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Hi all,

I'm back home. All in all it was a totally wonderful trip as I previously posted. I am pretty tired and a bit tender tonight but I still call this a minor surgery. I watered some plants in the yard when I got home and I walked around quite a bit to try and get rid of some of the pressure in my upper stomach....gas I suppose. It's managable and not as bad as I had anticipated. I enjoyed meeting the others who were banded the same day as I was. I also met Nicole, who was on for today. I know she's in good care. Hello to Judy(lady558) and Lena! I hope the two of you made it home by now also. To those of you who have dates coming up- please look forward to them... you're going to appreciate your decision soon. If I would have known how great my care was going to be I would have relaxed and enjoyed the wait.

Oh, I got Zoom teeth whitening while I was there also, the day after surgery and my teeth are so white! There was not a sales pitch for it but I noticed the flyers on the table and another lady getting banded was a dental hygentist. When she shared the price at home... I decided to get it done.


Banded July 9

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Hi all,

I'm back home. All in all it was a totally wonderful trip as I previously posted. I am pretty tired and a bit tender tonight but I still call this a minor surgery. I watered some plants in the yard when I got home and I walked around quite a bit to try and get rid of some of the pressure in my upper stomach....gas I suppose. It's managable and not as bad as I had anticipated. I enjoyed meeting the others who were banded the same day as I was. I also met Nicole, who was on for today. I know she's in good care. Hello to Judy(lady558) and Lena! I hope the two of you made it home by now also. To those of you who have dates coming up- please look forward to them... you're going to appreciate your decision soon. If I would have known how great my care was going to be I would have relaxed and enjoyed the wait.

Oh, I got Zoom teeth whitening while I was there also, the day after surgery and my teeth are so white! There was not a sales pitch for it but I noticed the flyers on the table and another lady getting banded was a dental hygentist. When she shared the price at home... I decided to get it done.


Banded July 9

Hi Judy,

Glad to see you and your mom had a safe trip back. I ended up spending 12 hours traveling back home...between flights, delayed flights and layovers. Had my water, juice and broth in the airport though and did absolutely fine. Feel great today but won't return to work until Monday. Will enjoy the recovery a while longer. For anyone else reading, my experience at OCC was the same as Judy's. I was amazed at the fact that I had no nausea following the surgery and didn't experience any gas pains, just a little soreness. Judy, I wish you the best with your weight loss....you and your mom are so sweet :) Keep us posted on your successes.


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Hi Judy,

Glad to see you and your mom had a safe trip back. I ended up spending 12 hours traveling back home...between flights, delayed flights and layovers. Had my water, juice and broth in the airport though and did absolutely fine. Feel great today but won't return to work until Monday. Will enjoy the recovery a while longer. For anyone else reading, my experience at OCC was the same as Judy's. I was amazed at the fact that I had no nausea following the surgery and didn't experience any gas pains, just a little soreness. Judy, I wish you the best with your weight loss....you and your mom are so sweet :) Keep us posted on your successes.


Sending you a hug Judy. I'm so sorry it took you so long to get back home, but you were a trooper. I look forward to hearing of your successes also.


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