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Banded 08/30... my story


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Hello anyone reading this. I was really scared to go to TJ and get banded but all has been well. Here's my story:

Thursday 08/30 I had my last meal about 12:30 (In & Out burger protein syle). Oh I'd kill for one of those right now... anyhow that's off topic. After work Francisco picked me up (he's wonderful!!!) and drove me to the clinic. I checked in and did my various tests. All tests went well and I was put into a room to wait for my surgery time. I was given something to help me "relax". Well, I relaxed so well that I fell asleep off and on. The next thing I knew I was being taking into the OR. I don't even remember getting anestesia because I was already so sleepy I think I fell asleep on my own once I was brought into the OR. I woke up briefly (I swear I was being stiched still). I tried to ask if they were stitching me because it hurt. I suppose I had something in my mouth because I couldn't speak and everything must have just sounded muffled to the surgeons). It all happened for a moment and I was sleeping again. I woke up in recovery and was able to call my husband and walk around a bit. The next three days were painful off/on. Especially the gas pain. It nearly brought me to tears at times. After day 4 things were about back to normal. Please note, I did NOT use the pain meds. I am nursing my son still and didn't want to prolong nursing any longer. I'm sure I would have been in less pain if I'd taken the meds. Even without them it wasn't too bad and I was able to walk around TJ the next day.

Also, the Lucerna Hotel was way beyond my expectations. The room service was great, the food was great (my hubby says) and the pool is very nice.

I hope my story helps someone out there checking into Dr. Ortiz.

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Hello anyone reading this. I was really scared to go to TJ and get banded but all has been well. Here's my story:

Thursday 08/30 I had my last meal about 12:30 (In & Out burger protein syle). Oh I'd kill for one of those right now... anyhow that's off topic. After work Francisco picked me up (he's wonderful!!!) and drove me to the clinic. I checked in and did my various tests. All tests went well and I was put into a room to wait for my surgery time. I was given something to help me "relax". Well, I relaxed so well that I fell asleep off and on. The next thing I knew I was being taking into the OR. I don't even remember getting anestesia because I was already so sleepy I think I fell asleep on my own once I was brought into the OR. I woke up briefly (I swear I was being stiched still). I tried to ask if they were stitching me because it hurt. I suppose I had something in my mouth because I couldn't speak and everything must have just sounded muffled to the surgeons). It all happened for a moment and I was sleeping again. I woke up in recovery and was able to call my husband and walk around a bit. The next three days were painful off/on. Especially the gas pain. It nearly brought me to tears at times. After day 4 things were about back to normal. Please note, I did NOT use the pain meds. I am nursing my son still and didn't want to prolong nursing any longer. I'm sure I would have been in less pain if I'd taken the meds. Even without them it wasn't too bad and I was able to walk around TJ the next day.

Also, the Lucerna Hotel was way beyond my expectations. The room service was great, the food was great (my hubby says) and the pool is very nice.

I hope my story helps someone out there checking into Dr. Ortiz.

Congrats Emi on your successful experience! Isn't OCC and the Lucerna full of helpful and wonderful people?!

I couldn't believe my eyes when I read that you woke up during surgery also. I did too and it was brief and I haven't told anyone about it or posted about it either. Didn't want to freak anyone out, but it is just a fluke I guess and they are so on top of it that you don't have time to panic or anything like that before they put you out again. I am sure it has something to do with the different kind of anesthesia they use. It makes you wake up alert instead of sooo groggy. I remember waking up and hearing spanish talking and then intense pain in my abdomen and starting to wince from the pain and then the next thing I knew I woke up in my room. Very awake actually and then got up and started walking around and around and so on...LOL My mom took a pic of me as I was still sleeping in my bed and it looked scary so I got rid of it...lol I had a mask on but not sure if it was my CPAP or oxygen.

Thanks for sharing your experience and I am hoping to go back to TJ soon for a fill. Good luck on your weight loss journey.



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I don't think it's the same stuff but it could be a variant if it: When I had my ulcer and they were doing an endoscope (?) they put me in like a "twilight" sleep. I KINDA SORTA knew what was going on, but it was like a dream. Afterwards, I was able to walk out of the hospital on my own in about an hour. After going through other anesthesia, I MUCH prefer this as opposed to the awful groggy feeling I've had for up to a day.

I don't remember anything during my OCC visit but I know I was waking as they were removing the breathing tube.

