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:( Someone please help me, I was banded in Aug had my first fill in Oct. and had my first unfill in Jan. everything was going good so I thought and now as of sunday I can't eat again and it's hard to drink water again. I thought maybe my lunch from sunday was stuck because I ate faster then I should have, so I have been on liquids for 3 day's now and like I said even they hurt going down. Dose anyone have any ideas as to what could be going on? Please someone help.


banded 8/26/05


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:(You need to find out what is wrong ASAP! Call Dr Ortiz he will help you. Don't wait! There is no need to put yourself through this stress when help is just a phone call away.

Take care.

  mgewton said:
:(  Someone please help me, I was banded in Aug had my first fill in Oct. and had my first unfill in Jan.  everything was going good so I thought and now as of sunday I can't eat again and it's hard to drink water again.  I thought maybe my lunch from sunday was stuck because I ate faster then I should have, so I have been on liquids for 3 day's now and like I said even they hurt going down.  Dose anyone have any ideas as to what could be going on?  Please someone help.


banded 8/26/05



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Sometimes fills get a little tighter around "that time of the month" for me. Could this be the case? Also, make sure you are not putting in any bites larger than the diameter of a quarter and chewing a minimum of 20 times. Also, is this primarily within 4-5 hours of waking up??? Many bandsters are super tight in the mornings and only warm liquids go down well. I am one that can not eat solids until 4-5 hours after waking up in the morning. After that, I am all good. Also, stress can make the band feel tighter too, the stomach is a muscle. Try to do some relaxation techniques/breathing before trying to eat.

Otherwise, you may need a slight unfill. You can always call the doctors and they will talk with you. But I would imagine they would ask for you to come down and see them again to see if you are too tight.

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Melissa... call Dr. Ortiz right away... he will probably tell you to come down to the office immediately...Dr. Martinez will do a fluoroscopy on you and be able to tell you what's what... the rule is when liquids hurt, its too tight... or if you cant keep liquids or water down something is amiss and if you get it addressed right away, you will be fine... it might just be an overfill.

2 weeks ago today, I had a stomach flu that hd me vomiting a lot, which caused my band to slip...actually, it caused my stomach to come up through the band (my vomiting was pretty intense, like over 200 times in 24 hours) causing a complete obstruction... I couldnt keep water down..l. I called Dr. Ortiz the next morning on his cell and his wife answered and put him on the phone immediately... I told him what was happening and he said to come down immediately (I was already on the road there)... 15 minutes after I got there, Dr. Martinez took me in and unfilled me in a matter of seconds... when we did the fluoroscopy he showed me on the screen how my stomach had bulged and that NONE of the liquid was passing through the band... he said i needed emergency surgery and within less than 2 hours all the doctors were congregated in the OR and I was on the table... Dr. Ortiz said he released the band and was able to reposition it BECAUSE I WENT IN IMMEDITATELY AND DIDNT WAIT, so there was no damage to the stomach... He said sometimes when you wait too long to address a problem, the stomach suffers too mcuh trauma and he cant replace the band immediately... in my case, I was lucky I didnt ignore any symptoms... my friend was able to watch the surgery on the monitor and she told me that my stomach had lost all its color, then once he released the band, the color flushed right back into the stomach, so they could tell it hadn't suffered and was healthy... both Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez kept saying over and over again, that the reason it was a relatively simple procedure was because I addressed it right away...thank goodness I didnt have to have my band removed and wait 3 months to have it put back on... call Dr. Ortiz's office 866-drortiz, and when it says to speak to Dr. Ortiz press 2, it should go to his cell phone... if not, keep trying... you could just be a little overfilled, but MUCH better safe than sorry. Keep us posted.


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