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Anyone for August 20th?

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Hi Lauren,

I hope my daughter and I are two of the five. We only have a tentative date for the 20th. We haven't gotten our travel arrangments made yet since we haven't been confirmed for surgery until daughter loses the 30 pounds she is supposed to lose in the 4 weeks since we first made arrangements to have our surgeries. Yes we are both having the surgery. We are excited but nervous and w/o definite plans I am really becoming a Nervous Nellie. On top of that we are buying a house and moving in by the end of the month. Nothing but stress. We are hoping to come in from Seattle on the 19th and we were told we would go home on the 22nd. We are going to try to get an afternoon flight in to SD and then a late am flight out on the 22nd so we can traverse the border lines and not miss our flight. Where are you coming in from and when?

Hi, I am having my banding on the 20th of August and was wondering if anyone else is too? I was told there will be five others banded that day, and I hoped to touch base with one of them.


Lauren :-h

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My husband and I are flying in on the 19th in the morning. We live in Atlanta. I am having surgery on the 20th and am SO excited (and nervous)! I am supposed to lose 14 pounds by then, but I am finding the pre-op diet to be pretty tough, and according to my husband, it is making me very cranky! :angry:

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and your daughter! Bless her heart, 30 pounds is a lot to have to lose pre-surgery. It's twice as hard to follow a harsh diet like this when things are stressfull, that's for sure. It'll work out and you'll both be on that plane on the 19th!

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We are hoping to come in from Seattle on the 19th and we were told we would go home on the 22nd.




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Hi All!!

I'm the daughter with 30 pounds to lose. As of my last weekly weigh in (8/3), I had lost 12. I would love to be excited right now but am overwhelmed with the nervousness that it might not happen as planned :blink:


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Hi All!!

I'm the daughter with 30 pounds to lose. As of my last weekly weigh in (8/3), I had lost 12. I would love to be excited right now but am overwhelmed with the nervousness that it might not happen as planned :blink:


So how are you doing on your pre-op diet? I know it's so hard! It's SO worth it though.

You can do it girl!!!!

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So how are you doing on your pre-op diet? I know it's so hard! It's SO worth it though.

You can do it girl!!!!

I am doing ok I suppose. Dr. Miranda told me to do a shake for breakfast and lunch then salads or green veg for dinner. I dont really have the hunger pangs anymore and I'm happy about that. I feel good that I havent cheated, knowing what's at steak if I do... but I dont think I have lost any weight since my last Friday weigh in. I'm hoping to be surprised!!

I thought it was pretty funny how you said your husband said you were "cranky".. I find myself being the same way. Mine is mainly due to not smoking though. What types of food are you eating now? How are you doing with your weight loss?


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Hi Lauren,

I hope my daughter and I are two of the five. We only have a tentative date for the 20th. We haven't gotten our travel arrangments made yet since we haven't been confirmed for surgery until daughter loses the 30 pounds she is supposed to lose in the 4 weeks since we first made arrangements to have our surgeries. Yes we are both having the surgery. We are excited but nervous and w/o definite plans I am really becoming a Nervous Nellie. On top of that we are buying a house and moving in by the end of the month. Nothing but stress. We are hoping to come in from Seattle on the 19th and we were told we would go home on the 22nd. We are going to try to get an afternoon flight in to SD and then a late am flight out on the 22nd so we can traverse the border lines and not miss our flight. Where are you coming in from and when?

Hi Mellow,

I am flying out of Seattle on the 15th, surgery on the 16th, return home on the 18th. I live in Bremerton, I am hopeing to connect with people from my area. Good luck and keep me posted.

Minnie : )

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I am doing ok I suppose. Dr. Miranda told me to do a shake for breakfast and lunch then salads or green veg for dinner. I dont really have the hunger pangs anymore and I'm happy about that. I feel good that I havent cheated, knowing what's at steak if I do... but I dont think I have lost any weight since my last Friday weigh in. I'm hoping to be surprised!!

I thought it was pretty funny how you said your husband said you were "cranky".. I find myself being the same way. Mine is mainly due to not smoking though. What types of food are you eating now? How are you doing with your weight loss?


