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Eating around the Band?

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I have read many posts on this board as well as replied and posted alot myself through my journey. One of the things I have read some of includes the phrase "eating around the band". I thought I knew what that meant, but not really sure anymore.

Does it maybe mean that even though you know you have restriction, you eat sweets and stuff more than you should because it chews down and goes down better? I know I have been doing that and am ashamed, BUT I am still losing. strange huh?

I have only had one fill, but do and don't have restriction. What I mean is, I have more restriction than before my fill, but later in the day I can sometimes feel that I am starving and can eat alot if I let myself. I have never PB's or thrown up and don't plan to EVER! LOL

How much time in between fills should there be? I know I will need another fill soon.

Thanks for any input and advice in advance.



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I have read many posts on this board as well as replied and posted alot myself through my journey. One of the things I have read some of includes the phrase "eating around the band". I thought I knew what that meant, but not really sure anymore.


No advice, Just a nod of understanding from this bandster. In the same way I knew the occasion was right to slip a note to a buddy in class while the teacher wasn't looking I also know how many calories I can consume and in what form to outwit the little device. It is a dishonest and frankly dangerous game that at times is captivating and challenging. Trying to chew fat laden food to the point it will move leisurely through the stoma with least discomfort can produce its own edible paranoia and when proficient can bring a dissimilar type of sweat to the ones brow. The fear the slurry just consumed will not leave my body unscathed is never far from mind. Starbucks brings it own anxiety as all those calories cascade blissfully through the little trap. I am going in for a fill on Wednesday and rightfully so. Thanks for the potent post!

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No advice, Just a nod of understanding from this bandster. In the same way I knew the occasion was right to slip a note to a buddy in class while the teacher wasn't looking I also know how many calories I can consume and in what form to outwit the little device. It is a dishonest and frankly dangerous game that at times is captivating and challenging. Trying to chew fat laden food to the point it will move leisurely through the stoma with least discomfort can produce its own edible paranoia and when proficient can bring a dissimilar type of sweat to the ones brow. The fear the slurry just consumed will not leave my body unscathed is never far from mind. Starbucks brings it own anxiety as all those calories cascade blissfully through the little trap. I am going in for a fill on Wednesday and rightfully so. Thanks for the potent post!

Thanks Kevin for the reply. Very eye opening and brain buzzing. So, eating around the band is basically eating all the crap that I shouldn't but do because it is around and I know I can eat it and do?

Got it!


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Thanks Kevin for the reply. Very eye opening and brain buzzing. So, eating around the band is basically eating all the crap that I shouldn't but do because it is around and I know I can eat it and do?

Got it!



I think you nailed it! Choosing to eat in a manner that renders the band ineffective is a vicious cycle which manifests itself as the infamous "eating around the band syndrome". Sticking with Dr. Miranda's nutritional guidelines IMHO optimizes the band for best possible use and perhaps for fewer fills to be efficient. I have required a tighter band due to EATB as well as the effect medications have had on my restriction. In taking a med for a short time and then discontinuing I saw a definitive variation in band performance. The band had a degraded performance on the medication as opposed to being off the med. IMHO there is a psychological component to successful band use that can't be denied. Day by day, better and better, no looking back just to the lighter and healthier days to come. A proactive positive outlook has been my best defense against the daily pressures that can generate the urges associated with EATB.

Thanks again for the post. Keeping myself focused on eating with the band is a habit I need to further cultivate.

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I have read many posts on this board as well as replied and posted alot myself through my journey. One of the things I have read some of includes the phrase "eating around the band". I thought I knew what that meant, but not really sure anymore.

Does it maybe mean that even though you know you have restriction, you eat sweets and stuff more than you should because it chews down and goes down better? I know I have been doing that and am ashamed, BUT I am still losing. strange huh?

I have only had one fill, but do and don't have restriction. What I mean is, I have more restriction than before my fill, but later in the day I can sometimes feel that I am starving and can eat alot if I let myself. I have never PB's or thrown up and don't plan to EVER! LOL

How much time in between fills should there be? I know I will need another fill soon.

Thanks for any input and advice in advance.



Dear Judy,

It's the devil's work that ice cream, chocolate, and gummie candy all desolve in your mouth and slip so easily through the stoma without feeling like a golf ball stuck in your chest. That's "Eating Around the Band" ... as I understand it! You have never PB'd? You haven't lived. I can currently eat only a few bites of many things without without feeling I will experience what you haven't. That's called the "Sweet Spot?" But I working on learning how to manage it all and, quess what, I'm pretty darn happy because ... I'm losing weight. It's the best thing we have at the moment.

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