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Anybody else having trouble posting???

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Somehow everytime I sign in, it says I'm logged in, but when I try to post something, or reply to a topic, it tells me I'm not allowed to do that, and asks me to sign in. SOOOO, once again I sign in and, it says I'm signed in, and the SAME thing happens again.

Heck, I'll even be surprised if THIS post shows up! Am, I being censored??? :unsure:

SO, if anyone out there is asking me something, or expecting me to say something....sorry, I'm not avoiding you, I promise!

Donna :angry:

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I checked your account and there are no restrictions involved with moderation. I can tell you that Lori informed me yesterday that the board is going through a software update and this may be the cause of the trouble with logging in. A copy of your post has been sent to Lori so it can be addressed comprehensively.

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By comprehensively does he me mean? Doesn't he know me at all... I'm SOOOOOO not a techie wiz #-o

ok... I'll tell you what our webmaster tells me to ask.... have you changed any security settings on your computer lately? You need to be able to accept cookies to post.

If that doesn't work - try clearing your computers history/cache - whatever that stuff is.

If still a problem - let me know and I'll take it to an expert (NOT ME!) :unsure:

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Guest Carlahopeful
  LoriBecky said:
By comprehensively does he me mean? Doesn't he know me at all... I'm SOOOOOO not a techie wiz #-o

ok... I'll tell you what our webmaster tells me to ask.... have you changed any security settings on your computer lately? You need to be able to accept cookies to post.

If that doesn't work - try clearing your computers history/cache - whatever that stuff is.

If still a problem - let me know and I'll take it to an expert (NOT ME!) :unsure:

I am also having the same problem...checked the settings Lori told me about....still did not work...BUT this reply is working for the first time so whats up with that?? anyway I will keep checking back...I did find another site yesterday, and it is nice to hear from others and talk over our experiences.

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  Carlahopeful said:
<BR>I am also having the same problem...checked the settings Lori told me about....still did not work...BUT this reply is working for the first time so whats up with that?? anyway I will keep checking back...I did find another site yesterday, and it is nice to hear from others and talk over our experiences.<BR>
<BR><BR><BR>Hmmmm, I checked everything out too.  My browser is enabled for cookies, and I haven't done anything with the security settings either.  Strange....<BR>Oh well, thanks CalKev for reporting me!  LOL  Thanks Lori, for your suggestions!<BR>We'll see if this one posts.....<IMG style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle" alt="" src="http://www.lapbandforum.com/style_emoticon...ault/tongue.gif" border=0 emoid=":P"><BR>Donna
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Hmmmm, I checked everything out too. My browser is enabled for cookies, and I haven't done anything with the security settings either. Strange....Oh well, thanks CalKev for reporting me!LOL Thanks Lori, for your suggestions! We'll see if this one posts.....


OK, it did it AGAIN, and this time it told me to copy my post, as it wouldn't BE THERE after I signed in. So I copied it, signed in AGAIN, and pasted it, and it posted all this mumbo jumbo.

Keeps saying, Sorry, you do not have permission to post to this topic. It's my own stinking TOPIC!!

Guess I'll have to type all my replies into a Word document, and sign in 100 times, and copy it to the message board. :blink:

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Nope, you're not crazy, I'm just diligent. I have to log in 3 TIMES for every post I make, including this one. This is the 3rd time, let's see if it posts THIS time.


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  katjab said:
I have problems with things other that a post, why is that? Ex: my profile, etc.

Also why the spam and porn on the forum?




Thanks for the question on spam. There are always spammers that slip through the account confirmation process. Spam is deleted as quickly as possible. Restrictions are also placed on the spammers ability to post more spam with their account.


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Well, my problems seem to have cleared up with posting. If someone did something, THANKS!

Everything seems to be working properly again. Hopefully this will last!

Donna :)

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