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Hello anyone reading this. I was really scared to go to TJ and get banded but all has been well. Here's my story:

Thursday 08/30 I had my last meal about 12:30 (In & Out burger protein syle). Oh I'd kill for one of those right now... anyhow that's off topic. After work Francisco picked me up (he's wonderful!!!) and drove me to the clinic. I checked in and did my various tests. All tests went well and I was put into a room to wait for my surgery time. I was given something to help me "relax". Well, I relaxed so well that I fell asleep off and on. The next thing I knew I was being taking into the OR. I don't even remember getting anestesia because I was already so sleepy I think I fell asleep on my own once I was brought into the OR. I woke up briefly (I swear I was being stiched still). I tried to ask if they were stitching me because it hurt. I suppose I had something in my mouth because I couldn't speak and everything must have just sounded muffled to the surgeons). It all happened for a moment and I was sleeping again. I woke up in recovery and was able to call my husband and walk around a bit. The next three days were painful off/on. Especially the gas pain. It nearly brought me to tears at times. After day 4 things were about back to normal. Please note, I did NOT use the pain meds. I am nursing my son still and didn't want to prolong nursing any longer. I'm sure I would have been in less pain if I'd taken the meds. Even without them it wasn't too bad and I was able to walk around TJ the next day.

Also, the Lucerna Hotel was way beyond my expectations. The room service was great, the food was great (my hubby says) and the pool is very nice.

I hope my story helps someone out there checking into Dr. Ortiz.

I just wanted to share my story with all of you,i just had my surgery on sept 17th.My husband came with me which brought me much comfort.I admit i was very nervous about going into mexico and i really didn't know what to expect.Once our driver came to pick us up i felt a bit better.I was excited to get to the hotel and do some shopping and eat some wonderful mexican food since it would be my official last ''big'' meal that i would ever have so i wanted to savor that moment.That nite i couldn't sleep much and i was tossing and turning just thinking about how the surgery would go. I have had several before and i thought this wouldn't be much different.Well the next morning our driver came to get me and he spoke english very well so this helped greatly. I arrived and went to admissions and every one was so nice and then i was taken upstairs to meet with my nurse and have my pre op tests done.This is where my heart started to race and i became nervous.Once that was all done they brought my husband in the room with me and the doctor's met with me and gave me something in my iv to calm my nerves.It helped and i was much better. They took me to the OR and i remember them placing the gas mask and i was out! Now when i awoke,oh gosh my back was KILLING me. I was told about the gas that they fill your stomach with but oh gosh i must admit it hurt and i couldn't wait until they took me to my room so that i could get up and walk! And that's exactly what i did for most of the evening.My poor husband walked and walked with me.It's all that i could do to make me feel no pain. The site where the port is at also hurt me greatly. I must say that i didn't take pain medication either.So please i hope i'm not making anyone afraid of getting the surgery. Everyone handles pain differenty. It's now been seven days and the pain is much better.I just want the swelling to go down.And the hunger pains are awful at times. I've lost six pounds and i was hoping to lose more.I weigh myself each morning and perhaps i shouldn't.I wish all of you well.

With warm regards,Valerie

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Hi All,

I too woke up during surgery! Thought I was the only one. I was in so much pain when I woke up. I couldnt speak due to the oral airway in my mouth, so i started tapping on the bed to get their attention. It worked. Then when i pushed the oral airway to the side, all I could say was "It hurts, It hurts" they told me they were giving me some more medication and I do not remember anything after that. To think I even remember that amazes me. Glad to hear everything went well and you had a good experience in TJ.

Hello anyone reading this. I was really scared to go to TJ and get banded but all has been well. Here's my story:

Thursday 08/30 I had my last meal about 12:30 (In & Out burger protein syle). Oh I'd kill for one of those right now... anyhow that's off topic. After work Francisco picked me up (he's wonderful!!!) and drove me to the clinic. I checked in and did my various tests. All tests went well and I was put into a room to wait for my surgery time. I was given something to help me "relax". Well, I relaxed so well that I fell asleep off and on. The next thing I knew I was being taking into the OR. I don't even remember getting anestesia because I was already so sleepy I think I fell asleep on my own once I was brought into the OR. I woke up briefly (I swear I was being stiched still). I tried to ask if they were stitching me because it hurt. I suppose I had something in my mouth because I couldn't speak and everything must have just sounded muffled to the surgeons). It all happened for a moment and I was sleeping again. I woke up in recovery and was able to call my husband and walk around a bit. The next three days were painful off/on. Especially the gas pain. It nearly brought me to tears at times. After day 4 things were about back to normal. Please note, I did NOT use the pain meds. I am nursing my son still and didn't want to prolong nursing any longer. I'm sure I would have been in less pain if I'd taken the meds. Even without them it wasn't too bad and I was able to walk around TJ the next day.

Also, the Lucerna Hotel was way beyond my expectations. The room service was great, the food was great (my hubby says) and the pool is very nice.

I hope my story helps someone out there checking into Dr. Ortiz.

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