I am having two shakes a day, one lean cuisine, and a couple of servings of salad greens with low cal salad spritzer on it. Man, it's so hard! I'm losing about a pound a day. I'm supposed to lose 14 pounds before I get there for surgery. *fingers crossed*

Quitting smoking is hard, I did it about 6 years ago when I was pregnant. SO glad I did it though! Stick to it! It sounds like you are doing well on your pre-op diet. I can't say 100% that I haven't cheated, lol. It's tough because I have little kids in my house, they waste so much food, and I am used to going behind them and finishing what they don't eat. Lol. Probably a big contributor to my constant weight gain! :-?

Hang in there!


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I am having two shakes a day, one lean cuisine, and a couple of servings of salad greens with low cal salad spritzer on it. Man, it's so hard! I'm losing about a pound a day. I'm supposed to lose 14 pounds before I get there for surgery. *fingers crossed*

Quitting smoking is hard, I did it about 6 years ago when I was pregnant. SO glad I did it though! Stick to it! It sounds like you are doing well on your pre-op diet. I can't say 100% that I haven't cheated, lol. It's tough because I have little kids in my house, they waste so much food, and I am used to going behind them and finishing what they don't eat. Lol. Probably a big contributor to my constant weight gain! :-?

Hang in there!


Hi Lauren!! How are you doing today?? How are you doing on the diet? YOU CAN DO IT!!! Pesonally I think it gets easier. The first week I was very hungry... or at least my head was telling me I was :) Ive been on it since July 24th and now it's not so bad, just lots of chopping hehe :)

Have a great weekend!

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Hi Lauren!! How are you doing today?? How are you doing on the diet? YOU CAN DO IT!!! Pesonally I think it gets easier. The first week I was very hungry... or at least my head was telling me I was :) Ive been on it since July 24th and now it's not so bad, just lots of chopping hehe :)

Have a great weekend!

I'm glad to hear it's gotten easier for you! It's a bit easier for me too. I find that as long as I Tivo my shows and then when I watch them back I can fast forward through all the pizza and fast food commercials, I seem to have less cravings. I'm VERY easily influenced by those food commercials! I see one that interests me (and they pretty much ALL interest me) and I must have that food within the next 24 hours. Pretty bad, huh? Lol. I did't realize how much they advertise that garbage until I was trying to avoid it! Now it seems to be everywhere! Lol.

So is your surgery confirmed yet? When will you know for sure that you get to do it?

I need to go get some cucumbers, Dr. Miranda said I can have all I want of those, so I think I'll head to the grocery store and clear the place of cukes!

Have a great weekend! :-h

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I'm glad to hear it's gotten easier for you! It's a bit easier for me too. I find that as long as I Tivo my shows and then when I watch them back I can fast forward through all the pizza and fast food commercials, I seem to have less cravings. I'm VERY easily influenced by those food commercials! I see one that interests me (and they pretty much ALL interest me) and I must have that food within the next 24 hours. Pretty bad, huh? Lol. I did't realize how much they advertise that garbage until I was trying to avoid it! Now it seems to be everywhere! Lol.

So is your surgery confirmed yet? When will you know for sure that you get to do it?

I need to go get some cucumbers, Dr. Miranda said I can have all I want of those, so I think I'll head to the grocery store and clear the place of cukes!

Have a great weekend! :-h

ehhe I had my cable shut off about 2 months ago, so I dont have that temptation. :)

NO, I'm not confirmed yet.. still sitting in limbo. Airfare is going to hurt the pocket book unless I/we (mom too) get postponed. I dont know when we will know. I still have 14 pounds to go and today we are 10 days away.. ugh

Cucumbers are GREAT!! I've had (at least) one a day since 7/24... and luckily my mom has a garden full of them :) yummmmmm

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ehhe I had my cable shut off about 2 months ago, so I dont have that temptation. :)

NO, I'm not confirmed yet.. still sitting in limbo. Airfare is going to hurt the pocket book unless I/we (mom too) get postponed. I dont know when we will know. I still have 14 pounds to go and today we are 10 days away.. ugh

Cucumbers are GREAT!! I've had (at least) one a day since 7/24... and luckily my mom has a garden full of them :) yummmmmm

Well, you should be able to lose at least 10 pounds by then! I can understand about the pocketbook thing though. I've certainly been there, many times. Luckily for me, my husband is giving me this surgery as a 10 year anniversary present. I certainly don't have the money to pay for it, or the credit! Lol. Hang in there, you'll get it figured out! You're doing great!

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