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OK I am finally going to do this.. I was putting it off to really sit here and talk about this.

I had the surgery the 25th of July.. and Yes it was painful... I mean nothing that made me want to jump off a bridge for me personally .. I was really feeling like crap after surgery. Dry heaving.. THe top incision hurt me. COuldnt stand up straight. Bottom line there was discomfort.

I didnt take anything strong like a Vicadin at home or anything.. but I will tel lyou The liquid Tylenol and those heating pads did help me out.. alot. I actually put the pad not only on my shoulder for the PAIN ( OH GOD THAT PAIN>> LIKE I WAS GETTING STABBBEDDD IN ThE SHOULDER) I put it on my tummy and eased the gas pain. REALLY!!! it worked .. try it :P

Feel free to ask specifics on anything I went through if you guys have any questions.

I kept asking my BANDSTER buddies..why havent I thrown up since I cheat once in a while.. I have no restriction.. blah blah blah.. I can eat anything before my Sept fill. WEll I am here to tell you guys.. today I had my first... HELL HELL HELL moment.

Heres what happened. I am in the smooth stage... and gradually giong to solids.. well I didnt listen to my fellow bandster when she said.. pay attention when you eat.. and and socializing. I was in my car... and wasnt paying atention to what I was putting in my mouth.. nor to my chewing . Driving.. eating.. talking on phone.. ( all craziness I KNOW!!) Then.. BAMMMMMMMM i thought i was going to have a FLIPPING heart attack. OMGGG it hurt my chest.. i felt like a knife was in my chest. I zoomed pass three lanes to get my car into a parking lot.. almost hit 3 cars!!! and slammed that puppy into park so fast.. RIGHT IN FRONT OF Big LOTS!!! and just swung my car door open and walked out.. I didnt know what to do.. i wanted to call 911 serioulsy.. OH THE PAIN!!... I tried lifting my chin up to the air.. then HAD a bright idea to drink water to move it down ... BAD IDEA>. hurt more i spit the water out. Stood there.. tried to breath.. tried to move. PAcing back and fourth. It was QUITE comedic!!

I didnt know what to do. OMGGG it hurt so badly!! THe thought of reliving that terrifies me.. ( my water bottle is now I big ball of plastic.. I squeezed it so hard.. its a GONER LOOL) I felt .. what I think is PBing.. like i swallowed a little bit of my own vomit. Eww I know.. but I didnt vomit.. I was willing to if thats what was going to happen. Then one little burp came out. I needed that!!

Serioulsy.. if I had one more second of that pain I was going to lay under the tire.. and let the car roll over me. I felt that BADLY! boo- hoo!!!

So I cant imagine now.. WITH A FILLLLLLLL .. having restriction.. and not paying attention to what is going in my mouth.. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN??

Is this what it feels like with Fills? ( IN A SICK TWISTED WAY>> I am kind of excited about what happened to me.. lputting the fear in me to not cheat or not slip and eat wrong... I LOVE IT Tee-heee)

I would love to hear your guys' comments. etc !!

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ohhhh you made me laugh...Only because I had a very similar experience. When you have something stuck in the band....oh the pain...it was so bad.

This happend 3 months ago and I still remember the pain. However....It had made me slow down to eat and chew. Something most obese people don't do.

So I would say "A lesson well learned" as its never happened again.


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I dont think your a true bandster until you get to experience this. HHHHHAAAAAH HEHHEHEHEHEHE LOL LOL (Just teasing.) It's not funny at the time, just afterwards when you look back at all the things you try to do to get the food unstuck. Teri

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I dont think your a true bandster until you get to experience this. HHHHHAAAAAH HEHHEHEHEHEHE LOL LOL (Just teasing.) It's not funny at the time, just afterwards when you look back at all the things you try to do to get the food unstuck. Teri

SO I guess its fair to say this is all normal and only the beginning? IS that what happens when I get a fill?

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This will happen when you get a fill, if you eat too fast, or do not chew enough. Bottom line is...it will happen anytime you eat too fast or don't chew enough! LOL The FEAR FACTOR is what keeps you honest! LOL REmember CHEW CHEW CHEW, small bites, and wait a minute or two in between bites, to make sure you can handle another one!

You've now been initiated into the Bandsters club! LOL


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Congratulations.. on your survival... My first was the third bite of a peanut butter sandwich.. before my fill.. I'm a Parole Officer and have access to a weapon... I just about went to my safe to end the pain.....Although kidding, only partly so.. that first pb was the worst. PB on PB.... I haven't ate white bread since.. and even now only a bite or two of wheat/multigrain toast is all the bread I'll eat...

I don't know how many times I've trried adding water thinking it will help, only to make it worse....Not too smart---here


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Thanks I like the advice.. CHEW CHEW and wait. Guess thats RULE # 1 for fat people to learn!!! I laugh now as I tell the story.. but it was INSANE that pain.

I didnt get any paink killers to take home with me. and few hours after surgery and the anestisia wore off.. I was in pain.. dry heaving .. thats what hurt.. Vomiting and u have fresh insicions.. OUCH!!!!

My surgery went fine. Nothing out of the ordinary and I am low BMI .

Oh well I guess I can call myself a bandster now :)

I AM SO EXCITED FOR A FILL. i have lost anything more than the 10 pounds post op and its been since july 25 :(

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