mass, you may weigh a bit more even though your body is getting tighter and smaller. This is due to the high density of muscle tissue compared to fat.

What Exactly Should You Measure?

The most common measurements include the circumference of your chest, biceps, waist, hips and thighs. Sometimes the neck, forearm and calf are also measured.

Chest: Measure around the largest part of your chest.

Biceps: Measure midway between the top of your shoulder and elbow.

Waist: Measure at the narrowest point, approximately one inch above your belly button. No cheating! Don't pull in your belly or stick it out.

Hips: Measure your hips around the largest part of your buttocks with your heels together.

Thigh: Thighs are measured separately. Stand with your legs slightly apart. Measure your upper leg where the circumference is largest.


Use a flexible measuring tape as used by dressmakers. It can be as long as you need. If you use a plastic or cloth tape, bear in mind that these materials may stretch over time.

Wear the thinnest clothes possible, or none at all, so as not to add to the measurements you take.

Try to measure yourself in front of a full-length mirror so that you can see if the tape is positioned correctly.

Perhaps you could find another person to help with the measuring. They would be able to read the results more easily.

Keep your muscles relaxed while measuring.

When measuring, pull the tape just tight enough to keep it from sagging.

How often?

Measure yourself about every eight weeks.

Do not take measurements more often than monthly as it may take six to eight weeks to notice any change. You shouldn't expect to see progress more quickly than this and taking your measurements more often can be discouraging.

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Congratulations Lori!! You're a true inspiration to all of us here. I wish I had taken measurements before the surgery - really didn't want to know, lol. But I'll be happy with equal clothes sizes and weight loss!!

Congrats again!! :) :) :) :) :)

Ok my bandster buddies, this one is all about ME! :lol:

Today is one day before my band anniversary, so I measured myself since I had done so the day before my surgery last year.

:::::::::Drumroll please::::::::::::

I've lost 65 inches - SIXTY-FIVE INCHES this year - do I hear a roar from the crowd?!?!?!!? lol

Thank you guys so much for your support and help in keeping me on track.

I finally started really exercising this week (its been a year since I was allowed to exercise, too!!) so I'm hoping the inches keep coming off! I'll be at the clinic next Thursday (6/21) for my 2nd fill. I'm excited to meet those of you that will be there that day :)

Love you guys!! - and I just have to say WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :D

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Ok my bandster buddies, this one is all about ME! :lol:

Today is one day before my band anniversary, so I measured myself since I had done so the day before my surgery last year.

:::::::::Drumroll please::::::::::::

I've lost 65 inches - SIXTY-FIVE INCHES this year - do I hear a roar from the crowd?!?!?!!? lol

Thank you guys so much for your support and help in keeping me on track.

I finally started really exercising this week (its been a year since I was allowed to exercise, too!!) so I'm hoping the inches keep coming off! I'll be at the clinic next Thursday (6/21) for my 2nd fill. I'm excited to meet those of you that will be there that day :)

Love you guys!! - and I just have to say WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :D

Holey Moley, Lori !!!!

Sixty Five Inches !!! Thats as tall as I stand - I"m 65 inches tall !!!!!!!!!

You've lost ME!!!!! That is such a tremendous accomplishment ! Congratulations -- you

have every right to feel proud of yourself !!

WAY TO GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  • 1 month later...

i have/had a really bad back problem which eased up with the weightloss and then I had an epidural injection in December. After losing quite a bit of weight they discovered a very large hernia that I had so that prevented me from exercising until just the last several weeks. I'm power walking every morning (well... most mornings :lol: ) now for about 2.5 miles - trying to build up to about 4 miles a day... but not there yet!

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